How Many Of You Are Not On A 'hair Journey' Anymore?


All is well with me
Last month I BC'd again after 5 years and past mbl length hair. I did it for spiritual reasons (wanted to rid myself of old baggage and start my new life afresh ) but in a way I was relieved to let it go. ..I was tired of protective styling, being scared my headscarf would come off and allday detangling and deep conditioning days. This time growing it out I am going to focus on fly styles and while I will obviously keep it in good condition, I am not going to become a slave to my hair's growth rate with those hair growth t-shirts and whatnot.

Any of you not actively growing out your hair?
I'm thinking of starting fresh and cutting my hair into a shoulder length bob. My hair is currently mid back length, and I'm also tired of being a slave to the growth rate, long wash days, etc. I'm just over trying to have super long hair! I'm now only concerned with my hair being healthy and low(er) maintainence.
Well I'm still trying to let it grow. I've only been natural for 2 years and I need it longer lol. But I'm not as crazy about the process anymore. I'm barely a product junkie like I used to be. I've been shopping my stash for like 2 years due to all the products I used to buy becuz of y'all lol
Ive been thinking of cutting my hair and saying forget it. It's past bsl but it's also heat damaged in spots and I have broken off pieces from using a damaged blow dryer.

The only thing stopping me is the lack of natural styling options if I cut it to shoulder length like I want. Twist outs and bantus look great right now but it takes forever to do my hair and I can't trust a stylist to be patient while doing it.
Eh I'm not as obsessed lol. I still love long hair. A year ago I ended my long transition and cut all my relaxed ends off which took me to apl. Now a year later I'm fully natural and just making wl and it doesn't seem to be as big of a deal as it used to. I occasionally forget that I'm a natural and I wear my hair straight when I want. I guess since hair care comes second nature now everything is chill. I still plan to grow it back out to hip but again not obsessing over it. I know it will get there because it has before while relaxed.
I'll never get over my hair, it's like eating, I just can't neglect it. I also love to take care of my skin. It just wouldn't be me if I don't pay attention to the day to day care of these two. Plus, now that I know 4c natural hair grows, I'll be on this journey forever.:afro:
nah, i gave that up ages ago. im too low maintenance to do anything to my hair other than wash it occasionally.

thankfully, i have dreads so i always have a built in style.
nah, i gave that up ages ago. im too low maintenance to do anything to my hair other than wash it occasionally.

That's pretty much me. I haven't done a length check in forever, I last straightened it in September 2014, and I don't even remember DCing anytime in the last 9 months. I finally did a teeny tiny dusting trim about a month ago, and that's about all the maintenance I've done in like 6 months.
As long as it's clean, I'm over the rest for now. I'm thinking of actually making a budget just for salon visits. I'm over doing hair at home, to be honest, but I'm also over buns and the like.

My hair is at least BSL, and probably MBL (just from tugging on it in the shower). It's hard to say without straightening. My final goal is WL.
I haven't been on that journey in years. I know what I need to know and don't take it too seriously/do complicated sh*t anymore. After like 10 years of all hair all the time, it's just not that serious to me. Maybe I'm worn out. :lol:

I reached and passed my goal of having natural WL hair, so now I'm chillin.
im still growing out my hair but a lot of stuff i dont care about anymore. i dont care about using heat, i dont care about straight hair, i dont care about natural styles, i dont care about buns, im not searching for perfect products. as long as my hair is untangled and in a neat style and doesnt feel dry, nothing else about it matters.

im not reading no product ingredients. im not avoiding cones. im not "trying out" a bunch of hoodoo oils. i'm not waiting and seeing nothing.
I've been over the journey for the past year and a half. I still take care of my hair but I'm not obsessed with length, latest products, etc anymore. I am natural and wore my hair in twist outs majority of the time but now if a style requires more than 15 mins work- I don't do it; hence me wearing it straight more often and doing sengelese twists. I'm just over the whole twist out, wash n go deal that only last a few days or require that I retwist every night
I've always taken care of my hair the right way, LONG before these hair boards..and my hair has always been long. The hair boards only introduced me to some new high end products...and going natural.

With that said, no I'm no longer on a hair journey. I mainly use this site for every forum BUT the hair part. I still take care of my hair as I always did...whenever I feel like it.
Caring for my natural hair became such a chore for me. It would be hours of washing, DC'ing, de tangling, and styling, just for all my progress to be murdered by florida humidity. I got my first keratin treatment in December and my hair's been the most behaved it's been for a while. Im sticking to keratin treatments.

Now I'm on a skin journey.
im still growing out my hair but a lot of stuff i dont care about anymore. i dont care about using heat, i dont care about straight hair, i dont care about natural styles, i dont care about buns, im not searching for perfect products. as long as my hair is untangled and in a neat style and doesnt feel dry, nothing else about it matters.

im not reading no product ingredients. im not avoiding cones. im not "trying out" a bunch of hoodoo oils. i'm not waiting and seeing nothing.

:lol: I still read ingredients, mostly out of habit, cause I still buy the same stuff. No new friends. I straighten about 4-5x a year and keep my hair wrapped at night.

But I don't deep condition every wash no more. Last summer, I texlaxed and to this day I almost forget it even happened cause I wasn't socially outcast by the natural hair community or felt any guilt or shame. :lol:

It's kinda whatever.
sigh. I had a major set back last summer that I am recovering from, which requires me to 'think' about my hair now. And yes, I'm kinda obsessed with growth right now. I'm using mini twists as my retention vehicle, and it's growing/retaining length very nicely. But wow it is really sad to think about the length of my hair before the set back. sigh. So I've learned that my hair can't handle being braided down underneath fake hair (i.e. sew in, crochet).

Before my set back, I was on the MHM train. I really liked that! I haven't used clay since I started the twists, but can't wait to go back to that.

I saw the thread about all the new lines SM just added and can't wait to try some of that lol.

I'll occasionally go into a thread about some random etsy hair products and will buy some stuff. I like Siamese Twists stuff. I have this 1 thing that smells exactly like cake batter :drool: I am a sucker for stuff that smells good lol.
I guess I am still on the journey. I think my hysterectomy caused a setback. But I'm not longer reading the hair forum section as much as I used to because it became a little overwhelming.

But I never did spend all day washing and detangling. I still don't quite understand that when people say that they have to set aside a whole day to wash and condition and detangle.