How Long Until you made it Official??


Well-Known Member
How Long after meeting your SO/DH were in you in full on relationship?

How many dates?

What were the deciding factors?
How Long after meeting your SO/DH were in you in full on relationship? How many dates? What were the deciding factors?
2.5 weeks!! He asked if I could be his gf after 4 dates :D of course I said yes. We are going on 2 years.
Honestly, I think it probably varies from relationship to relationship. My roomie and her bf JUST made it official this weekend (yay!! :yay:), but they had been seeing each other/dating for over a month and a half! I think they went on at least like 4 or 5 dates before they made it "official" this past weekend. :yep:

But like I said, it really varies depending on who you ask, how long you've known the guy, etc. There are just so many factors.

The main thing to keep in mind is that the relationship is PROGRESSING....not staying stagnant. I don't want to be dating a guy for 3 months in other words and still wondering if we are exclusive or bf & know what I mean??

How long have you guys been dating??
Wow... I must be in the slow lane, but I didn't consider us "official" until I got the "L" word. That took 6 months, and he said it all on his own.

We had the understanding that we weren't seeing other people about 3 months in, but didn't lock it down until the six month mark.

There really shouldn't be a time limit though... just what works for you.
My FH confirmed after about a week, he actually said 'you know you are off the market now, right?' - he was super keen in those good ol' days lol! We've been together nearly 5 years and the wedding is in 40 days.
So for those of you who made it official after less than 2 long did you know the dude prior? Like was there history?
First date May 9, 2012. Became official May 21, 2012.

I knew him prior. We have the same circle of friends. I knew him since 2009.
Honestly, I think it probably varies from relationship to relationship. My roomie and her bf JUST made it official this weekend (yay!! :yay:), but they had been seeing each other/dating for over a month and a half! I think they went on at least like 4 or 5 dates before they made it "official" this past weekend. :yep:

But like I said, it really varies depending on who you ask, how long you've known the guy, etc. There are just so many factors.

The main thing to keep in mind is that the relationship is PROGRESSING....not staying stagnant. I don't want to be dating a guy for 3 months in other words and still wondering if we are exclusive or bf & know what I mean??

How long have you guys been dating??

I was just curious. I don't place myself within the limits of a timeline I think things happen when they do. I love hearing about how couples began :-)
After around 5 dirty weekends. :look: 1.5 months

He was soft on me early on and something told me to give him a chance. I was actually enjoying single life, but something inside told me that I'd thank myself later. He's definitely the love of my life, so I did eventually end up thanking myself :lol:
this topic brings back fond memories--lol

when dh and i were dating he invited me about 3 weeks in to his families annual summer event--it was a big deal as family was flying in town, weeks of preparation and etc--in the weeks b4 he was apart of the planning process and etc anyhow i didnt say anything like oh can i go or etc? i let the man lead- i wasnt going to say a thing about attending unless he invited me--and he did--he did say he would be hosting a lot so he knew he couldnt give me his 100% attention while at the party--anyway i said cool i'll stop by and say hello for a few i didn't know anyone there and again we were newly dating at the time --didnt have the talk i was gonna just do a drive by and head to another party later that night...

i get there the man starts introducing me to everyone!!! --this is my sweetheart... my girlfriend--i was smiling inside, while playing it cool but it was all news to me as it was just 3 weeks and we hadn't had "the talk" yet lmaooo what i loved about it was his family knew about me--and they all kept coming up like oh this is her!!! i ended up staying and dancing the night away with him--got the approval from the ladies in his family...and we've been rocking and rolling ever since lol :yep:
One month...we've only been together about 5 1/2 months though. We had a little background and knew of each other in college because we're both Greek.
this topic brings back fond memories--lol

when dh and i were dating he invited me about 3 weeks in to his families annual summer event--it was a big deal as family was flying in town, weeks of preparation and etc--in the weeks b4 he was apart of the planning process and etc anyhow i didnt say anything like oh can i go or etc? i let the man lead- i wasnt going to say a thing about attending unless he invited me--and he did--he did say he would be hosting a lot so he knew he couldnt give me his 100% attention while at the party--anyway i said cool i'll stop by and say hello for a few i didn't know anyone there and again we were newly dating at the time --didnt have the talk i was gonna just do a drive by and head to another party later that night...

