How much does your hair mean to you?


New Member
Hi all!

Reading over some of these threads and watching some youtube vids, I just had to ask "How much does your hair mean to you?"

For me my hair has the same value as my skin, eyes, mouth, etc. in the fact that it needs to be cared for properly. It needs to be washed and stuff but it is not, as one poster said "The center of my universe".

What about you?

I can't even put in to words how some women make hair to be like it some African god or something, almost lie they worship their hair.

Here's an example, when people say putting a perm in your hair is neglecting your true self. And things along those lines.

To me it is just hair.

So, I guess I am asking, in a jumbled up way is, what do you think about hair? Do you think a black woman's hair is her soul prize?

Thanks for any responses in advance.
it's not the center of my universe, but i won't say it's not important to me. if it wasn't, i wouldn't be on hair boards.

the whole natural vs. relaxed thing gets under my skin sometimes. live and let live. Jebus! too many idiots running around trying to re-enact the "Good Hair/Bad Hair" scene from School Daze... :lachen:

i wish more black women would put better care into/take more time to be knowledgable about their tresses. how you choose to maintain and style your hair is not my business or my problem. unless you wanna make it that... cuz we can throw hands you know... :arguing: LOL
I feel that my hair is my crowning glory but if I were to lose it then it doesn't mean I am 'nothing'. To ladies who have lost there beautiful hair due to alopecia and chemotherapy or other imbalances... They are still beautiful which proves that beauty is on the inside and hair in that sense is a characteristic. But since it's growing from my scalp then I need to take care of it as if it is a gift.
My hair is like my baby! I have a daughter and after her and dh; my hair is my third baby. I take good care of it, and try to be gentle to it. And when I don't wanna be bothered with it; which is rare, I just let it be (like in a ponytail or something; which is protective; so that's beneficial for the both of us).

I've never cared for my hair the way I do now. I love my hair cause it brings out the beauty in my face. When my hair broke off bad a few years ago; I cried like I lost my dog. I don't want to go through that again. I've lost my hair too much to not love it and appreciate it so much. I love loving it! And learning from you guys how to take better care of it. we come!!
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I love hair.....But not to the extent as some people....Yes I take care of it the best I know how.....but I'm like that in everything....My health...I'm a work out junkie......

I do everything the best I know how.......I have said b4 don't be shocked if you log on one day and I have chopped it all off and colored it blonde I have done it the past..

Hair is fun......But I have so many things in my life that comes first...

I one of my best friends died Sunday......She was a lurker here.....But at her funeral next week I guarantee you her hair won't be what everyone will talk about....But they will talk about what type of person she was .....And if she made a difference in their lives..

Hair is hair .....Life is life...
Hair is very important to me because it is a part of who I am. The Bible even talks about hair being a woman's crown and glory. Samson had strength in his locs. Now, I'm not saying hair has to be long, but I do think it is a part of what God has blessed us with.

I don't understand it when people say, "It's just hair," because hair, like makeup, your skin, clothes, etc., has a lot to do with how you present yourself to the world. And, let's be real, regardless of how insignificant your looks may be to you, the world judges us everyday based on first impressions and how we look.

I've had women in my family lose their hair to cancer, and I've seen the emotional trauma it causes, because like I said before, hair is a part of how we present ourselves to the world and whether it's short, long, nappy or straight, it's a part of what makes us "us," so I can never say, "Oh, it's just hair."
I love hair.....But not to the extent as some people....Yes I take care of it the best I know how.....but I'm like that in everything....My health...I'm a work out junkie......

I do everything the best I know how.......I have said b4 don't be shocked if you log on one day and I have chopped it all off and colored it blonde I have done it the past..

Hair is fun......But I have so many things in my life that comes first...

I one of my best friends died Sunday......She was a lurker here.....But at her funeral next week I guarantee you her hair won't be what everyone will talk about....But they will talk about what type of person she was .....And if she made a difference in their lives..

Hair is hair .....Life is life...

Sorry to hear about your friend Traycee.

That is why I don't make a huge deal of my hair. I take care of it just like I do the rest of my body, but I am not so into it like others. As you said, there are so many things in life that are more important.

I actually gave up on measuring how much growth, trying to speed up growth, sacrificing the styles I want to wear, etc. Life is just too short to put that much energy into it.
Hi all!

Reading over some of these threads and watching some youtube vids, I just had to ask "How much does your hair mean to you?"

For me my hair has the same value as my skin, eyes, mouth, etc. in the fact that it needs to be cared for properly. It needs to be washed and stuff but it is not, as one poster said "The center of my universe".

What about you?

I can't even put in to words how some women make hair to be like it some African god or something, almost lie they worship their hair.

Here's an example, when people say putting a perm in your hair is neglecting your true self. And things along those lines.

