How much do you love your DH/SO???


New Member
I just love this man so much it is crazy. I am not obsessed just in love with my best friend. He can get on my nerves but that is normal we have a connection and bond that goes beyond everything. We have been married for 5 months and together for 4 years and I look forward to being with him forever.
It is just good to be in love and I feel the need to share this. Sorry to be all sappy.
I love my SO. We haven't reached the "deep love/connection" stage yet but he just makes me so happy! Whenever I talk to him I always walk away with this huge smile on my face. He's so goofy and silly and fun to be around. I love being with him! He's my second boyfriend and I'm constantly surprised and it's like, "Wow, /this/ is what I was missing?"

Being with him just feels so clean/pure compared to everything else going on in my life. No drama! Yay!
I love my SO sooooooo much! Dude is a hand full and requires a lil' patience so do I. We're so different but yet a lot alike. I'm his 1st love and although we still have work to do we have the piece that counts the most unwavering love :grin:
Aw come on. We all have days when we just want to talk about how amazing SO/DH is! Where are the responses ladies? :grin:
:heart2:My Best Friend and I love him like it was my last day on earth. And when we are apart it feels so wrong, could not imagine not falling asleep and not waking up next to each other. He takes the time to ask me how was my day. he holds my hand out to dinner with our kids at the table lol. He loves me for who I am and I could and would not ask for anything else.
What a great thread!

I love my DH so much! I'm so grateful to have found my perfect match. There is no greater joy than to see his smile.
I just love this man so much it is crazy. I am not obsessed just in love with my best friend. He can get on my nerves but that is normal we have a connection and bond that goes beyond everything. We have been married for 5 months and together for 4 years and I look forward to being with him forever.
It is just good to be in love and I feel the need to share this. Sorry to be all sappy.
I have to hold myself back from talking nonstop about my husband. We have been together for almost 9 years and I adore him :love:

He is such a great guy even when he gets on my nerves the good always outweighs the bad. He takes his role as a husband very seriously...I have said it before but he is always on his A-game:kiss:
It is wonderful to see a thread that encourages such a positive expression toward men. So often you hear just the opposite. With that said, I love my husband so much that I think words are inadequate to express it. He is my absolute best friend.
I have been with SO for 4 years this year and he is my best friend. I can be sensitive, strong, mean, weak and he still loves me. We have had MANY ups and downs but how we have pulled through them, is what makes me love him more. Its funny because we are polar opposites, yin and yang even, but yet so prefect for each other. Most importantly we connect on a level spirtually, emotionally and physically that I could have only dreamed of.

I can't wait to change my last name to his.
i just wanted to come in and grumble because i'm single right now :lachen:
you ladies are lucky to be in happy relationships :yep:
I love him a lot. Some days my job can be really stressful, and being able to come home to my hubby makes everything so much better.
I love him so................
Before him I did not know that-
There would be a man out there that would not be threatened by my strength
and support me through college, in so many ways
His needs were not met because of studying
Yet still he never gave me reasons to doubt him
I brought so much anger and grief into our relationship
From past hurts and pain
Told him every month during bad bouts of pmt
it was over
Thank God he never took me seriously
Always said he is not going anywhere
Been by my side 9 years
Sometimes he does get on my last nerve though
But I love him
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