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How much does you parents opinion about your SO/DH matter?
Would you not marry a man based on your parents perception of him?

It could be anything from culture, religion, his job/finances, previously married, children from previous relationship.

What say you?
I will be one of the few that will answer this way but it wouldn't matter to me at all that my parents like my so if I had one.The backing for my feelings is my mother who I feel totally a waste of life married someone who is the same a total waste of life.I truly believe the people I would want approval are those who have a successful marriage and are successful in general.The things that are important to me appearance,prestige,honor,wealth,respectability are things my mother and step father wouldn't be able to get.They wouldn't be a good judge in character..when I was engaged years ago they thought it was's a man..he doesn't have to stay faithful long as he comes back at night.
Knowing my parents liked my DH and were excited about us getting married made the entire planning process and our lives together a little easier, but ultimately, I was only concerned with what God had to say about the whole thing. I had HIS approval and that is what mattered to me the most. Getting other people's opinion is always a sticky area because there are some people who can't stand to see another person happy.
I will be one of the few that will answer this way but it wouldn't matter to me at all that my parents like my so if I had one.The backing for my feelings is my mother who I feel totally a waste of life married someone who is the same a total waste of life.I truly believe the people I would want approval are those who have a successful marriage and are successful in general.

You're not alone. I couldn't care less if they like him. When you're older, you notice more of your parents' flaws and realize that sometimes the things they value aren't all that important in your relationship and vice versa. My folks are okay, but judging that they ended up with each other and decided to stay makes me :rolleyes:
Yes, very important. I come from a close knit family who I am certain wants to see me happy. My first husband was 'eh' in their eyes. But since I loved him, they tolerated him. No major flaws, more personality issues that created a constant strain. Over the years the strain got bigger and bigger. I wanted one big family, he wanted to take me away from his family. So if I ever remarry I will value their input.
It was very important to me. My parents have been right about every guy that I brought home. They could see things that I couldn't (especially my dad), so if they didn't like someone, I started to watch him more carefully and eventually I would see what they saw. They loved my DH after meeting him so I knew he was a keeper.
Extremely important for me. If they didn't like him I would ask why. And I would take it into consideration.

For my parents to say "I don't like so and so" that person would have to be a true d-bag because they're more of the live and let live types.

They couldn't stand my sister's ex husband. However they didn't try to talk her out of marrying him because she's too damn hard-headed. She knew they didnt like him and the reasons why. Well, she got married to that fool anyway.

After he beat her sas a few times she wised up and got a divorce.

It matter's to me but it's not that important to me. She had no valid reason not to like him other than I am her only daughter and she saw that as the icing on the cake of me being totally grown. (Even though I totally left the nest 18 and never asked for or needed anything else from her.)

I loved him then and 13 years later, I love the hell out of him now.
It would be nice if they approved but if they didn't, it wouldn't be a dealbreaker for me.
How much does you parents opinion about your SO/DH matter?
Would you not marry a man based on your parents perception of him?

It could be anything from culture, religion, his job/finances, previously married, children from previous relationship.

What say you?
Does your parents not approve of your SO/DH?
I could care less what my parents and family think. It's a not like they've all been extra successful with their relationships.
My parents approval is pretty important but not the end all be all.

If they didn't mesh for personality reasons or whatever, then that doesn't matter. but I would listen to things that they point out.

My dad has been really reasonable w/ my sister's boyfriends, including the last idiot until he showed his arse, so I think my dad would give them a fair shake
From past experience, their approval is important to me. However, God's approval comes first. Hope that makes sense.
My mom's approval means a lot to me. My father's not so much, as we're not that tight, so I could really care less. But my mom is my rock and I know she only wants what's best for me. She was team DH from the very jump, even when I wasn't!! She loves her SIL!!
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I respect my parents' opinions and they're not the type to blanketly dislike someone without a reasonable cause. So, I would listen and really consider anything they have to say about a significant other.
Is approval the same as a blessing? Can your parents approve of someone and you not have their blessing?
I was just wondering because my sister's getting married soon and I don't think she has either. I think my mom may approve that she's getting married since dude's living with her, but she's not really thrilled with him or the idea of it. Maybe approve is the wrong word.
Their approval is not important to me at all to be honest about it. I love my parents, but they have not been very good examples for a successful marriage. This is marriage #2 for both of them, and after 30 years this relationship is going down the toilet as well. As a result, I don't really trust their judgment or look to them for wisdom. The only people whose opinions and approval I'm seeking are my pastors...
Very important to me. You dont marry a person, you marry a family. And if my family dont approve then I don think I can go with it. Especially since I am VERY close with my family.

Now if they dont think he's good enough but I am happy then they can all kicks rocks :lachen:.