i get there the man starts introducing me to everyone!!! --this is my sweetheart... my girlfriend--i was smiling inside, while playing it cool but it was all news to me as it was just 3 weeks and we hadn't had "the talk" yet lmaooo what i loved about it was his family knew about me--and they all kept coming up like oh this is her!!! i ended up staying and dancing the night away with him--got the approval from the ladies in his family...and we've been rocking and rolling ever since lol :yep:

Love love love this story, thanks for sharing!
One date. He told me that he loved me two days later. We had just met a few days prior. I don't know if it was love at first sight, but our spirits connected instantly. I was definitely in love after that first date so I believed him when he said it to me a couple of days later.

We're married. Been together for 9 years. :love:
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One date. He told me that he loved me two days later. We had just met a few days prior. I don't know if it was love at first sight, but our spirits connected instantly. I was definitely in love after that first date so I believed him when he said it to me a couple of days later.

We're married. Been together for 9 years. :love:

I can really relate to this. :)
Really quickly. The 1st date started off badly but by the end of the night I knew I was going to marry that man. He was looking at me and he had these gorgeous mink brown eyes and they were super sparkly. I've never seen eyes like his. 5 weeks later he put a ring on it and we lived happily ever after.

ETA: My husband was the baby of 5 and his siblings were all far older than him. He lost his mother when he was less than 10 so he really considered his eldest sis like a mom and his brother as a father figure. I was at his house one weekend and his sister "dropped by". She lived about 30 miles away (one way) and of course it was planned. The next weekend his brother "dropped by". I didn't want to meet the brother that day because I'd forgotten my curling iron but hubby copped a little 'tude about it so I fixed it the best I could and met him. The NEXT weekend, I got my ring. I later figured out that he didn't do ANYthing without running it by those two. Guess I passed! LOL!
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We made it official after a month but we both knew after the first date that this was it.

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I am noticing alot of the timeframes were so short and I think it rings true to the statement of When you just know. Especially for the men who are seeming to act on committing to the women fast because they know what they want and I love that. Kudos ladies for allowing the Love to just flow, grow and prosper!
this topic brings back fond memories--lol when dh and i were dating he invited me about 3 weeks in to his families annual summer event--it was a big deal as family was flying in town, weeks of preparation and etc--in the weeks b4 he was apart of the planning process and etc anyhow i didnt say anything like oh can i go or etc? i let the man lead- i wasnt going to say a thing about attending unless he invited me--and he did--he did say he would be hosting a lot so he knew he couldnt give me his 100% attention while at the party--anyway i said cool i'll stop by and say hello for a few i didn't know anyone there and again we were newly dating at the time --didnt have the talk i was gonna just do a drive by and head to another party later that night... i get there the man starts introducing me to everyone!!! --this is my sweetheart... my girlfriend--i was smiling inside, while playing it cool but it was all news to me as it was just 3 weeks and we hadn't had "the talk" yet lmaooo what i loved about it was his family knew about me--and they all kept coming up like oh this is her!!! i ended up staying and dancing the night away with him--got the approval from the ladies in his family...and we've been rocking and rolling ever since lol :yep:

This is a really sweet story Lux !

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We met online. I was in AL and he was in VA. Since we were 13 hours apart we got to know eachother first via Skype, phone calls, and texting. I then moved to charlotte nc and that made us 6 hours apart. About a month and a half of conversing he came down my bday weekend. He left that Saturday evening and on my birthday which was that Sunday at midnight he told me he loved me and ask me to be with him. Almost 2 years later and 4 states later we are finally living together.
We were exclusive after 2 month and using titles, bf/gf, after 3 months. We wanted to take things slow and hadn't known each other prior to dating (met online). It'll be 2 years in less than a week. :yep:

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After the first date I knew there was wasn't even really a date. We were just hanging out with a few friends from work. We started hanging out daily. I was super attracted to him, but we kept things platonic. After a couple months of trying to be just friends we gave up and made it official :lol: Moved in together and everything