How many times have you been brastrap length or close?


New Member
Some of us have had setbacks right around brastrap length or right before. I know most ladies on here are trying to reach brastrap length for the first time since maybe childhood. I am going on my third attempt to reach brastrap length due to trims, damage etc. please share your stories ladies:) So we can learn from each other's mistakes
Only once. I was bra strap at 12-13 when I relaxed my virgin hair. I kept it up for a good while, but I had no clue what I was doing with my hair. I'm pretty sure the protein-moisture balance was way off - and breakage slowly ensued. It was a wrap once I discovered curling irons. I've been hovering between neck and shoulder length ever since.
I never had BSL hair in the past. I am thisclose to it though. I have had a few setbacks on my quest to BSL. My major setback was wearing buns. Buns are not good for me no matter how loose I tie the band. I also lost length on the left side of my hair from twisting the length of my hair and tying a hair scarf around the hair incorrectly. I flat ironed my hair weekly two years ago and long length all over.

I have learned from my mistakes and I am seeing progress already.

Good post Kgard!
I've been close once. It was a few years ago after taking out braids that I kept for 3 years. Needless to say it all broke off. :ohwell:
I was BSL and beyond when I was 18-21.....I didnt remember my routine I did to get my hair that long....all that I can remeber is that I slept in my conditioners.....I lost my length when I had put very long weave corn rolls in my hair w/ synthetic hair...big big mistake and the person who did my hair put gel all through my entire hair and hair went from Almost MB to a lil past took all my hair out......:nono:. I was crying for days!!!!!!!

My hair is fine and thin and I dont think my hair can use synthetic hair and that much gel.... have to use real hair if I am going to do a weave and only gel for the edges if needed....lesson learned me :yep:!!!
4a Relaxed Fine
1st goal: APL...Reached 8/07 :yay:
2nd Goal: BSL....3/08
Ult.Goal: WL......12/09
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I am at brastrap length right now; first time ever. :yay:

I started my hair journey in July 2006, at a little past shoulder length. Thank God, I have had no setbacks.
I was BSL and beyond when I was 18-21.....I didnt remember my routine I did to get my hair that long....all that I can remeber is that I slept in my conditioners.....I lost my length when I had put very long weave corn rolls in my hair w/ synthetic hair...big big mistake and the person who did my hair put gel all through my entire hair and hair went from Almost MB to a lil past took all my hair out......:nono:. I was crying for days!!!!!!!

My hair is fine and thin and I dont think my hair can use synthetic hair and that much gel.... have to use real hair if I am going to do a weave and only gel for the edges if needed....lesson learned me :yep:!!!
4a Relaxed Fine
1st goal: APL...Reached 8/07 :yay:
2nd Goal: BSL....3/08
Ult.Goal: WL......12/09

I put twisties in my hair and the same thing happened to me. You know the Bob Marley hair, very abrasive and kinky in texture. Well, that causes friction on my hair.

But before my cut last year, which I needed I was about three inches to bra strap. I've been there before but that was when I was like under 11-years-old.
I never had BSL hair in the past. I am thisclose to it though. I have had a few setbacks on my quest to BSL. My major setback was wearing buns. Buns are not good for me no matter how loose I tie the band. I also lost length on the left side of my hair from twisting the length of my hair and tying a hair scarf around the hair incorrectly. I flat ironed my hair weekly two years ago and long length all over.

I have learned from my mistakes and I am seeing progress already.

Good post Kgard!

Your story sounds almost IDENTICAL to mine... I'm just realizing that buns/ ponytails caused breakage at the crown in my hair for years!!! I've been between APL and BSL at various lengths for about 3 years... My hair was BSL my senior year in HS when i relaxed my hair every 8-10 weeks and wore it out everyday, no protective styles nothing.
After my 3rd son was born I was darn close! I had some strands touching bsl and was so sure I'd be fully there within a couple of months. But then post partum shedding set in, I got alopecia in two spots (thankfully tiny and easily hidden) and after my second relaxer post baby, my hair suddenly went dry and I experienced a ton of shedding and breakage. I was hurt...Thankfully, after a couple of months, it began to recover, the bald spots filled in amazingly fast. I got another touch up via my stylist and my hair seemed to do poorly. she blowdried and flat fried the crap out of it and I kept noticing breakage. The next time I got a touch up I asked her not to flat iron, and while she gripingly listened, she blowdried my hair horribly with no protection. More breakage and hair felt like straw. I saw bsl go down the tubes and for a while, thought I might even loose apl!

Well, I moved to a new state and recently did my own touch up (which turned out to be a texlax!) and I must say, my hair has not felt this healthy post touch up in months! My shedding is lessening, no more bits and I'm confidant that I will see better progress. In fact, I washed my hair today and thought it felt longer so I got out of the shower to do a mirror check. Slap me if I'm not back on track and nearing bra strap again! I was so excited because my hair has so much shrinkage due to the texlax and humidity of where I live that I rarely can tell it's true length. I'm so happy because after all the damage, shedding and breakage I suffered, I really thought I was doomed and would have to cut it to an even apl. I'm currently in that unmeasurable pit between apl and bsl ( what the heck do you call it? ) and if all goes well, I might make bsl by Jan/Feb!

Oh, yeah...I am worried about the post partum shedding concidering I'm pregnant again...Not looking forward to it:nono:.
I would be closer to waistlength right now if I hadn't trimmed so much over the past year. I hit bsl last oct for the first time and kept trimming. So I stayed at bsl until recently. I was bsl for almost a year, and still not totally out of the woods yet (far as I know). Last October was the first time my hair had ever seen that kind of length. I'm updating in a few weeks and will have a better idea of how long my hair is at that time.
Not NEVAH! This is the closest my hair has ever been. I always had a lot of hair but not a lot of length. I was getting too many trims.
too many to count! I am my own worst enemy. I read the post and have to try everything, not until recently did I realize that everything is not for my fine hair. I was bsl before I found this board and screwed it up with flat irons, curling irons daily, perms and blow dryers. Then I was here bsl a couple times and it fell out due to stress. Then I found the board and made bsl w/ uneven hair due to buns, ponytails and rubberbands. Trimmed it up and am headed to bsl-AGAIN. Now if I can only stay out of my own way:sad:
I've never been BSL, but I was close in 2003 before my relaxer + color disaster. My hair was even, but not as thick as it is now. I've been close maybe around this time last year, but it was never even so I always chopped. Right now I'm probably the closest I've ever been. I'm really anxious to see whether I can reach lengths like MB and WSL :spinning:.
too many to count! I am my own worst enemy. I read the post and have to try everything, not until recently did I realize that everything is not for my fine hair. I was bsl before I found this board and screwed it up with flat irons, curling irons daily, perms and blow dryers. Then I was here bsl a couple times and it fell out due to stress. Then I found the board and made bsl w/ uneven hair due to buns, ponytails and rubberbands. Trimmed it up and am headed to bsl-AGAIN. Now if I can only stay out of my own way:sad:

Tell me about it! I was at bra-strap length in 2000, then color damaged it and had chopped it to neck-length. was almost there in 2004 when my stylist left, then it went downhill from there. Couldn't find anyone that can style and take care of my hair the way she did. Even the way some stylist apply the relaxers had a negative effect on my hair.
I'm ways close to BSL...then i do everything right such as protective styles, low manipulation etc...Then something happens then i would have to trim. So, again I am on the BSL journey. I'm 16ins now and post 8wks. When I stretch it out it looks like i'm hitting the top of my brastrap:) I'm not relaxing until Christmas so we shall see:grin: