How long do you wait to protein treat after a relaxer?

How long should you wait to protein treat after a relaxer

  • 2-5 days

    Votes: 34 23.8%
  • 1 week

    Votes: 79 55.2%
  • 2 weeks

    Votes: 21 14.7%
  • longer than 2 weeks

    Votes: 9 6.3%

  • Total voters
Thanks ladies. Some one asks a while back: "How do you convince your "Betty" to apply your mild protien trmnt" if they are not used to doing it? and (2) Can some one please supply a break down of the various "hard,moderate," and "mild" protien trmnts by name/brand? Thanks in advance.
Thanks ladies. Some one asks a while back: "How do you convince your "Betty" to apply your mild protien trmnt" if they are not used to doing it? and (2) Can some one please supply a break down of the various "hard,moderate," and "mild" protien trmnts by name/brand? Thanks in advance.

Well two things. First off read Sistaslick's article on the mid-treatment step so that you can explain scientifically (to "betty") why you would like this treatment done. Secondly it's your head and your money so you have every right to tell Betty what you want done to your head. You can do a search for other protein treatments for this purpose but a lot of people use Aphogee 2 minute Protein condish cuz it is pretty mild.
Protien treetments can be done during relaxer, Rinse all relaxer from the hair and apply protein to hair the relaxer has opened the hair cuticle to allow the protein to go straight to the shaft and strengthen the hair. then neutralize with shampoo if you feel the conditioner has not neutrized and removed all the relaxer.

I am going to try this.
What is the protein filler some of you ladies are mixing in with your relaxers? And where do you get it?
I'm so glad I found this thread. I was wondering the same thing..I am doing my first protein treatment this week, 1 week post relaxer..i hope all goes well.
I relaxed using no lye then neutralized with the shampoo. Then I left the Duo Tez on 5 mins as the instructions say to after a chemical service. Then I deep condition with the conditioner that comes with the perm.
When it was time for a touch up, I used to bring my Protein Filler. I would get it from Sally's BSS. "Betty" would mix some of it in with the relaxer she used to do my touch up.She would always follow up with a conditioner treatment under the dryer.

I would come away with hair that had body and swang. Not that stick straight thin "just permed" look.

My "Betty" was one of a kind. She encouraged me to bring in the products I used on my hair. She would use them to continue, as she put it, "the good job I was doing with my hair".

Sigh. I miss "Betty". When her husband retired she sold the salon and they retired to Florida.

This is interesting. I think I read where Ladies was mixing the Protein Filler into the Relaxer on the: Protein Filler Thread. Shoulda tried this.:ohwell:

I will have to go back and re-read. I self-relaxed this weekend and was thinking about which Protein Conditioner I plan to use on my next Wash day, which is what caused me to bump this thread.

I couldn't decide if I was going to use Keraphix, Joico, Sebastain's Penetraitt, ORS Replenishing, Tigi Dumb Blonde, Treasurers Perfect Blend etc......

But now....I am thinking about mixing a couple drops of the Protein Filler in whichever one I decide to use. :brainy:

So can Mayo be used as a light treatment?
Or maybe eggs?
And does anyone still do a protein treatment before a neutralizer, after the relaxer?

So can Mayo be used as a light treatment?
Or maybe eggs?
And does anyone still do a protein treatment before a neutralizer, after the relaxer?

I would not use eithier of the first 2 on your list. Mayo is not a protein treatment, if you look at the ingredients you will see there is no protein and the egg should be mixed with something else in order to be beneficial. I was mizing on egg yolk with my protein conditioner but stopped because I am trying to KIS.

A light treatment usually contains a hydrolyzed protein (Collagen and/or keratin and/or animal protein and/or wheat protein)

Most including me does my light treatment right after rinsing out my relaxer. I use Millcreek Biotin, which has collogen and keratin. I mix this with my veggie protein and my hair is always full of life after.

If you do a search you will find some light treatments that are very popular.
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So can Mayo be used as a light treatment?
Or maybe eggs?
And does anyone still do a protein treatment before a neutralizer, after the relaxer?

The amount of protein in mayo is negligible, so I have never used it alone. I regularly use eggs as my main source of protein. I mix it with Palmer's Deep Conditioning Protein Pack because it makes a thicker, stronger consistency. I use this mixture the week before and the week after I relax. I use the Palmer's Pack ONLY prior to neutralizing during my relaxer process.
I would not use eithier of the first 2 on your list. Mayo is not a protein treatment, if you look at the ingredients you will see there is no protein and the egg should be mixed with something else in order to be beneficial. I was mizing on egg yolk with my protein conditioner but stopped because I am trying to KIS.

A light treatment usually contains a hydrolyzed protein (Collagen and/or keratin and/or animal protein and/or wheat protein)

Most including me does my light treatment right after rinsing out my relaxer. I use Millcreek Biotin, which has collogen and keratin. I mix this with my veggie protein and my hair is always full of life after.

If you do a search you will find some light treatments that are very popular.
Thank you for the response Myjourney2009, I was wondering if you knew of any homemade products or ingredients I can find in my kitchen that can be used for mild protein treatments as opposed to buying from the store?

The amount of protein in mayo is negligible, so I have never used it alone. I regularly use eggs as my main source of protein. I mix it with Palmer's Deep Conditioning Protein Pack because it makes a thicker, stronger consistency. I use this mixture the week before and the week after I relax. I use the Palmer's Pack ONLY prior to neutralizing during my relaxer process.

Thanks Americka for the response.
Dang and to think I was using mayo and eggs for my protein treatments!! :blush:
I might have experienced this, too. I used Redken Real Control condish after my neutralizing shampoo. I left that perm in for 25-35 minutes and i have some 3c-like curls! But, no big problem.

I wonder if this happened to me too...?

I used Dr. Miracles (now I know better) when I relaxed a couple of weeks ago, rinsed and used ORS Mayo, then neutralizer, etc., etc. I let my hair dry naturally to about 80%, then blew it dry. The next day, I used a flat iron to straighten, and it was okay, but I've washed my hair a few times since then, and when it dries naturally, a pretty large section of my hair seems to have reverted.

I guess I used the wrong product...?
Thank you for the response Myjourney2009, I was wondering if you knew of any homemade products or ingredients I can find in my kitchen that can be used for mild protein treatments as opposed to buying from the store?

Thanks Americka for the response.
Dang and to think I was using mayo and eggs for my protein treatments!! :blush:

There's nothing wrong with using the mayo/eggs combo as a protein treatment. For me, it is a medium protein treatment. When I used mayo/eggs/con combo, it made my hair softer. Do what works for you!
I use Motions Relaxer and I use Moisture Plus before Neutralizing, after Neutralizing twice I use Aphogee 2 Minute for 5 minutes.

I always give myself a Aphogee 2 step Treatment the week before my relaxer :)

My first wash after my relaxer this time I used ORS Replenishing Pak Steamed in and Aphogee 2 Minute For 10 minutes under a Self heating cap. My hair is still soft :)