How many times????


New Member
How many times have any of you grown your hair, cut it short (or shorter) then grown it out as so on.... This is my 3rd or 4th time growing out a short pixie cut, now I am back to round 5 of growing it out this time for good, I know it sounds silly but Im afraid that it just isnt going to grow long, I feel like I had many chances to let it grow and I just blew it by cutting it off. It sounds silly..
Wow let me see, I cut it in HS to a bob. Again in college to a really short Halle like cut. Then when I got here and went natural. Then last year was my last BC so that makes 4 times. But now I can say that I have had all the hairstyles I have ever wanted except waistlength hair so that is my goal now. HTH Q
i think this is my 4th time as well (not counting the maintenance cuts through the years)... that's the great thing about hair.. you can cut it, grow it, whatever.. but as long as you're taking care of it, you're a-ok... lol
This is my 5th time. My first cut was a chin length bob in 8th grade. I had to get it cut again to ear length later that winter due to damage. I cut it the 3rd time the summer before 11th grade in a short hair cut with the back tapered.. I had to cut it again my freshman year of college due to damage from braid extensions. And now I'm on my 5th go round since I BCED 7 weeks ago...
I've lost count of how many times I have done this. My first big cut was in highschool and I usually do a major cut every 2 years or so. I'm itching to cut off my see through ends right now! But I'm going to wait until after my wedding next year since I plan to wear my hair up for that. After that, I'm debating whether to do a chin length bob, or just address the thin ends issue by taking off 1/2 inch every time I get a touchup.