How many roller set on a regular basis and why?


New Member
I have heard some very positive things about rollersetting? Anyone care to share their positive results with me? I want to try that a couple of times in the summer. I know how just want to know why. Thank you. Bonjour.
I'm curious about this too as most of you "regulars" seem to do this and have absolutely beautiful, long, healthy hair. Is this something you do all the time? I was wondering if was actually worth all that effort - well because I'm a little uncoordinated with the rollers /images/graemlins/blush.gif This is something I really want to try this winter. Thanks ladies!!

I used to have my hair roller set once a week. However, since I wash my hair about three times a week, I don't get it roller set nearly as much. /images/graemlins/frown.gif The heat from a hooded dryer (to get my hair curly or straight) is much gentler on my hair than heat from a blow dryer, curling/flat iron. Roller sets also add more bounce to my hair. I'm going to get a roller set this weekend. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
I am one the swears by roller setting!!! Not only does using a hooded hair dryer cause less damage to your hair then a comb attached dryer or regular blow dryer, but you also get curls that will last through the week (for me mine last 2 + weeks)! /images/graemlins/smile.gif

Roller setting can be a bit time consuming (actually rolling and sitting under the dryer-for me it takes about 15 min to roll and 2hrs to dry) but the benefits are worth it. You can choose from a variety of curler sizes (small to bouffant)! I like the fact that with a roller set I can wrap my hair for a looser curl look or keep it tight and let the curls loosen over the days on their own. I can also wear a nice full pony tail with nice curled ends. I cannot achieve this longevity with a curling iron...curls with an iron for me simply will not last more then a day and my ends would get so dry. /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Hi Mahalialee. I roller set on a regular basis. I do this because curling irons have fried my hair in the past causing major damage and breakage that I could only remedy by cutting lots of hair. Granted, I wasn't using them properly. And I know that some ladies here successfully use curling and/or flat irons, but it's not for me. I think that my hair is much healthier as a result, with less breakage. Every now and then, I twist my hair into little buns for waves, but I like the controlled look that rollers provide. I also use leave-in conditioner when I roller set, which definitely helps contribute to hair health.
I agree with what all the other ladies posted. I rollerset 1-2 times a week...especially in the winter. It gets my hair straight, but keeps the body. I used to do this all the time years ago(my Mother taught me how to rollerset...) Then I discovered the blowdryer and the curling iron...and I ended up on the internet looking for help from years of heat abuse. When I came to these forums over a year ago cause my hair was coming out and breaking I started rollersetting again(although I craved the stick straight look). My hair started to look better almost immediatley. I tried blowdrying once again and found I didn't get that healthy shiny look I get with rollersetting. Since I'm only at shoulder length, it only takes me 45 minutes to 1 hr to dry my hair. When it gets longer I may start airdrying first before roller setting. Either way I'll never go back to the curling iron again.
Because Dominicans use rollersetting to style as a rule - I have always seen black women styling with rollersets - since I was a child.

When I was in my teens (and my hair ws at it's WORST) I blowdried :gasp: DAILY after doing the ponytail method or airdrying as well everynight. I used to just blowdry the ends. When I began to have hair that I loved it was because I went to Dominican stylist (Nidia - many years ago) and she used that method on me. When I saw the transformation in the texture and look of my hair - as well as the health and the feel - I was hooked.

Never looked back. I do it because my ti-ti's (aunts) would be ashamed if I didn't /images/graemlins/wink.gif - because for them (and my experience confirms this) it is the healthiest way to get a straight, shiny, swinging, LONG head of hair.
Rollar setting was one of the best decisions I made for the health of my hair. I used to blowdry with a comb attachment and then follow that with curling irons. After a few months my hair ends got drier and nothing stopped it. And it only got worse. It was when I made myself switch to rollar setting the dry ends vanished. Its just a safer gentler way to dry the hair.

I'd never go back to the drying method I used to use.
It IS the healthiest way to dry relaxed hair with heat...PERIOD.

The only time I didn't rollerset was for a couple of years during college and my hair never LOOKED bad, but it did break off alot when I was blowdrying and hot curling and it looked drier.

When I compare photos of my blowdry/curling iron college days to my rollersetting college days, my hair is longer, shinier during the rollersetting days.
Hi Mahalia Lee!

I rollerset because I love the body it gives my hair. In addition, I'm not gifted with heat tools /images/graemlins/blush.gif so if I want curls, this is my only way of getting them. Also, because I am one of those who doesn't like to chemically relax my hair too often, rollersets straighten my virgin hair and thus reduce the likelihood of breakage due to differences in texture. Finally, I like using Elucence conditioner as a leave-in. Rollersetting under the dryer gives my hair another way to condition my hair during Winter (I got this idea from Sweet Cocoa /images/graemlins/wink.gif ).
Nyambura /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Okay, great info. ladies. I think you all have convinced me to try roller setting my hair. do you maintain your sets afterwards? Just cover with a bonnet and go to bed?? I mean I have never been able to just sleep on my hair without looking like buckwheat in the morning /images/graemlins/shocked.gif Also could you please give me the names of some good leave in conditioners to set my hair with that I could purchase at Sally's. I'm so tired of ordering stuff via internet. Thanks!!
I rollerset 2x a week. I mostly wear it curly. This way I don't have to spend much time on it. Believe it or not, it helps me keep my hands out of my hair.

Re: How many roller set on a regular basis and why

Nita, on the days that I'm not roller setting my hair, I just put on my satin hair scarf. The only time this will work is a day after I roller set my hair. Tying it down at night helps to hold the set. I don't know if Sally's carries Lottabody setting lotion or wrapping creme, but I use this in conjunction with Motions Nourishing Leave In Conditioner. I hope this helps.
Re: How many roller set on a regular basis and why

This is how I maintain my set for several days. First, you flip your hair over(bend over and flip your hair upside down--I hope this makes sense) While you're down there and while your hair is hanging upside down, put on a Satin Bonnet. So with the bonnet on now, your hair should be hanging down into the bonnet...kind of. Then lift up and go on with your life! You hair is kind of up above your head this way and the curls won't be disturbed so easily when you're sleep(unless you sleep on the top of your head) /images/graemlins/laugh.gif