How many of you attend church?

Do You Attend Church regularly?

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Raquel said:

You are old enough to be able to ask God for guidance and find a church home that 1) you are comformable in 2) that God wants you in. It is not written anywhere that you have to go to the same church as your parents. Girl just continue to listen for the voice of God.

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Thanks Raquel! /images/graemlins/wink.gif
I am not going to lie, I LOVE ME SOME CHURCH!!! I could honestly live the rest of my life in a good church service. Sometimes I hate when the benediction comes because I don't want to leave. I go every Sunday, even sometimes when I'm a little under the weather, I'm part of our Missionary group, I'm one of the developers of our Online Ministry (my hubby is the director), I'm in the choir, and I try to make it to our Wednesday Bible studies.

Despite the fact that I fast twice a week, listen to Christian radio whenever I'm in my car, I listen to religious music when at home, and pray and do devotional twice a day with my hubby (in the morning when we first get up and before bed), I pray through the day when I'm alone, I truly love praising and worshipping the Lord when I'm at church. I think I love how strong I feel the presence of Christ during many of the services...I can't wait to get to heaven so I can stay in church all day long!

I guess the bottom line is I JUST LOVE THE LORD WITH ALL MY HEART...I know the true church is in me, not the building. But it does feel good to be in agreement with others in Christ during worship service.
cybra said:
I am not going to lie, I LOVE ME SOME CHURCH!!! I could honestly live the rest of my life in a good church service. Sometimes I hate when the benediction comes because I don't want to leave. I go every Sunday, even sometimes when I'm a little under the weather, I'm part of our Missionary group, I'm one of the developers of our Online Ministry (my hubby is the director), I'm in the choir, and I try to make it to our Wednesday Bible studies.

Despite the fact that I fast twice a week, listen to Christian radio whenever I'm in my car, I listen to religious music when at home, and pray and do devotional twice a day with my hubby (in the morning when we first get up and before bed), I pray through the day when I'm alone, I truly love praising and worshipping the Lord when I'm at church. I think I love how strong I feel the presence of Christ during many of the services...I can't wait to get to heaven so I can stay in church all day long!

I guess the bottom line is I JUST LOVE THE LORD WITH ALL MY HEART...I know the true church is in me, not the building. But it does feel good to be in agreement with others in Christ during worship service.

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once again i'll tell you lol, i admire your faith its sooo awesome! /images/graemlins/smile.gif
cybra said:
I am not going to lie, I LOVE ME SOME CHURCH!!! I could honestly live the rest of my life in a good church service. Sometimes I hate when the benediction comes because I don't want to leave. I go every Sunday, even sometimes when I'm a little under the weather, I'm part of our Missionary group, I'm one of the developers of our Online Ministry (my hubby is the director), I'm in the choir, and I try to make it to our Wednesday Bible studies.

Despite the fact that I fast twice a week, listen to Christian radio whenever I'm in my car, I listen to religious music when at home, and pray and do devotional twice a day with my hubby (in the morning when we first get up and before bed), I pray through the day when I'm alone, I truly love praising and worshipping the Lord when I'm at church. I think I love how strong I feel the presence of Christ during many of the services...I can't wait to get to heaven so I can stay in church all day long!

I guess the bottom line is I JUST LOVE THE LORD WITH ALL MY HEART...I know the true church is in me, not the building. But it does feel good to be in agreement with others in Christ during worship service.

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Amen girl!
I have gone to church all my life. I spent alot of years searchng through many different faith and christian techings. I am home now and was babtised and chrismated into the Holy Orthodox Church of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ June 16th 2001. I would go more often if not for work and sometimes lack of a good operating car. One day I will produce a bumber sticker that say's "There's no place else I'd rather be than at Divine Litergy"


You can attend a different church if you feel the lord is leading you in another direction. I know my pastor at my church is a woman and her husband doesn't attend our church and certain spouses or children of members attend different churchs, but its all love as long as they are in church.

Remember your purpose in life isn't to please man, but to please God. Remember Jesus didn't come to bring peace/unity he said he came to turn son against father, mother against daughter. Basically, hes saying its all about me and if following me turns son against father than so be it. Now if everytime you go to church your sad/mad/depressed aboutthe situation you aren't pleasing God now are you?