To me it is just hair.

So, I guess I am asking, in a jumbled up way is, what do you think about hair? Do you think a black woman's hair is her soul prize?

Thanks for any responses in advance.

Are you a member of skin, eyes, mouth board? Just kidding:lachen:.

Traycee so sorry about your friend.

My hair is very important to me and I enjoy taking care of it and watching it grow just like my flower garden.
My hair is important to me, but I don't have the same feelings about it as I do other body parts. I didn't respond to hair breakage/loss the same way I would have reacted if I had broken or lost a tooth. I guess, at the end of the day, the condition and appearance of my hair matters, but knowing that it will grow back and can rebound from damage better than other body parts keeps me from going too crazy about it.
Are you a member of skin, eyes, mouth board? Just kidding:lachen:.

Traycee so sorry about your friend.

My hair is very important to me and I enjoy taking care of it and watching it grow just like my flower garden.

You guys knows I feel the same way.....I'm just being sour right now....But I do think the way we care for our hair ...we should spend the same amount of time taking care of our health and spirituality......

Big Hugs ..HoneyDew
Are you a member of skin, eyes, mouth board? Just kidding:lachen:.

Traycee so sorry about your friend.

My hair is very important to me and I enjoy taking care of it and watching it grow just like my flower garden.

That's a good description of my feelings too. :)
For people who say it's only hair, then why are you here?
If hair wasn't important, then why read the posts and watch the vids?
If it isn't something that I place a value on to some extent or think it is important, you won't see me there.
Hair isn't the be all to end all but at the same time, it is what people see.
BTW...putting a perm in your head is denying your true self
For people who say it's only hair, then why are you here?
If hair wasn't important, then why read the posts and watch the vids?
If it isn't something that I place a value on to some extent or think it is important, you won't see me there.
Hair isn't the be all to end all but at the same time, it is what people see.
BTW...putting a perm in your head is denying your true self

You are so right :thumbsup:, and this is an extension of what I was trying to say in my previous post.

I think the question of whether or not hair is important to women can easily be answered by checking the numbers: Hair is a multi-billion dollar industry, so obviously it's important to somebody :)!

The reason why I love this board so much is that it has taught us black women to be proud of our hair and learn how to love it. Even though it's called the "Long hair care forum," I never felt like we were saying that everyone's hair has to be long, but simply that everyone's hair can be long if we so choose. We as black women spend soooo much money getting our hair weaved up and tied up that many of us neglect what's underneath. We make other cultures rich by not thinking that our own, God-given hair is important.

Yes, hair isn't the end-all, be-all, but it is a part of the "all" :).
My hair isn't the center of my universe, but it's up there. I certainly put more thought, money, effort and time into my hair than my skin, nose, and mouth.
For people who say it's only hair, then why are you here?
If hair wasn't important, then why read the posts and watch the vids?
If it isn't something that I place a value on to some extent or think it is important, you won't see me there.
Hair isn't the be all to end all but at the same time, it is what people see.
BTW...putting a perm in your head is denying your true self

I understand that in order to have healthy hair I need to research it out hence how I found this board (well I found this board indirectly from another website that referenced LHCF). I only wished that I found this board before relaxing my daughters hair x amount of years ago. Then I would have never put a chemical in her hair. I didn't get relaxed until I was 16 years old and it's taken me all these years to figure out that I don't have to have a relaxer...and then I accept what is growing for my scalp and consider it just beautiful! I still have to care for it!

When we have priorities in life, yes we should take care of our hair as its part of our hygiene but as I stated in my earlier post.. life happens (chemo, alopecia etc...) and when it comes to that.. then hair health is compromised. This is all my opinion too.
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You guys knows I feel the same way.....I'm just being sour right now....But I do think the way we care for our hair ...we should spend the same amount of time taking care of our health and spirituality......

I agree. :yep:
You are so right :thumbsup:, and this is an extension of what I was trying to say in my previous post.

I think the question of whether or not hair is important to women can easily be answered by checking the numbers: Hair is a multi-billion dollar industry, so obviously it's important to somebody :)!

The reason why I love this board so much is that it has taught us black women to be proud of our hair and learn how to love it. Even though it's called the "Long hair care forum," I never felt like we were saying that everyone's hair has to be long, but simply that everyone's hair can be long if we so choose. We as black women spend soooo much money getting our hair weaved up and tied up that many of us neglect what's underneath. We make other cultures rich by not thinking that our own, God-given hair is important.

Yes, hair isn't the end-all, be-all, but it is a part of the "all" :).

