How many strands do you lose


New Member
I was wondering. How many strands of hair is a healthy amount to lose when washing/conditioning your hair? I am just starting a new regimine,and I'd like to know what to strive for. (I will also have to keep in mind that when my dermatits flares up, I may be losing a bit more than I should.) Do any of you get through the process w/o losing any? Or do I sound obsessive here.
Well, I don't know the exact number of strands I use (because I never count them), but I do know that it's not a lot. I use a seamless comb, and it makes my strand loss even fewer.
I just started wondering about this last night! I combed after washing and lost about 5 hairs and was furious! I'm working hard here. How come no matter what I do hair comes out??? Breakage, shedding, I don't know...I just know it comes out and I'm at my wit's end sometimes. How am I to be gorgeous for D.C. next summer if I keep losing hair? Huh? HUH?
A LOT!!! Especially the closer it gets to touch-up time. It seems like with a fresh relaxer, I don't get much breakage/shedding at all but as the weeks go by, I see more hair come out when I comb it. It's frustrating but I'm trying not to stress.
<font color="purple">Very little for me. It's because of the way my hair responds to the methods that I use that helps it not have any breakage. </font>
<font color="orange"> very little to none at all and I'm so happy about this.
I think it has to do with the fact that I wash more often (at least twice each week) and I style a lot less. Also, I always use some type of detangler whenever I comb.

It used to be that I could see clumps of hair in the comb whenever I washed every two weeks or combed daily. </font>
I'm guessing that I lose between 5-10 with each wash. Closer to touch up time, prolly a little more. After a protein conditioning, prolly a little less.
<font color="purple"> Wow, I'm in the minority
I loose about 20 hairs (broken) and about 8 as a result of shedding. I think years of using a no lye relaxer has dried out my hair because nothing I try has seemed to help prevent the breakage. I'm so happy for those of you that loose close to nothing when you wash. </font>
I've just finished washing and I counted 9 broken hairs and 7 shedded hairs. Not bad. I don't mind the shedding so much but the breakage man....just stop.
i lose ALOT of hair most of the time. it has gotten better lately though. i'm excited if i lose like 20 or so total after washing, conditioning, towel drying and putting it into the ponytail. at one time, it was maybe 50-100 strands each time. that's why i stopped washing twice a week...
Isnt it normal to lose some hair tho? I dont understand how some can never lose any hair. Someone once said that it is normal to lose btw 70-100 hairs a day from shedding. Now if its breakage then thats another story. but if you're not losing any hair at all isnt that kinda odd? For me I lose a small handful but the longer my hair gets the bigger the hairball but I dont stress cause its normal. Also I only finger comb btw washings so I dont retrieve the hair that has shed so I expect to see more when i wash/condition every few days. What I do freak out about is when I run my hands through my hair when it's wet and I see a few broken pieces....
...lately that is really rare, thank goodness
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
adrienne0914 said:
i lose ALOT of hair most of the time. it has gotten better lately though. i'm excited if i lose like 20 or so total after washing, conditioning, towel drying and putting it into the ponytail. at one time, it was maybe 50-100 strands each time. that's why i stopped washing twice a week...

[/ QUOTE ]

I bet that was stressing you out! I don't know what I would do if I saw that much hair after each wash.
Well I'm glad its getting better now.
it was very stressful!! i know it's customary to lose some hair, but the reason i started worrying is because i would typically lose maybe 5-10 hairs in the shower. to go from that to 50-100 was crazy!!

i started counting the hairs. i still save them after i wash and comb. i've saved so much hair since october. i'm surprised it doesn't look thinner because of it.

my friends think i'm weird for saving it. whatever...
the only reason i save it is because when i had this problem in 2001, i didn't save the hair. i started feeling like the problem was almost imagined. i didn't want that to happen again. i wanted to know for sure. it's finally getting better!
About a month ago i was losing A LOT 20 - 40 strands on wash day. I stress a lot as two thirds of my hair is fine(from those super strenght no lye relaxers
)and the bottom one third is thicker, so losing those hairs was making my hair look " skinny". The reason for me losing hair , i know now is cos i used a super strength lye relaxer

Switching to regular strength for next touch up.

I decided to put in braids a week ago, i was stressing to much over the hair i was loosing and also to give me hair some rest.
Lately I've only been losing a few strands during combout when washing. I think it's due to the creamy protein I've been using every other week (Keraphixx). I've also noticed less hairs on my shoulders after combing daily! Before discovering this forum, my shirt in the morning would sometimes be covered with little broken hairs!!

I also remember times when I used to lose SO much hair every wash! (Back when I was blowdrying). That's the worst feeling.
I'm starting to notice a pattern. There are more strands lost when my hair is freshly permed and for a couple of weeks after. (Maybe that's because it's been recently broken down chemically). Then it seems to toughen up and I lose fewer strands. I did a protein conditioner last week (Affirm 5 in 1) and I lost maybe 5 hairs. The next wash which was a conditioner wash, I lost maybe 5 as opposed to maybe 20 or so after a perm.