How much does your hair mean to you?

You guys knows I feel the same way.....I'm just being sour right now....But I do think the way we care for our hair ...we should spend the same amount of time taking care of our health and spirituality......

Big Hugs ..HoneyDew

I definitely agree with you and was just thinking this about myself the other day...

Hair to me is important, it is a part of outwards beauty and truly affects an individuals, in particular, a womans (regardless of ethnicity) confidence. But lately I've been thinking about my own obsession with hair and in my recent quest for long hair, I think I've become more vain and focused on superficial things and neglecting spiritual matters,.

I used to just chop off my hair on a whim, now I get paranoid if I take a nap without wearing a scarf. If I can cowash/DC/research hair techniques for hours,spend $ on new products, then I should be spending at least the same amount of time and money on more important things in life, developing good character instead of a good regimine.

Hair is fun and lovely, but it's a crime when it becomes an obsession.
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To answer the question, yes, hair is important to me. It's part of my self-image and haircare is a beauty ritual shared by women all over the world. To some extent, I think it's part of my birthright as a woman. Within reason, I don't think it's necessary to explain or downplay it to others.

And teaching others haircare maybe shouldn't be the first thing on our agenda, but it's important. IMO, lack of knowledge/teaching about our hair is the reason why black haircare is a billion dollar industry. It hurts us and makes others rich at our expense.

I take care pf my hair and make sure it is healthy and thriving, but to say my hair does al that stuff you said to me is crazy! Not calling you crazy or anything, just to me it ain't that serious.

But I do thank you for your input.

I just think with so much problems women have with attitudes, humbleness and modesty, hair should be the last thing we have high on our agendas in teaching others. We need to learn how to take car eof it don't get me wrong, but we do have such bigger fish to fry.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, I guess.
What interests you won't interest someone else and vice versa.
However I will end this by saying that our hair identifies who we are and if it ain't that serious to you then...:rolleyes:
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, I guess.
What interests you won't interest someone else and vice versa.
However I will end this by saying that our hair identifies who we are and if it ain't that serious to you then...:rolleyes:

So if God forbid something happened (ex chemo) and you lost all your hair then what does that make you/how would you identify yourself?
I do like my hair and felt I could do without it. However, there are women who really need it, or love to have it. That is just them, and everyone has different takes on hair. It's just when some people get arrogant in thinking that they are 'better', because of their hair, whether long, short, blonde, brunette, natural, or relaxed, then it becomes something different. But, appreciating difference and what you have, is fine!
I love my hair now that I'm natural and it is important to me but I really don't think it's as serious as some folks make it out to be. Women not working out cuz they don't wanna mess up their do.:nono:

I've been hairless by choice before and I loved every minute of it. Once I reach my goal of SL unstretched, I'll probably shave it off again.
Well, it is "just hair". however, i believe hair, like any part of your body, if you work hard at it and it makes you feel good (6 pack, great skin, etc.), why not be proud. I love my hair, and my love for my hair when i realized that its my texture and maintenance that makes it beautiful
My hair means a lot to me, just taking care of my body and having clear skin means a lot to me. I love to take care of my hair because it is important to me. It always kills me when people say "it's just hair." well Not to me. This is not a game to me. I am serious about my hair. I am doing all I can to get it to grow healthy and long. Maybe in 30 years, I'll be all nonchalant about it, but for now I do care about it a lot and Im not ashamed of that. I wouldn't say my world revolves around my hair and haircare but they are sure enough a big part of my world at this time. I definitely give time & respect to my other priorities, but at this time in my life I am on a mission involving my hair and that's the way it is.
I take care pf my hair and make sure it is healthy and thriving, but to say my hair does al that stuff you said to me is crazy! Not calling you crazy or anything, just to me it ain't that serious.

But I do thank you for your input.

I just think with so much problems women have with attitudes, humbleness and modesty, hair should be the last thing we have high on our agendas in teaching others. We need to learn how to take car eof it don't get me wrong, but we do have such bigger fish to fry.

I'll give you this- All women (regardless of race) would probably be in a lot better health if they put as much emphasis on the inside as they do the outside. There's a commercial for some food (I can't remember if it was "heart healthy" orange juice or breakfast cereal), but they were talking about how women would look if they took care of their hair as they did their heart. Of course, everyone in the commercial had MAJOR "bed head". ;)

Don't get me wrong, I'm not going to act like I don't pay any attention to my hair (I am a subscriber to a hair care forum after all :)), but I definitely make sure that parts of my body which are out of sight are not out of mind.
For the first time in my life I feel as if I have control over the length and overall health of my hair. And because of that, I'm in a different phase of my hair life.

Before LHCF, I enjoyed hair but silently was giving up on it admiring others. Now, I found a new sense of passion not only for my hair but also by extension for anything that is naturally part of me like my skin, nails, teeth and overall health. I've also discovered some hidden talents as a result of this new passion like sales skills. I have so many people trying stuff it's hilarious and so much fun! In fact, I'm so fascinated by it, that I want to pursue a career in this beauty/cosmetic/hair care industry.

