How many times have you been in love?

How many times have you been in love?

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Well-Known Member
How many times have you been in love? How have they differed? (your actions, feelings, thoughts, etc). How have they been similar? How did you know you loved the person? How did you know you didn't anymore?
My answers are below, kismettt:

How many times have you been in love? Once

How have they differed? (your actions, feelings, thoughts, etc). How have they been similar? This doesn't really apply to me (because I've only loved one man- the one who eventually became my husband), but I will say this- I didn't have a "real" relationship until I was in my mid-20s. Because of this, there were times when I felt behind where I thought I "should" be and tried to force feelings I KNEW weren't there and said things I KNEW I didn't feel. Being truly in love (versus wanting to believe I was) felt different because it wasn't forced and, not only did I know I was in love, I felt it.

How did you know you loved the person? How did you know you didn't anymore? I was calm and rational about my feelings. I told DH (then SO) how I felt because I wanted him to know, NOT because I wanted to feel like I was where I should be compared to others or because I wanted validation about the relationship.
Just once, my current relationship. I knew I was in love when I knew that I couldn't be with anyone else or live without this man. :grin:

Another indicator was when I looked back and compared my one other serious relationship and realized how that was really just child's play compared to what I have now, the real thing.
I've been in love 3 times. The first time was with my first boyfriend in HS. 2nd time was with my ex-husband. And the 3rd time is with my current dude. I still love first boyfriend and ex-DH. Once I love someone it is not possible for me to unlove them. It doesn't mean I want to be with them anymore but just that I can love them from a far and wish them well in their life journey. Also, if I had to help/save them, without a shadow of a doubt I would. When I first got married my ex-DH took me to see my first boyfriend when he was in the hospital. That's how my love goes. If I love you, it's forever.

My first boyfriend made me see all of the seasons in one day. He was the sort of guy that made EVERYTHING possible. NO, was not a word he understood. If I wanted something, it was as good as done. He was protective of me. And no one got to see the love he was capable of but me. He was my first love and I believed we were too young and that if we were meant to be, we would find our way back to each other. I dumped him. My ex-husband taught me unconditional love even when I treated him like garbage. I will always love him for that. I was always used to people throwing things back in my face. Or punishing me by being cold. He loved me even more when I was tremendously unloveable. I know he is suffering with a lot of his decisions lately and my heart hurts for him but I still love him from a huge distance. :lol: My current dude rocks my world. I am so in love with him, I don't want to even have a baby. :blush: Normally, I am so baby-focused but I just want to enjoy him. I feel like the world disappears when we're together. And even though his stubborn arse can drive me mad I know him and I were meant to be. He's one of those dudes that has many female admirers. When we got together he just didn't want to be bothered with any of them any more. He is so open with his accounts, his iPhone. He introduced me to his family and friends. He keeps it 100 with me and I do the same. He makes me feel beautiful in a way I cannot even explain. He cares about whether I use the bathroom (#2) or not. :look: Like everything about me concerns him, even Tamrin. :lol: He always wants to know if she is good. He makes me want to live and has renewed a spark in me, that no one has ever done before. I have loved often but being in love, very, very infrequently.
How many times have you been in love?

How have they differed? (your actions, feelings, thoughts, etc).
I love my ex (NOT my ex husband). We are really good friends; I will lay down and die for him and don't know what I would do if he were to go - the feeling are mutual. I truly believe I know him from a past life and that we've always been close. I doubt those relationships were romantic.

The feeling is very different from one dimensional romance or infatuation. There is no sexual tension at all. We're closer now than when we were in a relationship. His family is my family and vice versa. We talk on a daily basis. He has me in his will almost exclusively.

How have they been similar?
Not much similarities in feelings with other relationships so far, even "close" family members.

How did you know you loved the person?
I don't remember. Its been quite a while since I started feeling this way. It feels like I've always felt this way for him even long before I met him in this life.
I have only been in love once

Knew I was in love when I allowed him to get away w/ things that I wouldn't allow others to get away with. I literally prayed for him more than I prayed for myself. I wanted to be with him all hours of the day/night. Wanted to communicate w/ him when I was not able to be w/ him. Thought about him constantly, still do sometimes.

He was my best friend for 8 years b4 we started dating, dated for about 2 1/2 years, lived together for 1 1/2, messed around for 1 after the break up. Still love him to death, I'm not sure if I'm in love with him or not. We don't communicate's been about 8 months since our last text message. I still haven't moved on but I'm sure he has and I'm not searching/lurking to see if he'll break me heart.
Only ONCE.

