How long should you wait to have sex if you get back with your ex?

Black Ambrosia

Well-Known Member
If you get back with your ex, how long should you wait before having sex? If you've gone there already in the past, do you have the same waiting period or hoops to jump through?

Any thoughts?
def depends on the situation, and i think that just b/c you've been dwn that road b4 doesnt mean that you leave where you left off cause then its as if nothing ever happened..not saying make him wait another (fill in random amount of time) but only do what you can live with...
Depends what happened to make you split up. If it was mutual break for respectful reasons then.. --->:look:

Not that I would get bk with someone who did something bad, but if I did they would have to wait as long as it takes for me to feel comfortable
Until your married to him.

You dont have to GIVE him anything.

If he'll leave because you wont give him something he is not entitled to anyway, then wrong guy.