Anyway, because of my new understanding of hair care I feel more hopeful.
I now really cherish the meaning of hair being a womans crown and glory. I see how it can either tear a womans look down or build her up to something great, it's amazing actually. I have always experimented with different hairstyles for as long as I can remember, but I was never concerned about my hair the way I am now. I never took my time with it or worried about what heat did to it etc... After learning about Dominican's about 5 years ago, that all changed and then after finding this board I knew that I could never go back to careless handling of my hair. So my hair has become extremely personal at this point.
I love hair.....But not to the extent as some people....Yes I take care of it the best I know how.....but I'm like that in everything....My health...I'm a work out junkie......

I do everything the best I know how.......I have said b4 don't be shocked if you log on one day and I have chopped it all off and colored it blonde I have done it the past..

Hair is fun......But I have so many things in my life that comes first...

I one of my best friends died Sunday......She was a lurker here.....But at her funeral next week I guarantee you her hair won't be what everyone will talk about....But they will talk about what type of person she was .....And if she made a difference in their lives..

Hair is hair .....Life is life...

I'm sorry about your loss Traycee. I totally agree with everything you said. For me, I'd like to grow my hair out to waist length just to show myself that it IS possible. I have been told my whole life that my hair would never grow past my neck and that didn't sit well with me. It didn't make sense to me why black people would be the only ones who couldn't achieve long hair lengths. This is why hair is important to me, I need to defy the myth! But once I make it to waist length, who knows what will happen LOL! I'm liable to do something extremely crazy!
To me, hair is mainly an accessory. It is not as important as my sensory or internal organs.

I like for it to look good - to help ME look and feel my best. S really, it's mine to play with as I see fit. In the past I have cut it all off whenever I felt like it - just would stand in front of the mirror with a pair of scissors and go snip snip. There was a sense of freedom and a new start in doing that. Whenever I felt stale and tired of my life as it was, that was my go-to action - my hair is the only part of myself I can chop off and start afresh - I couldn't do that with my head.

That's not to say that hair is not important, especially in a collective cultural context. OP said she disagreed with people saying that getting a perm is neglecting your true self. I agree that that is an overstatement. But I do feel that the fact that so many Black women see straightened hair as the ONLY or DEFAULT choice for us is indicative of a collective devaluing of African features. As for me, I love my hair natural, love it straight, and will go back and forth between them as the mood strikes me.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, I guess.
What interests you won't interest someone else and vice versa.
However I will end this by saying that our hair identifies who we are and if it ain't that serious to you then...:rolleyes:

Please if all of on this board listened to your advice from the looks of this thread it would be half empty.

Like I said I take care fo my hair, but it does not represent me or who I am. How can hair show my morals and values? It can't. To me it is just hair. It needs to be taken care of, but their are more important things to worry about such as spirituality and such, like 2 other posters stated.

I would hate to see you if someone took some scissors to you in the middle of the night.
Please if all of on this board listened to your advice from the looks of this thread it would be half empty.

Like I said I take care fo my hair, but it does not represent me or who I am. How can hair show my morals and values? It can't. To me it is just hair. It needs to be taken care of, but their are more important things to worry about such as spirituality and such, like 2 other posters stated.

I would hate to see you if someone took some scissors to you in the middle of the night.

WTF, u just don't get it and never will :rolleyes:
If people listened to u, well...I feel sorry for them because you aren't adding nothing substantial or of value except "it ain't that serious" :blah:
Nor am I asking people to listen to what I am saying cuz people are going to do and think what they will.
Hair is not the be all to end all as I am sure I have said, but it IS a part. If it ain't that serious, shave it all off then.
And OF COURSE hair doesn't represent someone's morals and values...R U kidding me? :blah:
But it does for some.
Oh and BTW, I have had some of my hair fall out due to a medical condition...and again, it grows back but I didn't sit around crying over it as you may think I would if someone cut my hair off in the middle of the nite.
WTF, u just don't get it and never will :rolleyes:
If people listened to u, well...I feel sorry for them because you aren't adding nothing substantial or of value except "it ain't that serious" :blah:
Nor am I asking people to listen to what I am saying cuz people are going to do and think what they will.
Hair is not the be all to end all as I am sure I have said, but it IS a part. If it ain't that serious, shave it all off then.
And OF COURSE hair doesn't represent someone's morals and values...R U kidding me? :blah:
But it does for some.
Oh and BTW, I have had some of my hair fall out due to a medical condition...and again, it grows back but I didn't sit around crying over it as you may think I would if someone cut my hair off in the middle of the nite.

Calm down it is not that deep. Please calm down. Do you worship your hair? No, okay then why are you so offended?

