How long did it take U 2 reach your 1st Goal?


New Member
hi ladies just wondering how long did it take you to reach your 1st goal? what products were used? and was the challenge hard did it seem like u was watching paint dry or you saw results right away? I think this thread will be inspiring for all newbies including myself who are on their way to long healthy hair:)
it depends on many things: where you are now, what you do, etc.

from the time i joined, it took me about 5.5 months to reach my first goal of BSL. From 19 to 22.5"... i had a little growthspurt when I started, b/c i washed 3 times a week :)

It wasn't challenging. I enjoyed the process. I still do now. If you look at it as something tedious, then it WILL be tedious. Enjoy what you do, b/c you will be happy when you get there. Well basically, I saw results at every touch-up. I had 2 touch-ups from the time I started to when I reached BSL.

As for the health of my hair, it took me a little while to eliminate breakage b/c i was learning how to handle my hair and all that, but anyway, Patience is a Virtue, and if you can't be patient, just go wash it and put it in a bun :lol:
I reached armpit length a while back because I too had a growth spurt, I was using Surge and still am, and I was then washing my hair every 4 days. Which I am getting ready to go back to. I was bunning and just trying to limit manipulation to my hair.
It took me about 5 months to get an inch or so below Shoulder length. I didnt use any growth enhancements or anything like that. I just did protective styles the majority of the time and and the last two months or so i was CW every other day. I used the Nioxin line, then switched to Nexxus. I would moisturize my hair with mango butter. At first all I cared about was my hair, and it just SEEMED to be growing so SLOW.....but once I just let it do its thing with out worrying it seemed to take off. Also since I stretched my relaxer for months....there was so much shrinkage, that I would get discouraged....but once I relaxed I saww ALL the length I had acheived. :) HTH
CarLiTa said:
It wasn't challenging. I enjoyed the process. I still do now. If you look at it as something tedious, then it WILL be tedious. Enjoy what you do, b/c you will be happy when you get there.

ITA! My goal when I came here was to get my hair healthy - no matter what the length. I feel I accomplished that within the first few months. I too enjoyed the process and I still do. It's fun and I'm always learning something new, even after all this time!:)
Temp101 said:
hi ladies just wondering how long did it take you to reach your 1st goal? what products were used? and was the challenge hard did it seem like u was watching paint dry or you saw results right away? I think this thread will be inspiring for all newbies including myself who are on their way to long healthy hair:)

It took me 10 1/2 months to reach my first goal of bra strap length. My regimen was pretty simple and still is, I wear protective styles 80% of the time, use little heat, CO Wash atleast 2-3 times a week, and moisturize my hair every other day. I didnt use any special products other than MTG, when I started using it I was 2.5 inches from my goal, it helped me reach my goal a bit sooner than expected, but it wasnt the major factor that attributed to my hair growth. It wasnt really challenging, I enjoyed the process as well. :)