Pray for your father that he heeds to the word of God and that all spirits of division, arrogance, animosity, and pride are removed from the church so that the Lords message goes forth with power and conviction.

I know Im mad late with my post and therfore I hope that your situation has been worked out or that it will be worked out..remember to update.


When I read our post, I was like tell it sista tell it. Praise and Worship is my favorite part of service. And of course when people comem to the Lord at the end. That part encourages me to stay strong in the Lord.

When people say that can't stand to fellowship and be in the presence of the Lord for more than 1-1 1/2 hours. Im like WOW are you serious? I don't know what people think its going to be like in heaven. AIN'T no tv (love me some trading spaces), essences (interesting stories), playstation 2(i don't play), secular books, your favorite DC cd, or ANTM(eventhough thats a funny show).

Only thing in heaven is THE FATHER, THE SON, AND THE HOLYSPIRIT. Jesus is what makes Heaven, Heaven. If we can't even make it a couple hours on earth with everything just being about GOD you know we aren't going to happy in heaven.

Side Note:
Thats why I think the sabbath is so important 24 hours totally dedicated to God, its like our time to practice here on earth what heaven is going to be. ALL ABOUT GOD.

Sadly, If your like me its hard to do 24hours of God. With all the distractions, your fav show, listening to the new Kelly Price(not saying its an evil cd, just secular) jam, talking about Beyonces messed up weaves, you have homwork due that monday, people tired of your talking about the Lord.

Im going to start trying harder to do the 24 hours only thing I would have in their though is homework probably. Homework is always due.

God Bless You!

Ayeshia said:
my grandmother totally turned me off form going to church at a young age /images/graemlins/ohwell.gif If I do go, I cant stay anymore than an hour. 1.5 hours is stretching it.

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Me too.

I have a strong spiritual belief but organized religion is not what I enjoy. However, I love gospel music.
TrustMeLove said:

When I read our post, I was like tell it sista tell it. Praise and Worship is my favorite part of service. And of course when people comem to the Lord at the end. That part encourages me to stay strong in the Lord.

When people say that can't stand to fellowship and be in the presence of the Lord for more than 1-1 1/2 hours. Im like WOW are you serious? I don't know what people think its going to be like in heaven. AIN'T no tv (love me some trading spaces), essences (interesting stories), playstation 2(i don't play), secular books, your favorite DC cd, or ANTM(eventhough thats a funny show).

Only thing in heaven is THE FATHER, THE SON, AND THE HOLYSPIRIT. Jesus is what makes Heaven, Heaven. If we can't even make it a couple hours on earth with everything just being about GOD you know we aren't going to happy in heaven.

Side Note:
Thats why I think the sabbath is so important 24 hours totally dedicated to God, its like our time to practice here on earth what heaven is going to be. ALL ABOUT GOD.

Sadly, If your like me its hard to do 24hours of God. With all the distractions, your fav show, listening to the new Kelly Price(not saying its an evil cd, just secular) jam, talking about Beyonces messed up weaves, you have homwork due that monday, people tired of your talking about the Lord.

Im going to start trying harder to do the 24 hours only thing I would have in their though is homework probably. Homework is always due.

God Bless You!


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Thanks for your insight! /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Neen said:
I go but I never want to. I haven't found one that meets my needs. Every church I go to, they usually say something that really turns me off. I don't like the belittling of other religions or too much political involvement (the church I attend now had Sean Hannity and Oliver North visit one evening /images/graemlins/barf.gif ). I call myself a Christian but I'm not so sure anymore. I love everyone no matter if they love Jesus, Allah, or Abraham so.../images/graemlins/confused.gif

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This is exactly how I feel. Right now I don't attend church and I haven't in a very long time. When my preacher started spewing right wing talking points and cherry picking from the bible I said enough.

I have taken courses in religious studies and it has opend my eyes to whole new world. I don't consider myself a christian anymore. I do believe in a higher power and I've taken time out to study different religions. Right now I'm learning about the Buddist religion.

I am a big fan of Ethics and Philospophy. My favorite Philospher is Kant and I've decided to live my life by that motto. I'm still searching for a religion that fits me. I've learned so much about myself and others since I started my journey. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Hey everybody /images/graemlins/wave.gif
I was raised to go to church every sunday. it was a baptist church and once a month, I was annointed with recycled fish fry grease that made me break out horribly. I wanted to be in the choir as a child but they told me the only way I could get on the choir stand was to get baptized [note that they didn't say anything about being born again, just jump in the water]. I was very fearful of water and I guess they knew that because they didn't submerge me too much. What I heard every week was, "They should do it again, she barely got wet." Each sunday i heard the same sermon about Jesus rising on the third day.

It was my father's family's church. My mom didn't go, but she made sure that my brother and I went. I felt very distant to this family because my father disowned me (paternity blood tests hurt, oww /images/graemlins/frown.gif ) plus, he didn't even go there because he lived far away. he made his own "back to Africa" religion.

By age 9, I got tired of all that wailing and just stopped going. I did the church hopping thing and i just don't like it. Bible study is ok. I learn a lot there.
It seems as if alot of people have issues with going to church, because of a bad church experience. And this is totaly understandable.

I myself have had to walk out of certain churches midpoint in the Sermon, because the CHRISTIAN/BAPTIST/METHODIST pastors teachings/doctrine were contrary to the bible or he construded the bible to fit some man made idea. OH NO I DON'T PLAY THAT.

I have livedi n LA for 3 years and I still haven't found a church where I feel the Lord has called me to find membership at, but I still go to churches that I find or good, but just not for me (the Spirit will let you know where your suppose to be).

But, one thing I just ask of all don't stop trusting in GOD, because man is screwed is fallible. Not every preacher has screwed up doctrine or shady underdoings.
In the bible it talks about God putting a gift in earthern vessels (which is basically a container for garbage and its all cracked). The gift is the gospel, the gifts of the holy spirit.

Man will have flaws, but the gospel and gifts don't. If we first build our relationship with God the flaws of man wont shake our faith we will just use them for their gifts that God has put in them for the edification of the church.
(I am not excusing people who teach man made doctrine, construde the bibles teachings for their own personal gain, use the pulpit to talk about govermental issues because chuch ain't the time for that to me.)

I hope that you all who are looking for truth find it.

Stay strong for everyone else.
TrustMeLove said:
It seems as if alot of people have issues with going to church, because of a bad church experience. And this is totaly understandable.

I myself have had to walk out of certain churches midpoint in the Sermon, because the CHRISTIAN/BAPTIST/METHODIST pastors teachings/doctrine were contrary to the bible or he construded the bible to fit some man made idea. OH NO I DON'T PLAY THAT.

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I sometimes feel this way about my church.
I am Christian and I attend a non-denominational church. I am getting back in the necessary habit of worshipping/reverencing the Lord at my home and not allowing the church to do that for me, ya know.
Bublnbrnsuga said:
I am Christian and I attend a non-denominational church. I am getting back in the necessary habit of worshipping/reverencing the Lord at my home and not allowing the church to do that for me, ya know.

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Hey Bublnbrnsuga, what has led you to worshipping God at home instead of church? Is it because of the negative things that are associated with some churches nowadays?
im doing that right now bubln..its fun..
well i think i know what your talking about.
I have the gospel music up loud singing, saying words of exhaultation, but while doing my homework.

I like this time too, because its just you and it feels so good to know its just you and God. The lady next to you not screaming, someone not running around the church.. just relaxed you and God. I don't have a problem with the above, but when im going through hardtimes..its hard for me to focus in church sometimes.

Are you a Christian?
What is your denomination?
I was raised both Catholic and Baptist.....
I now attend a Non-denominational Church very unorthodoxed it's technically located in Orange County but we meet in different parks and sites through southern California we minister to the needs of the community.

How frequently do you attend?

