Do Cornrows damage the Hariline?


New Member
Quick question ladies...

I will be removing my weave next week and after conditioning my hair I wanted to get cornrows. I have had damage from micros in the past and an a little scared to get braids again. Before I make the final decision I wanted to get your opinion about the safety of cornrows and the hairline.

Oh yeah, how should I condition my hair after removing the weave? I was thinking of doing a pre-poo with alma oil overnight and following up the next day with Cassia followed by a good moisturizing DC. All feedback is highly welcomed. Thanks!
Re: Do Cormrows damage the Hariline?

I think it just all depends on how tight the braids are around the hair line. I did my own cornrows and there isn't any stress or tightness.It also depends on how small the braid is. I have had micros in the past that were too small and my hairline did suffer. Your conditioning method sounds good to me;)
Re: Do Cormrows damage the Hariline?

Yep! It all depends on how tight your hair line is braided.
I think it depends on the tightness and if your hairtype can handle it. Some people have very fragile hair that don't tolerate cornrows.
I think it depends on who it is braiding your hair and how tight they braid it. I wear micro cornrows all the time and my hairline has not suffered at all, but there are things I do to insure that I keep it. Before I get my hair braided I make sure to oil my scalp with something. I usually use mtg because that is what I am using at this time. Then, after my hair is braided I put castor oil around the edges. I also rinse my hair often. My hair has grown temendously this way. Everyday I use mtg on the braids and my hair grows like crazy. Make sure you moisturize the hair thoroughly everyday also. If you take care of your hair while in the braids you should see good results. I wash my hair once a week and deep condition my hair in the braids once a week. My braids don't get frizzy and still look good. I take them out about every three weeks because that is how much it has grown and start the process all over again. I hope this helps and I'm sorry its so long.