How long do you wait to protein treat after a relaxer?

How long should you wait to protein treat after a relaxer

  • 2-5 days

    Votes: 34 23.8%
  • 1 week

    Votes: 79 55.2%
  • 2 weeks

    Votes: 21 14.7%
  • longer than 2 weeks

    Votes: 9 6.3%

  • Total voters


I just got a Narobi relaxer done last Friday. Its OK, except my hair seem thin and lifeless. SO I thought I'd protein treat, but I am uncertain as to how long to wait before using a protein treatment. I have aphogee, if that makes any difference. Thanks.
From what I've read in various posts and articles, you should wait 2-3 days to do a MILD protein treatment. If you have the "hard core" Aphogee treatment for damaged I dont think you should use that so soon....I could be wrong...but I dont think so...hopefully someone with better knowlegde will chime in.
You could do a mild protein treatment like ORS Hair Mayo the next time you wash your hair.

A hard core protein treatment like Aphogee, I would wait till I'm about 3 to 4 weeks post.
i do a protein treatment (heavy aphogee) 4-7 days prior to my relaxer (to strengthen hair prior to chemical treatment) and i use a mild on reconstructer (aphogee bottle with red writing) after i neautrlize shampoo my hair.

works for me. i then do aphogee every 6 weeks. i try to time it out close to my touch ups.
My stylist use to do a DRC 28 (heavy duty protein) treatment the SAME DAY as my touch up - after neutralizing and regular shampooing.

I still use this method at home, with no problems.
I plan to use Joico K-Pak Deep Conditioning Reconstructor this weekend right after I relax and use my netralizing shampoo. I believe that it will help to replace the protein I stripped away when straightening, making it less limp and weak.

What's the deal with waiting to do protien treatments after a relaxer? I thought that nothing could make relaxed hair "revert" unless it was under processed in the first place :perplexed
When it was time for a touch up, I used to bring my Protein Filler. I would get it from Sally's BSS. "Betty" would mix some of it in with the relaxer she used to do my touch up.She would always follow up with a conditioner treatment under the dryer.

I would come away with hair that had body and swang. Not that stick straight thin "just permed" look.

My "Betty" was one of a kind. She encouraged me to bring in the products I used on my hair. She would use them to continue, as she put it, "the good job I was doing with my hair".

Sigh. I miss "Betty". When her husband retired she sold the salon and they retired to Florida.
I do a protein treatment the last wash before a relaxer and the first wash after a relaxer. So it's probably like 4 days before and 4 days after. I also do a protein treatment during my touch-up.

My protein of choice is Ultra-Sheen Duo Tex.
My stylist use to do a DRC 28 (heavy duty protein) treatment the SAME DAY as my touch up - after neutralizing and regular shampooing.

I still use this method at home, with no problems.

I was reading recently that a protein/moisture treatment should be done at the time of a re-touch service, in order to replace the proteins and moisture lost from the chemicals.

BTW: Sistaslick and Supergirl made extensive comments on a thread some time ago discussing the issue of when to apply a protein treatment following a re-touch. Very insightful.
During or right after I relax. I either buy a small bottle of Protein Filler and add it to the relaxer, or after rinsing out the relaxer I apply a protein conditioner for a few minutes then neutralize.

ETA: I also do a protein treatment a week after relaxing...
My stylist does a DRC protein treatment 2 weeks before I get a relaxer and then 2 weeks after I get a relaxer. My hair stays strong with very minimal breakage :yep:
When it was time for a touch up, I used to bring my Protein Filler. I would get it from Sally's BSS. "Betty" would mix some of it in with the relaxer she used to do my touch up.She would always follow up with a conditioner treatment under the dryer.

I would come away with hair that had body and swang. Not that stick straight thin "just permed" look.

My "Betty" was one of a kind. She encouraged me to bring in the products I used on my hair. She would use them to continue, as she put it, "the good job I was doing with my hair".

Sigh. I miss "Betty". When her husband retired she sold the salon and they retired to Florida.

I'm gonna give this a try. Was you left underprocessed at all?
i do a protein treatment (heavy aphogee) 4-7 days prior to my relaxer (to strengthen hair prior to chemical treatment) and i use a mild on reconstructer (aphogee bottle with red writing) after i neautrlize shampoo my hair.

works for me. i then do aphogee every 6 weeks. i try to time it out close to my touch ups.
This is what I do mixed with some moisturizing conditioner.
I use it after I shampoo the relaxer out of my hair for no more than 5mn then do a deep conditioning treatment.
well i use ors reg relaxer and it comes with an ors pak which is a mild protien i believe. i use it right after i am done texlaxin and leave it on like i would if i were dc'in, i cover with plastic bacg and leave it on for a few hours then i rinse.
I do a protein treatment the last wash before a relaxer and the first wash after a relaxer. So it's probably like 4 days before and 4 days after. I also do a protein treatment during my touch-up.

My protein of choice is Ultra-Sheen Duo Tex.

:yep: What she said.
I use Affirm 5 in 1 reconstructor right after my relaxer and a "harcore protein" like aphogee within a week after. I also use my shikakai bar after I neutralize.
I use Aphogee Intensive Keratin Reconstructor immediately after rinsing out the relaxer but before neutralizing. If needed, I will use Aphogee Treatment for Damaged Hair (heavy protein) a week after relaxing, but more and more I'm finding it's not necessary since I started using the reconstructor before neutralizing (per SistaSlick's instructions).
stay away from hard protein treatments like Aphogee for at LEAST the first month after a relaxer.

i found this out the hard way.

i did a touch-up, then a week later did a hard aphogee treatment. all of my hair reverted. the newly relaxed hair became very wavy, almost 3B, and the previously relaxed hair kinked back up to 4a. i was very upset.

so i relaxed again the next day (i know, that's a BIG nono), and everything turned out okay.

bottom line, mild proteins are okay, but even medium proteins like the ORS replenishing paks will revert your hair to some degree when used within 2 weeks of relaxing (i found out the hard way with that, too.)