How long after a relaxer.....


New Member
should i wait before getting braids done?? my stylist said i should not do them right after a relaxer because that is when my hair is the weakest and doesn't need that kind of tension. my thinking was that they would look fresher for longer if i did them right after....whats the soonest you have gotten braids after a relaxer??
Your stylist is right. Wait a couple weeks.

Also, having a bit of new growth may make it easier on the braider because straight hair is more difficult to grab.
I wait at least 4 weeks so that they have some new growth to grab when they braid it. I think they would slip out right after a relaxer, and your hair is weakest.
thank you has been 4 weeks since my relaxer, so I think I will get them done this weekend. I was trying to wait to do another aphogee 2 step before I got them, but that is not due for another 2 weeks. If I wait that long, I will want to relax again.....what a vicious cycle!!:spinning:
thank you has been 4 weeks since my relaxer, so I think I will get them done this weekend. I was trying to wait to do another aphogee 2 step before I got them, but that is not due for another 2 weeks. If I wait that long, I will want to relax again.....what a vicious cycle!!:spinning:

4 weeks should be fine. You could do a light/med protein a week before you get them, if you feel you need it.

Oh and welcome!