How Long Before You Cook For Someone??

I cook when I feel like it. When I don't, I tell him we're going out to dinner. If he asks and it's a requirement for him, he's sol.

Cooking is not chore for me. If I feel like eating my own cooking and he's there, he gets fed.
I cooked after his first sleep over. A full breakfast with all the trimmings. He was on cloud 9 and wanted to come over every weekend after that. It did create a quicker bond but I wouldn't advise anyone to do the same; I was wined and dined less after that. I only did this for one man though. Although he's DH now, even that was a longer time coming than it should have been :giggle:

I would say to give him a taste of your skills after a few months but only once in a while, just enough to get him craving more but not comfortable and feeling entitled.
when i'm single i eat eggs for breakfast and beans, tortilla chips & salsa for dinner. every single day without fail. i'm not cooking for nobody i'm just dating when i dont even cook for myself. **** outta here. i need to have some sort of marriage proposal before you'll find me in the kitchen.
when i'm single i eat eggs for breakfast and beans, tortilla chips & salsa for dinner. every single day without fail. i'm not cooking for nobody i'm just dating when i dont even cook for myself. **** outta here. i need to have some sort of marriage proposal before you'll find me in the kitchen.

:lol: Right. I have a boiled egg and coffee for breakfast and baked chicken thighs and green beans for dinner. everyday (unless I'm out). I don't cook anything else and I'm not going to :lol:
I cooked after his first sleep over. A full breakfast with all the trimmings. He was on cloud 9 and wanted to come over every weekend after that. It did create a quicker bond but I wouldn't advise anyone to do the same; I was wined and dined less after that. I only did this for one man though. Although he's DH now, even that was a longer time coming than it should have been :giggle:

I would say to give him a taste of your skills after a few months but only once in a while, just enough to get him craving more but not comfortable and feeling entitled.

Lol yep!!! I genuinely like to cook, but I definitely agree with you, they way too comfortable especially when you can really throw down in the kitchen. They don't see a reason to continue going out and will start ordering up special dishes and menus. Boy bye!!!
hmmm. I really never thought of it. but ive never cooked anything for a guy until after we already had an established routine, and on the whole men I date are better at cooking than I am. and have better apartments :lol: so they usually end up cooking for me.

I havent spotted a pattern with mine. I have two fwbs that have been in my life for a long time (one over a year, the other several years) and ive never cooked either of them anything because we netflix and chill most of the time.

when the circumstances are right to cook for him you will know *magical unicorn riding off into the rainbow* :lol:
I cook for myself regularly and my family when they are at my house. I usually don't cook for a man until after he has picked up a pattern of cooking for me. I didn't realize I did this until a few years ago when my ex was shocked when I cooked for us and surprised it tasted good. :lachen:He assumed I couldn't cook because I never took the initiative to do it. He cooked for us everyday or we ate out until one day I just up and decided to make a meal.
This is interesting. I cooked for my guy after a few weeks. Nothing major- and I am basically using him as a test taster. Many of the major complaints from men about women is that we don't cook. So I wanted him to know I can ahead of time. I cook for him when I feel like it.
I love to cook for myself and others. And I look forward to doing it for my future hubby/fiancee.

But I had to stop doing it for men I just met. Cooking or baking for a man too soon in the game unless he has reciprocated is the death knell, some men get deathly frightened and think now you want to marry them. Now if we have been together for a few weeks or months and I want to show him appreciation because he has been doing a lot for me, I will cook. But to start cooking when he hasn't made his intentions clear is a bit too intimate and can scare a man. Alpha males like their women to be the receivers so if he hasn't done anything for you and you start putting yourself in the giver position it really screws things up.

I know some women say that a man needs to see your skills but early sex and cooking are killers or they just like to cook. Now, I know some women will come out and say, oh I slept with my man on the first date and I cooked him a slamming breakfast the next day and he still married me. And I know there are exceptions to everything in life but for me nope to early cooking.

A lot of my married friends tell me don't cook for a man too soon.

I say show a man with your personality, values and style early on and not through cooking or mothering.

Almond Eyes
I think when you feel like it,no? Date 3 is a little too soon because I probably wouldn't have him over my house yet.

Cooking for someone as a date is hella different than doing it on a regular basis (like when he come home from work, let's say)
I love cooking and am a great i usually cook much earlier in a specific time, if i wanna cook for you i cook for you.

I cooked for current SO on our second date, and he said that night that he would marry me cos he wants to have meals that taste this good on a regular...two years later, we are getting married this September. His best pal the other daY when we told them we getting married said : "wow congratulations, when did you decide you wanna marr her" he (SO) said : " when she cooked for me on our second date" some men really value old school staff

P.S because i know how some of you get, i am not suggesting that he is only marrying me for the cooking or that cooking on your second date will make a man marry you
there is no set time. I like to cook and rarely have time with my schedule. One guy I dated I maybe cooked for him alone 3x in the two years we were together. He cooked a lot or we went out. The exception being every year we had a rooftop bbq, and a Halloween and Xmas party at his place and we both cooked so he knew I could cook I just didn't

The one I'm seeing now I actually wound up cooking for him after the 4th time and it was more I was heading to his place and had eaten out for almost three weeks straight and wasn't in the mood. I told him to pick up a list of ingredients since I didn't feel like going out and I knew he had been putting in crazy hours at work so I cooked dinner at his place. He loved what I cooked but also knows I like trying new places and am not cooking for him unless I feel like it. ( didn't love the way my arroz con pollo I made for him came out but he loved it and he txted wanted to know the recipe for these pineapple habinaro wings I made for him)(plus his ex wife of 12 yrs didn't know how to cook so frankly if I made scrambled eggs I would have looked like a superstar)