How long to leave in cornrows befor redoing?


New Member
Hello ladies! I have a question since I am fairly new to wearing weaves and cornrows. So I had my hair braided into a beeive for my weave, well I took out the weave after 2 weeks and then wore my wigs ontop of the cornrows for another week and then had my hair weaved again for about a week and now I am wearing a lace wig ontop of the braids cuz I was sick of the weave lol! So I have had the cornrows about a month and wash atleast once a week by taking a huge jug in the shower and diluting my shampoo and then conditioner and pouring it over my hair making sure that everything is clean and then I condition doin the same. I also use the doogro scalp oil evey couple of days and the carols daughter leave in spray. So after all that info lol! How long do u ladies leave cornrows in especially cuz they will be under a wig. I will not get another weave ontop of them though, cuz I want to try a diffrent pattern, but I digress! Any help would be appreciated!:yep:
For me I use to get them redone every 2 weeks but under a wig as long as your scalp doesn't have build up from conditioner, dirt, or sebum (scalp oil) I'd leave them in maybe a tad longer but be careful you don't want your hair to get matted.
For me I use to get them redone every 2 weeks but under a wig as long as your scalp doesn't have build up from conditioner, dirt, or sebum (scalp oil) I'd leave them in maybe a tad longer but be careful you don't want your hair to get matted.

Thanks! My scalp is clean, but I don't want my hair to matt up or start breaking.
In the winter I wore mine braided in a beehive pattern under wigs & I would have them redone every 4-6 weeks. I followed the same reggie as you by washing once a week & moisturizing in between washes.

In the winter I wore mine braided in a beehive pattern under wigs & I would have them redone every 4-6 weeks. I followed the same reggie as you by washing once a week & moisturizing in between washes.


Thanks! I may take it down after I remove this wig.