How many strands a day do you lose?

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It depends, if i play in my hair about 4 {i dont comb} no broken, if i dont play in it i lose non...until combday (day 5)

Near my retouch, no more than 10 a day from playing, and 5 of those would probabley be broken :mad: and when i comb nr my retouch on day 5, i lose LOTTTTSSS but i get around 50-100 all rolled up.
In school i learned that its normal to lose about 40-100 strands a day. I think someone posted 50-100 so its right to say the normal amount.
Not a clue. I pay attention to the relative amount of hair I lose, just to keep an eye out for anything abnormal, but I don't count strands. I'm sure it's a normal amount, otherwise I would have noticed thinning in my hair by now.
webby said:
A_Christian said:
I'd read that before, that losing 50-100 strands per day is normal. I used to lose a lot of hair when I was combing everyday, but when I started wearing syles that didn't have to be combed everyday I started losing maybe like 10 strands in a week. Styles that require less manipulation (curls, waves, rollersets, etc...) significantly cut down on the shedding. Using a seamless comb from has reduced the shedding as well.



Also, hair shedding can be impacted by medication or hormonal changes.

Or, you can file the seam off your favorite comb with an emery board.
Nay said:
I don't comb my hair every day, so it's hard to tell. And by the time I comb it in the shower after having it in a twistout for five days, I get a golf-ball size amount of hair (If I wrap all of the hair into a ball). So I don't know what my strand count is, but I definitely do lose some hair!

Ditto. When I check the ball there are very few broken hairs so no worries.
I comb my hair several times a day to prevent it from tangling too much. But I don't lose many strands. Maybe 10 or less on the average. A little more when I've just had a retouch.
For me it depends on what I am doing. When I blow dry I loose a lot about 30, I have hair all over the place. which is why I sold my blowdryer. When I roller set my hair only about 10-15 after it dries. when I twist my hair I loose a lot because I don't comb my hair at all I just twist and untwist. I have started checking the hair that falls out to make sure it has the bud on it because if it does not then it is breakage. Don't want any of that. I don't check them all just a few. sheading is OK, breakage is BAD.
I'm relaxed 4a/4b and I don't comb everyday. Wash day is when I see the hair and start counting:ohwell: It averages about 20 per day it just looks scary:grin:
I lose close to 100 strands a day. If I don't comb my hair at least once per day, by the time I detangle again my shedding will look like a small furry animal. I thought the shedding would decrease once I went natural, and it seemed as such when my hair was shorter, but now that I've grown out some, the shedding is in full effect.