How much biotin is too much


Well-Known Member
I am taking biotin 5000
In my hair, skin, and nails vitamins it has 3000
and in my regular vitamins it has 80
im going to stop one i dont know which one but i think im going to have to find a regular vitamin that does not have biotin in it
I think everyone has thier own thresholds. Biotion is water soluble so you can't really overdose, but some people stop taking it, or reduce the amount they are taking because of breakouts. I was taking a 5000mcg supplement, plus my hair supplement which contains 2000mcg, which was way to much for me and turned my skin upside down. Now I am just taking the hair supplement daily, and maybe take the 5000mcg once a week.
^^^ Same here. I was taking the 5000mcg and that had my skin out of wack. I stopped taking it and only take my daily multi-vitamin now. I'm eventually going to incorporate the 5000mcg vitamin again but may only take it once or twice a week. And on those days I may or may not take my daily vitamin. I also have to increase my water intake too. I've been slipping lately.