You your have your opinion and I have mine, don't get your panties in a bunch. If I don't get what your saying be a grown woman and explain it again or differently, this is a discussion so help me to understand if I am reading it wrong.
What happened to this thread ????? How did things go so south???? Why can't we agree to disagree ?

Things have been really negative around here lately....:nono:

Almost like you need to walk on eggs shells...........We all need to stop taking things so personal.....

Voice our opinions ....and take the advice we want....Leave the advice we don't want .....
What happened to this thread ????? How did things go so south???? Why can't we agree to disagree ?

Things have been really negative around here lately....:nono:

Almost like you need to walk on eggs shells...........We all need to stop taking things so personal.....

Voice our opinions ....and take the advice we want....Leave the advice we don't want .....

RIGHT! And we need to stop transposing our own personal hair issues on everyone else. Just because you were relaxing for self esteem reasons doens't mean everyone else is doing for the reason. Do you and let everyone else do them.
What happened to this thread ????? How did things go so south???? Why can't we agree to disagree ?

Things have been really negative around here lately....:nono:

Almost like you need to walk on eggs shells...........We all need to stop taking things so personal.....

Voice our opinions ....and take the advice we want....Leave the advice we don't want .....

People are starting to get ugly? :ohwell: It's hard to establish a tone over the internet or to judge the spirit in which someone meant their comment. Because of that, I guess some folks are taking other people's remarks the wrong way. I guess I didn't notice the tension because I know (or at least feel) that most people on this forum don't mean any harm.

Honestly, I think the OP is making a good point with this thread and made it clear (IMO) that she's not knocking anyone's personal viewpoints or routines (even though her personal opinion may differ). She's just making conversation. :)
My hair is important to me and it shows. When I cared nothing for or about it that showed too:nono:

I don't care about anybody's hair but the people and animals in my home:lachen:...that's more than enough for me. IS only hair. My hair.

Play nicely ladies. :drunk:
What happened to this thread ????? How did things go so south???? Why can't we agree to disagree ?

Things have been really negative around here lately....:nono:

Almost like you need to walk on eggs shells...........We all need to stop taking things so personal.....

Voice our opinions ....and take the advice we want....Leave the advice we don't want .....

That's my point, why is hair such a HOT issue? I mean you would think people could talk about it without all the craziness, but it has been proven that can't be done.

People take hair WWWAAAYYY to seriously especially if it makes you act out on a message board about it or say it's the bane of a black woman's existence.

We honestly should be this passionate about other things, as you stated morals, values, and Spirituality. With all the STD's and ill health so many people have, hair should be a light hearted convo, IMO.

Not knockign anyone or anything but 1 in 4 teens in America has an STD. And we are talking about how perms are so bad on a child's self-esteem? I seriously think so many people's (including me) are so mixed up. But then again that wasn't exactly the point of this thread, just something I thought about while reading the responses.
Taking care of the health of my hair is an importance to me just like skin, body and mind. However, keeping healthy hair regardless of length and texture (perm/natural) is more important to me than achieving "waist length" hair. I am fine with shorter hair if it is indeed healthy.

On another note, if my skin is horrible and hair is flawless I don't feel whole.

If my skin is flawless and mentally I am stress I do not feel whole.

If I am not stress, but my hair is breaking I do not feel whole.

All of these work together and must be balanced in my life
Calm down it is not that deep. Please calm down. Do you worship your hair? No, okay then why are you so offended?

You your have your opinion and I have mine, don't get your panties in a bunch. If I don't get what your saying be a grown woman and explain it again or differently, this is a discussion so help me to understand if I am reading it wrong.

I hope this damn thread gets closed :wallbash:
That's my point, why is hair such a HOT issue? I mean you would think people could talk about it without all the craziness, but it has been proven that can't be done.

People take hair WWWAAAYYY to seriously especially if it makes you act out on a message board about it or say it's the bane of a black woman's existence.

We honestly should be this passionate about other things, as you stated morals, values, and Spirituality. With all the STD's and ill health so many people have, hair should be a light hearted convo, IMO.

Not knockign anyone or anything but 1 in 4 teens in America has an STD. And we are talking about how perms are so bad on a child's self-esteem? I seriously think so many people's (including me) are so mixed up. But then again that wasn't exactly the point of this thread, just something I thought about while reading the responses.

I strongly understand where you are coming from. Some are very obsessed with hair to the point if they are not mid-back length (which is long to me), its depressing for them. I do not understand this thinking,

However this is a voluntary hair board and I do respect the members and also admire and celebrate the women who have acheive their goals. It is a beautiful thing when some have had unhealthy hair all their lives and have learned new ways to take care of their hair. I know I am one of those women.
My hair is important to me and it shows. When I cared nothing for or about it that showed too:nono:

I don't care about anybody's hair but the people and animals in my home:lachen:...that's more than enough for me. IS only hair. My hair.

Play nicely ladies. :drunk:

As an animal lover, I can't help but get a kick out of the bolded statement! :drunk: