How Many Of You Are Not On A 'hair Journey' Anymore?

I will always be on some sort of hair journey but now that I've actually grown my hair past my waist, I am a lot more relaxed about it. I'm thinking about growing my hair out again but it's just so time consuming. I'm still considering getting sisterlocks so that will be another journey in itself.
Well since neck length now, (Last year I wore a boy cut) I want length because I can't do a puff or anything. BUT my main goal is to just spend less time on my hair. I'm doing twistouts and retwisting a few night a week is tiresome. I don't like spending hours on my hair. My goal is just to find a low maintenance style that allows my hair to stay healthy. Don't plan on straightening it much so I'm not that concerned about length anymore.

I will continue to moisturize, condition and lay off heat.
Yes it just gets reinvented over the years...I've had locs for almost 2 years now. I'm on a journey to grow it long and fast. I lurk on the hair board and still follow stuff. I silently join challenges and may comment here and there.

That board is helped me discover the beauty and potential of my hair...the birthplace of new life....Never forget:rose:.
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I wasn't, but I think this year I might restart. Ugh. I gave myself a couple trims, and currently am right below MBL (not sure, exactly, this is just from pulling on it).

But I'm thinking of trying the Maximum Hydration Method for a month or 2 months. I need to rehydrate my hair after 2 years of living in West Africa. I have been unhappy with my hair for almost 2 years straight, and that needs to change.

One of my goals this year is to wear my hair out more regularly (once a week, or ideally much more often than that). It's only happened 2 weeks out of the last 6 so far... sigh. I'm shopping around for a hairdresser who will take the burden off me.
The information that stylists know nowadays compared to when I first joined is amazing! So I feel like I can trust them to look after the health of my hair. When I first started my journey they were all about relaxing every 4 weeks; flat ironing every day and not to trust 'them white products'.

When my hair has some length to it I will definitely visit a salon for cuts and touchups if I choose to relax. (Never thought I would consider it again)
The information that stylists know nowadays compared to when I first joined is amazing! So I feel like I can trust them to look after the health of my hair. When I first started my journey they were all about relaxing every 4 weeks; flat ironing every day and not to trust 'them white products'.

When my hair has some length to it I will definitely visit a salon for cuts and touchups if I choose to relax. (Never thought I would consider it again)
nah, they still aint there. dont be fooled into thinking you can trust them now. go into a white salon with your hair already straightened and tell them how to cut it and how much to cut.
I'm always going to be a product junkie to some extent; some people may like candles while others may adore, I'm into conditioner. I grew my hair largely because I was curious as to how far it would go and since it's been holding steady at WL for several years, I guess my question has been answered. Now, I'm about to cut it to between EL and SL during the upcoming spring break holiday and I'm excited at the prospect of change (I love change!). Still, even though I can understand and empathize with the concerns of others, I've never been one to breathe into a paper bag about protective styling, heat damage, bonnets, setbacks, styling, etc.
Ehhh..... I think I'm just not about following hard and fast rules anymore. I wash when I feel like it (usually no longer than 2 weeks, but I have washed more than once a week when I go to swimming pools) I don't do for more than 10-15 minutes unless I simply lost track of time and forgot. I definitely don't read ingredients lists. I think everything was just so "new" once upon a hair journey. I've bc'd like 3xs now. Aint nothing new bih.

Yea, doing my hair definitely used to take all the live long day. Now I just do it in parts. One day I'll Detangle. The next day treat my scalp to keep the dandruff away, then wash and DC the following day. It has become way less important than my fitness journey, but I definitely still really care about my hair, it just doesn't need all the bells and whistles. I don't plan on ever cutting again, however.
my hair journey was probably always somewhat bootleg... i couldn't stick to a set schedule for anything... so while i still have hair goals, the reasons that i came to the hair board are no longer in play.... i'm 15 months into a transition and i'm all about retention simply because i love my buns... but, as others have said, i get lazy when it comes to my hair...
I still go to the hair forum, and I deep condition, otherwise my hair just breaks. It is layered, longest just under apl, and it is healthy, so I am good. I know it will keep progressing, so I don't stress over it. I'm wearing a cute ass wig that looks like my natural hair. Smh. Lol. I like it. I'm chilling. Never thought I'd be into wigs, but I do like the ones that over tried.
I'm not on a hair journey anymore but I still have my routine. I won't ever be able to go back to treating my hair poorly, but my wash day is much more relaxed than when I was deep into hair care. I'm not into length, products, avoiding heat, etc anymore. I'm actually pretty bored with my hair at this point... And also too lazy to change things up lol.
nah, they still aint there. dont be fooled into thinking you can trust them now. go into a white salon with your hair already straightened and tell them how to cut it and how much to cut.

:look: That's what I do. I've been going to the same lady for almost 4 years. When I say I want a trim, that's what I get. I'm back on a hair journey after a bc 2.5 years ago. I did nothing to my hair for the first year and wore protective styles later. I did nothing to my hair and it shows. I'm trying to get thickness and length back.
I am not actively growing my hair out anymore. Im at shoulder length stretched and I'm happy with that. I've finally found the products that work right with my hair and I'm satisfied if it never gets any longer.
I stopped a couple of years ago. Once my hair reaches my shoulders wet, I cut it back up to my ears. If my schedule ever changes, I'll think about growing it past that point.
My hair is kinda on autopilot now. I've found what products work, and learned to just listen to my hair. I'm using a retention method I call benign neglect. I still wash and dc at least once a week but no extra bells and whistles. I relax whenever I get tired of the new growth. I style my hair however I want. I'm not scared to straighten whenever the mood hits. Its working so far.
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