But the 2nd "in love" is sneaking up on me slowly but surely & against my will & good judgement, lol. Im trying to fight it.

The experiences differ because now that Ive experienced heartbreak in my past, I now have more of a wall up. I can fall in love again but I dont think I would ever give my heart 100% again because I know people make mistakes & you cant totally place your heart in someones hands.

When you are in love there is no doubt. You will do things for that person you thought you would do for no one. You have eyes only for them. Its an amazing feeling but it also can bring low lows. You realize a depth of emotions (both good & bad) that you never realized you had.

I never stopped loving the 1st person, we are best of friends until this day. Hes there for me & Im there for him.
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Truly in love-- twice.

There were two people that I felt truly connected to....the others were easily disposable and never thought about again.
One time. I met the love of my life three years ago. I didn't know what it meant to be in love until I met him (I think of him all the time & can't see myself with anyone but him). From the day we met I knew he was the one...
How many times have you been in love?

3 times

How have they differed? (your actions, feelings, thoughts, etc).

I guess my reasons for falling and staying with them were different. The first time was because I was young and new to really being with someone all the time. He was one of those guys that likes being in relationships so it was new for me, the guy before him was a douche. So I fell for how different he was.
The second was more of a ride or die type of relationship. I probably loved him the most and would have followed him anywhere. I even lived with him shortly. He was a little thuggish which has never been my style but he was also the sweetest and most genuine. I still miss him sometimes and that was 8 years ago, lol.
The third was definitely challenging. We dated. We fell for each other and spoke about our future together, and then he turned into someone I didn't know anymore. We tried to save the relationship and had a lot of breaking up and getting back together going on, but we should've let it go the first time.

How have they been similar?

Only similarities between these guys are height, build and complexion, lol.

How did you know you loved the person?

With the first one I just let it go, he was my first love and I just knew what it was. I didn't realize that I loved the second one until it was over. I cried so hard I threw up, lol. I couldn't date for a year after it was over. After him I wasn't into relationships and I didn't get back into one for about maybe 5 years or so. I just dated heavily, lol.
Now that third one, he had to have a talk with me about what love is and what we have with each other because I slipped and told him that sometimes I wasn't sure what love was. He didn't like that. I swear he threw me for a loop sometimes.

How did you know you didn't anymore?

When I didn't give two flying effs about my emotions and how I felt; I was just ready to move on. My mind took over and said *** your feelings, later for this. I'm also good at telling myself that things will pass and I'll just find a new one that will be better than the last one, lol.

I could possibly be in love now, but I'm not sure yet. I have strong feelings for him but I'm not ready to face them just yet, lol. 28 and still running, smh.
Five times, with the last 3 times being the strongest. My most recent Ex...I was with him for almost 6 years, and when we broke up I fought tooth & nail for it not to Break me. I swear it was so bad, the Lord sent my Dh to me about two months after the break up...cause He Knew how bad off I was. My feelings for my Ex's are complicated (mixture of love/hate/longing/revulsion/indifference), but none of them compare to my husband. My husband Cares for me.

The difference is that my Husband loves me back, just as hard...if not Harder than I love him. I love Hard, but I've never gotten it back this strong in return.
Loved, but never been in love. No one has been able to break through that barrier of trust to make me secure enough to fall in love.
How many times have you been in love?
Twice, real love.

How have they differed? (your actions, feelings, thoughts, etc).
The first one we didn't act upon it because we were so different. I knew he would get on my nerves and so would I. :lol: I still love him very much and so does he but after all these years, I don't see how it could have worked.
My second one is FH. Boy, did he have me head over heels! He had me forget about all of my "rules" and makes me feel invincible. No matter how much I hurt him sometimes, he still reminds me what unconditional love is. (I know exactly hat you mean Lucie). He knows almost everything there is to know about me.

How have they been similar?
They both love me like no other man ever did. They both love me more, which reminds me of the thread on the same topic. :look: :lol: They are both nice men, easy to get along with and more...

How did you know you loved the person?
When the thought of him made me blush and smile to myself. A crush never did that for me. Neither did a date. :nono:
I think about him all day and value spending time with him over anything else.

How did you know you didn't anymore?
Well, I still love guy #1 but I'm not smitten anymore. I think if I ever fall out of love for FH, I would be devastated. I don't even wanna know.

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