How many times this year will you relax?


Well-Known Member
I want to relax only two times this year but because I will be six months next month in April and would be do for one in October but I would want one in December for the holidays. With that said, what is everybody's goal for relaxers as far as numbers go?
Well, twice per year does sound good. However, I've been doing it every 13 weeks which is 4 times per year.
well after 10 weeks i did relax this year i waited. i had planned on strecthing it out longer but i hope for only 2-3 . i think that is obtainable and it can be done with strecthing it out. so wish me luck and happy growing ladies..
I always get a relaxer touch up three times a year (every four months). My schedule is January, May and September.
I'm planning on retouching only 3 times this year. Ferbuary, June & October.

Good luck ladies!!
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In 2004 I relaxed March, Sept and the end of Dec. I'm planning to relax 4 times this year (every 3 months) but it might be less if I wear braids again this summer.
Every 4 months is my scheduele, but i think i'm going to try every 6 months which would make it twice a year. When i space out my relaxers this long i don't have as much breakage and dryness of my hair.
I'm not really good with math or anything, but I get relaxers every 8 weeks, so that equals 2 months, and there's 12 months in a year... so I get about 6 touch-ups annually. I think that's about right. :look:
brownhaired_bonanza said:
I'm not really good with math or anything, but I get relaxers every 8 weeks, so that equals 2 months, and there's 12 months in a year... so I get about 6 touch-ups annually. I think that's about right. :look:

Does your hair suffer any from the 8 week schedule. I am considering quitting the 10-12 week wait for an 8 week one.

I had planned on relaxing only 4-5 times max.
Last year I relaxed 4 times, approximately every 12 weeks. This year I want to relax only 3 times and stretch an extra 12 weeks by wearing braids during the summer.
karezone said:
Does your hair suffer any from the 8 week schedule?

No. I've always gotten my hair relaxed in that time period. If I go longer I'll experience breakage. I don't think my hair could handle the stretching thing. :nono:
brownhaired_bonanza said:
No. I've always gotten my hair relaxed in that time period. If I go longer I'll experience breakage. I don't think my hair could handle the stretching thing. :nono:

Which relaxer do you use?

Can you pm me your regimen?