Several days a week

Does attending church reflect a stronger belief?
No just because I congregate in a building does not make me a stronger or better Christian then the next person...
I have had some issues with organized religion in the past. But I have been blessed to have a church home that is multi-cultural, multi-racial, and all-inclusive! It's a modest church, not wealthy at all. I love the fact that we focus on helping those in need in the surrounding community and abroad. Right now, we're writing letters to the powers that be to draw attention to the genocide occurring in the Sudan.
LadyR said:
I use to feel like you, that I can't go to church so much, but now I feel empty when I miss a Sunday and I am doing my best to go to Wednesday night bible study plus I belong to a few auxillaries.

You have to find a church that you are comforable with, not one that will just tell you want you want to hear, but a strong bible teaching church that your inner soul will respond to. I also was never one to go to second service but now that I married a Revarend and he travels with other ministers I find myself going to many second services.

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I can relate to you. I'm blessed to find a church that I can identify with and feel the presence of God. When I was a child my parents used to force me to go to a Catholic church every Sunday even though they never went with me. Now I can't wait to go to my Christian church and praise God! I do feel like I'm missing something if I miss out.
Poohbear said:
Bublnbrnsuga said:
I am Christian and I attend a non-denominational church. I am getting back in the necessary habit of worshipping/reverencing the Lord at my home and not allowing the church to do that for me, ya know.

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Hey Bublnbrnsuga, what has led you to worshipping God at home instead of church? Is it because of the negative things that are associated with some churches nowadays?

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Oh, bad. I meant in addition to going to church, I am starting back worshipping God at homw. I don't want church to be the only time I worship him. Sorry for the misunderstanding. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
I've gone to church off and on for many years. I grew up in the church, so this always bothered me. But now that I have found that most of what they teach isn't true to me...I don't go and don't worry about it. God is everywhere. He is not just in the church. And by the way that people act in there and teach against the bible, if he did have to be in a building it wouldn't be between church walls!
I have a question: If we are called to fellowship and "have church" by sharing the Word and learning from others, how can we do this on a regular basis outside the confines of a building (church)? This is a question I have asked myself when I am confronted with this "obligation," and I haven't really found a great response to it, as my main means of fellowship occur primarily in my household between my husband and myself. I have some friends who attend church, but do so off and on; some do not attend at all. Some of my closest family members are Bahais (which is a religion with a which I have many issues, but that's another conversation).

So though religion and spirituality are very personal in nature, if we are called to fellowship through congregating and sharing the Word with others, how do we do so outside of church with some consistency and uniformity?
I do not go to church because of something I experienced as a teenager but I do want my babies to have this experience. I went every Sunday up until I was 16 years old.
options said:
I have a question: If we are called to fellowship and "have church" by sharing the Word and learning from others, how can we do this on a regular basis outside the confines of a building (church)? This is a question I have asked myself when I am confronted with this "obligation," and I haven't really found a great response to it, as my main means of fellowship occur primarily in my household between my husband and myself. I have some friends who attend church, but do so off and on; some do not attend at all. Some of my closest family members are Bahais (which is a religion with a which I have many issues, but that's another conversation).

So though religion and spirituality are very personal in nature, if we are called to fellowship through congregating and sharing the Word with others, how do we do so outside of church with some consistency and uniformity?

Don't get me wrong, I think church was a very necessary part of my development at one time. Now, God has lead me beyond that. There is hardly a day that goes by where I don't "fellowship" or discuss the Word with others. I learn more so by doing this than by being "fed" one man's interpretation in church. God may lead me back to church, and if He does then I will go. But right now I don't miss it, and I am enjoying life and learning more than I ever have in church.

As far as consistency and uniformity...I live in the spirit, so I do not need either. I do not live under the law, but I live under grace. I don't believe that you can put God or true worship in a formula or an equation.
I haven't found a "church home" of my own since I was a teenager. I do have a question, though. I watch and enjoy a couple of shows on Sunday, but since tithing is a necessity, how do I accomplish this?
I'm not much of a church goer. I haven't attended in years and I'm at a point in my life where I will get on my knees and pray in my house but I just don't like going to church. Some of the people I meet in church are the reason I don't go. For some reason it seems like there is more junk going on in church than out of it.

Also, I tend to meet crazy people who want to come to your house and Bible study 3 nights out of the week as soon as they meet you or they start calling you and asking why you didn't go to church one weekend and making you feel guilty.