^^:yep: What she said :yep:
Of course my hair is important to me, if it wasn't I wouldn't be a part of LHCF! However, it's not the "center of my universe". I have many things that are more important than my hair like my health, my family, friends, job etc. I believe women in general have a special bond with their hair because it is a symbol of femininity and beauty from all parts of the world. I have yet to meet a woman that does not want people to believe she is attractive. Whether short or long, hair is used to express the kind of person you are. Even though there are some people that don't, most base their opinions about your personality by the way you look.
Oh goodness, hair is up their! I am inclined to say I may have a hair fetish. Long hair, short hair, natural hair, relaxed hair! I am just in amazement with it. I just recently started taking better care of my hair, and growing it out.
I care more about hair flattering me, then what looks great on everyone else. So these years, I have been obssesed with it. But, now that I am just going with the flow, I take care of it like anything I take care of on my body. I just want what works for me!
But, I do agree with abouve statements that I need better care of my mind and soul!
My hair isn't the center of my universe, but it's up there. I certainly put more thought, money, effort and time into my hair than my skin, nose, and mouth.

I wish I could say that, but since I have acne-prone skin and cavity-prone teeth, I think I pretty much break even. ;) I would say that I put more effort into my hair only because I can improve upon that myself. When it comes to the other stuff, the doctor/dentist does all the work and I just have to maintain it. :)
i love my hair.i talk to my gives off an energy i believe!!!!!!!!!!!!!my hair is my crown and glory.i try to encourage everyone,no matter the hair length,take pride in your hair.:rolleyes:
Thanks for the replies!

Of course we care about or hair, that's why we are on LHCF! The point I was making and asking about was how some women refer to it as their "womanhood" or something.

I like my hair and strive to take care of my hair but I don't put it above any other part of my body. Not saying people worship their hair, but some people are WWWAAAAYYYY to into hair, their hair and other peoples hair as well.

I guess my hair isn't some symbol of me or who I am, it is just hair. It doesn't represent my views or way of life, one bit. It is simply my hair and as a part of my body it needs to be taken care of.

I think we should take care of our hair, but it shouldn't be to the point where if it fell out we would be sunk into a depression.

This all just my opinion of course, not bashing or upset, just conversing.
also,hair has been an issue for centries!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!so it must mean know what else i believe,i believe..................and it may sound funy.i believe that black hair can grow just as long as other races.but we just gota find a way to keep it from breaking off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i love my hair.i talk to my gives off an energy i believe!!!!!!!!!!!!!my hair is my crown and glory.i try to encourage everyone,no matter the hair length,take pride in your hair.:rolleyes:

I take care pf my hair and make sure it is healthy and thriving, but to say my hair does al that stuff you said to me is crazy! Not calling you crazy or anything, just to me it ain't that serious.

But I do thank you for your input.

I just think with so much problems women have with attitudes, humbleness and modesty, hair should be the last thing we have high on our agendas in teaching others. We need to learn how to take car eof it don't get me wrong, but we do have such bigger fish to fry.
I take care pf my hair and make sure it is healthy and thriving, but to say my hair does al that stuff you said to me is crazy! Not calling you crazy or anything, just to me it ain't that serious.

But I do thank you for your input.

I just think with so much problems women have with attitudes, humbleness and modesty, hair should be the last thing we have high on our agendas in teaching others. We need to learn how to take car eof it don't get me wrong, but we do have such bigger fish to fry.

To answer the question, yes, hair is important to me. It's part of my self-image and haircare is a beauty ritual shared by women all over the world. To some extent, I think it's part of my birthright as a woman. Within reason, I don't think it's necessary to explain or downplay it to others.

And teaching others haircare maybe shouldn't be the first thing on our agenda, but it's important. IMO, lack of knowledge/teaching about our hair is the reason why black haircare is a billion dollar industry. It hurts us and makes others rich at our expense.
My hair is extremely important to me. Hair in general has always intrigued me, even when I was a little girl I knew that there was something special about hair.

My once hair hobby has turned into a lifestyle, which will probably turn into a career. Life is short, so I believe that everyone should do what makes them happy. If caring for and loving your hair makes you happy...then i say go for it!

I'm extremely passionate about my hair, but that's not to say I am not passionate about my family, friends and growth (mentally, spiritually and professionally)!

And honestly, If I lost all of my hair I would be depressed (for a minute), however, I know I would bounce back...but it would hurt! It's that serious to me!
For people who say it's only hair, then why are you here?
If hair wasn't important, then why read the posts and watch the vids?
If it isn't something that I place a value on to some extent or think it is important, you won't see me there.
Hair isn't the be all to end all but at the same time, it is what people see.
BTW...putting a perm in your head is denying your true self

PLEASE!!!!!!:rolleyes::spinning: SMDH!!!!!
I can live without my hair certainly and I'd be upset if something drastic happened to it. If I had to choose between my hair and my health I'd certainly pick my health. Hair is nice but I can live without it. With that said it is important to me I don't want to do without it but if I had to I would.