
New Member
okay, well I just started taking biotin about a week ago. the dosage is 5000 mcg. I am also taking Vitamin B complex, it also has biotin in it. I didn't realize the b complex had biotin until I received the bottle in the mail. I am drinking plenty of water. Should I just leave the biotin alone, or is this something my body just has to adjust to?
Leave the biotin alone. After 27 years of clear skin I just discovered that the last ten years of my acne were caused by the biotin I've been taking religiously. So if its causing your acne your body will probably never tolerate it well. When I started on 5000mcg my acne turned cystic. Now I take a B-complex and a pre-natal, niether of which has biotin. Once my face is completely clear I MAY try a low dose, like 300mcg and go from there.
yeah I think Im just gonna leave it alone. My vitamin B complex only has 50 mcg of biotin in it so I should be fine.
Why don't you ease into it? like why don't you take a lower dosage and move higher? for example, take you B complex for now and in two weeks take you b complex AND take like, half a pill of biotin... or you can buy a new bottle w a new dosage. But I'm cheap and would pob not throw the unused vitamins away..
Drinking water and taking a b-complex supplement should balance out the effects of the biotin. Do you drink 8-10 glasses of water a day?

I stopped taking it about a little over a month ago when I realized it really wasn't doing anything for me. I did notice stronger nails, but that can be achieved with a change in diet.
Ive used the equate biotin w/o any problems before im talking about years that my hormones are going rollercoaster and since ive been taking GNC biotin my face looks like OATMEAL...I stopped using it and my face is slowly but surely recovering. Thank God.
As the Unofficial and Self Proclaimed Biotin pusher, you need to incorporate Vitamin C into your regimen. I took 3000mcg once from my usual 1000mcg and played connect the dots with my face.

I just upped that dosage to now 3000mcg with my Vitamin C and my hair is tingly all over with NO BUMPS!

Plus with Vitamin C, you can keep the flu at bay!!!

Good luck and keep us updated. Biotin did wonders for my hair! (and nails)
thanks ladies. I think I'm going to let go of the biotin until I get some Vitamin C and also a lower dosage of biotin. I think 5000 mcg is way too much to start of with also with the biotin being in my vitamin B, I think I'm over doing it.
Drinking water and taking a b-complex supplement should balance out the effects of the biotin. Do you drink 8-10 glasses of water a day?

I stopped taking it about a little over a month ago when I realized it really wasn't doing anything for me. I did notice stronger nails, but that can be achieved with a change in diet.
I drink at least four bottles of water a day.
Why don't you ease into it? like why don't you take a lower dosage and move higher? for example, take you B complex for now and in two weeks take you b complex AND take like, half a pill of biotin... or you can buy a new bottle w a new dosage. But I'm cheap and would pob not throw the unused vitamins away..
yes, this is exactly what I'm going to do. At least until my face clears up. Thanks!
Yeah I was adding the biotin to my shake, and it tore my face up! I didn't even know that it was the biotin until I read on here that some ladies were breaking out. After that I immediately stopped. It took about 2 weeks and use of flaxseed oil to clear and smooth my skin back out. I'm suppose to be mailing it to someone, cause I don't even want to see it.
This is interesting because Biotin tore me up too until I added B Complex. I take about 1000 mcg Biotin plus the B complex and my complexion cleared right up immediately. I don't get the extra vitamin C, but I would try that if I were you because I like the Biotin results.
I drink at least four bottles of water a day.

What size are these water bottles? When taking vitamins you have to drink even more water than you would without to properly flush them out of your system. Trust me I learned about that. I would say add another two bottles.
16.9 oz............

Yes definitely drink more bottles. For the average person you're supposed to drink half your body weight in ounces. I think its better to add an additional 16-32 if you take vitamins or are active. You just want to get a good flush out of everything too. Plus there are other benefits too.
In my experience, your body won't adjust, it's just a unnatural amount of biotin and you will continue to break out. Many of the members on here, including myself, have had to stop taking biotin because of the negative effects it had on their skin.
Yes definitely drink more bottles. For the average person you're supposed to drink half your body weight in ounces. I think its better to add an additional 16-32 if you take vitamins or are active. You just want to get a good flush out of everything too. Plus there are other benefits too.
im gonna make sure to drink some more water when I start taking the biotin again. Me and wai\ter do not get along. I actually get nauseous when I drink water. I have to force myself to drink it.:nono:

In my experience, your body won't adjust, it's just a unnatural amount of biotin and you will continue to break out. Many of the members on here, including myself, have had to stop taking biotin because of the negative effects it had on their skin.
After my face clears, Im going to either cut the pills in half or jut stop using it all together.
im gonna make sure to drink some more water when I start taking the biotin again. Me and water do not get along. I actually get nauseous when I drink water. I have to force myself to drink it.:nono:

After my face clears, Im going to either cut the pills in half or jut stop using it all together.

I used to have the same problem. The fact of the matter is all water doesn't taste the same. Try experimenting with different brands of bottled water until you find one you like. Personally I like Smart Water (at room temperature). I realised I can tolerate this water more than other brands because it's distilled and doesn't have any minerals in it unlike most other brands.
Good luck.
I used to have the same problem. The fact of the matter is all water doesn't taste the same. Try experimenting with different brands of bottled water until you find one you like. Personally I like Smart Water (at room temperature). I realised I can tolerate this water more than other brands because it's distilled and doesn't have any minerals in it unlike most other brands.
Good luck.

I will try that. I also like water at room temperature. My mom looks at me crazy when I take some bottled water out of the fridge and let it sit out until its warm. I feel like it's easier to force down minus the brain freeze. lol.