How much does your hair mean to you?

LOL @'re funny...

Anywho...this is a good thread.
I'd think this was the place to discuss hair without ppl looking at you like you're crazy. But guess not...:ohwell:
Some ppl may seem to be overly preoccupied with their hair but that doesn't mean they don't place as much value in other things/qualities.
Some ppl may seem a certain way to me too--but I don't know them so what the hell does my opinion matter? LOL Maybe ya'll know each other outside of the boards but I'm not privy to this insider info because I only have the internet for my point of reference. So for
me to suggest that some of the 'obsessed ones' are vapid-like airheads who place little value in other qualities and worship their hair like some deity is quite a leap in assumption-making. But....that's just me?

How do I feel about hair?
Well I take pride in my hair because I take pride in my outer appearance: Face, skin, complexion, weight-management...and hair. :yep:
My hair is my crown; My face is my canvass!I like to look good; I like my hair to look good.
Of course I value other attributes, i.e. character, etc... I have other interests. I know that there are more important things in life to devote energy towards.
For instance,
I do volunteer work with the homeless and I'm very passionate about that. I'm an Air Force vet and National Guardsman and I'm passionate about that.
But---do I expect ya'll to know that? No. Why would ya'll? There's no reason for it to come up. I don't really discuss 'important' issues too often.

....cause I just came to LCHF to talk about hair...:grin:
Simple as THAT! (lol)
I didn't join a hair forum discuss morality and freakin....'metaphysics' or get wound up about politics and social issues. And you'll hardly see me discussing these issues in depth either because:
1. :grin: I don't have time for 'e-beefs'! This ain't directed at anyone but as far as I'm concerned a few up in here....(lol) my GOD---get way to fired up. It'd be best if they just too an 'e-break' until they developed thicker skin because they are WAYYY to sensitive for forum talk. Personalizing everything. Going back and forth in endless debate. :deadhorse:
I'm envious. I WISH I had that kind of energy!
If I may illustrate a point, it's similar to the way the OP feels concerning hair.
I mean if you believe that 'hair is hair'. That 'hair does not define you' and attach no importance to relaxing hair---then what's the point of my continuously trying to impress upon you that hair is alive and 'relaxing hair' equals a total denial of self and blackness?:wallbash:

What's really being debated? Who is right?

....and in actuality there IS no debate to be had here in the first place! There's no real way to disprove one opinion over the other in this sense. We're working with core beliefs. Doesn't matter how 'right' you are--it usually takes more than some rabid internet debate to execute a paradigm shift (in mindset). In short, this is where you agree to disagree..

But I digress....:grin:

I see some are a little annoyed with the topic and I understand that but I don't think ppl should allow things like this to bug them in the least. I'm what? It doesn't bother me because ppl will form opinions, regardless. That's just life. But
the way I look at it ppl (on this site) are multifaceted.
We're only seeing ONE side.
But....that's just my take on the issue...:ohwell:

So whatever....
(Personally I never really thought anyone stuck out or...thought of any one person on LCHF as hair obsessed--I was under the impression that we all were! :grin:)

LOL @'re funny...

Anywho...this is a good thread.
I'd think this was the place to discuss hair without ppl looking at you like you're crazy. But guess not...:ohwell:
Some ppl may seem to be overly preoccupied with their hair but that doesn't mean they don't place as much value in other things/qualities.
Some ppl may seem a certain way to me too--but I don't know them so what the hell does my opinion matter? LOL Maybe ya'll know each other outside of the boards but I'm not privy to this insider info because I only have the internet for my point of reference. So for me to suggest that some of the 'obsessed ones' are vapid-like airheads who place little value in other qualities and worship their hair like some deity is quite a leap in assumption-making. But....that's just me?

How do I feel about hair?
Well I take pride in my hair because I take pride in my outer appearance: Face, skin, complexion, weight-management...and hair. :yep: My hair is my crown; My face is my canvass!I like to look good; I like my hair to look good.
Of course I value other attributes, i.e. character, etc... I have other interests. I know that there are more important things in life to devote energy towards.
For instance,
I do volunteer work with the homeless and I'm very passionate about that. I'm an Air Force vet and National Guardsman and I'm passionate about that.
But---do I expect ya'll to know that? No. Why would ya'll? There's no reason for it to come up. I don't really discuss 'important' issues too often.

....cause I just came to LCHF to talk about hair...:grin:
Simple as THAT! (lol)
I didn't join a hair forum discuss morality and freakin....'metaphysics' or get wound up about politics and social issues. And you'll hardly see me discussing these issues in depth either because:
1. :grin: I don't have time for 'e-beefs'! This ain't directed at anyone but as far as I'm concerned a few up in here....(lol) my GOD---get way to fired up. It'd be best if they just too an 'e-break' until they developed thicker skin because they are WAYYY to sensitive for forum talk. Personalizing everything. Going back and forth in endless debate. :deadhorse:
I'm envious. I WISH I had that kind of energy!
If I may illustrate a point, it's similar to the way the OP feels concerning hair.
I mean if you believe that 'hair is hair'. That 'hair does not define you' and attach no importance to relaxing hair---then what's the point of my continuously trying to impress upon you that hair is alive and 'relaxing hair' equals a total denial of self and blackness?:wallbash:

What's really being debated? Who is right?
....and in actuality there IS no debate to be had here in the first place! There's no real way to disprove one opinion over the other in this sense. We're working with core beliefs. Doesn't matter how 'right' you are--it usually takes more than some rabid internet debate to execute a paradigm shift (in mindset). In short, this is where you agree to disagree..

But I digress....:grin:

I see some are a little annoyed with the topic and I understand that but I don't think ppl should allow things like this to bug them in the least. I'm what? It doesn't bother me because ppl will form opinions, regardless. That's just life. But the way I look at it ppl (on this site) are multifaceted.
We're only seeing ONE side.
But....that's just my take on the issue...:ohwell:
So whatever....
(Personally I never really thought anyone stuck out or...thought of any one person on LCHF as hair obsessed--I was under the impression that we all were! :grin:)

you have made some wonderful points.
Hair is important, but probably the least important. I would trade my long hair for perfect skin and -50lbs.