How I Got My Moisture Groove Back (LONG)


With Love & Silk
I've been puzzled for the last couple of months over dry hair. I could get it to improve a little, but never significantly. I tried clarifying, protein, all the things that I would've recommended if someone were having this problem.

I got a water filter. --no help there. It was only a chlorine filter, but still it should've helped something if hard water was the prob. I even did a home grown hard water test and the "results" were not the results I would supposedly get with hard water.

I started to search the board about porosity, even found a great thread started by ajoyfuljoy about how her hair was healthy, but just didn't feel smooth. That described me too. There were excellent tips in that thread. I did all the porosity things. It helped a little. I did the aloe/water mix and glycerin/aloe mix. :nono:

So then I put myself on a hair "diet." This didn't involve food, but a restriction of products. --absolutely no cones, mostly AO conditioners. So last Thursday, I started with Aubrey's HSR Shampoo. This, my friends, is not the least bit moisturizing. It's rather stripping but this is kind of what I was going for. I followed with GPB, which contrary to what most would think, is very moisturizing.


A little tip for AO Conditioners: The GPB & HSR conditioners are quite thick, cause frustration when trying to get them out of the bottle, especially HSR. You need 2 hands, but if you're using one hand to put it in your hair then ???? So now I use 2 hands to squeeze it into a small bowl or cup before I begin. Also, one member here, God bless her heart, says that when she gets to the last bit of conditioner, she cuts the bottle open so she can get it ALL. I've started doing this too--there's a lot in there. :yep:

Anyway, I saturated my hair with GPB in very small sections (about 8--4 on each side and then top, sides, and nape) and even used my hands to part my hair and put conditioner directly on my new growth. I combed it through to distribute it well. (will do more often) I left the GPB in for an hour with a plastic cap and turbie wrap over the cap.

I rinsed and did not towel dry or squeeze dry. I used a dollop of HSR as my leave-in and went on my merry way to air dry. And finally, MY MOISTURE WAS BACK!

I think I had product build up and my Kenra and Suave clarifying hadn't been able to TCB. AND, I don't think the build up was from cones necessarily. That may have been part of it, but I'm starting to believe that shea butter builds up on the hair so I'll have to use it sparingly. I still believe it's a good ingredient for hair.

I really think the HSR shampoo helped me with the build up and I'll use it more often. Some of you out there have excellent clarifying poos and so you probably don't have this issue. I'll be looking for one.
Okay Supergirl, I am so happy you have found out what the problem is but you know you have a gang of folks who have no clue as the those alphabets you are throwing out, right?:lachen:

So do some translation will ya, please? :yep:

AO - I am guessing Aubrey Organic for $500 Alex! :lachen:
GPB - no clue
HRS - I got nothin
TCB - crickets....

PS: When my hair grows up it wants to be like your hair. :yep:
Great tip. I love Aubrey organics especially the HSR condish. I have never tried it as a leave in though and I never used the GPB condish. I need to pick some up.

I've been struggling with dry hair even though I condition every morning with Kenra Moisture.
Okay Supergirl, I am so happy you have found out what the problem is but you know you have a gang of folks who have no clue as the those alphabets you are throwing out, right?:lachen:

So do some translation will ya, please? :yep:

AO - I am guessing Aubrey Organic for $500 Alex! :lachen:
GPB - no clue
HRS - I got nothin
TCB - crickets....

PS: When my hair grows up it wants to be like your hair. :yep:

I'm sorry. Yes AO is Aubrey Organics. GPB is actually the name of one of their conditioners. I believe it stands for glycogen protein balance whatever that means--I just know it's the bomb. HSR is their Honey Suckle Rose conditioner & TCB=taking care of business, ala Aretha Franklin. :lol:
I've been puzzled for the last couple of months over dry hair. I could get it to improve a little, but never significantly. I tried clarifying, protein, all the things that I would've recommended if someone were having this problem.

I got a water filter. --no help there. It was only a chlorine filter, but still it should've helped something if hard water was the prob. I even did a home grown hard water test and the "results" were not the results I would supposedly get with hard water.

I started to search the board about porosity, even found a great thread started by ajoyfuljoy about how her hair was healthy, but just didn't feel smooth. That described me too. There were excellent tips in that thread. I did all the porosity things. It helped a little. I did the aloe/water mix and glycerin/aloe mix. :nono:

So then I put myself on a hair "diet." This didn't involve food, but a restriction of products. --absolutely no cones, mostly AO conditioners. So last Thursday, I started with Aubrey's HSR Shampoo. This, my friends, is not the least bit moisturizing. It's rather stripping but this is kind of what I was going for. I followed with GPB, which contrary to what most would think, is very moisturizing.


A little tip for AO Conditioners: The GPB & HSR conditioners are quite thick, cause frustration when trying to get them out of the bottle, especially HSR. You need 2 hands, but if you're using one hand to put it in your hair then ???? So now I use 2 hands to squeeze it into a small bowl or cup before I begin. Also, one member here, God bless her heart, says that when she gets to the last bit of conditioner, she cuts the bottle open so she can get it ALL. I've started doing this too--there's a lot in there. :yep:

Anyway, I saturated my hair with GPB in very small sections (about 8--4 on each side and then top, sides, and nape) and even used my hands to part my hair and put conditioner directly on my new growth. I combed it through to distribute it well. (will do more often) I left the GPB in for an hour with a plastic cap and turbie wrap over the cap.

I rinsed and did not towel dry or squeeze dry. I used a dollop of HSR as my leave-in and went on my merry way to air dry. And finally, MY MOISTURE WAS BACK!

I think I had product build up and my Kenra and Suave clarifying hadn't been able to TCB. AND, I don't think the build up was from cones necessarily. That may have been part of it, but I'm starting to believe that shea butter builds up on the hair so I'll have to use it sparingly. I still believe it's a good ingredient for hair.

I really think the HSR shampoo helped me with the build up and I'll use it more often. Some of you out there have excellent clarifying poos and so you probably don't have this issue. I'll be looking for one.

Thanks for sharing Supergirl.

The thing with product buildp is that like you had mentioned, it all doesn't come from just silicones. Also if you don't catch it in time, all of the usual treatments don't work as well. It can take more than just one clarifying wash to fix thing. I am not going to go into all of my theories here in detail but I am glad you found something that works. I love aubrey products.
Thanks for sharing Supergirl.

The thing with product buildp is that like you had mentioned, it all doesn't come from just silicones. Also if you don't catch it in time, all of the usual treatments don't work as well. It can take more than just one clarifying wash to fix thing. I am not going to go into all of my theories here in detail but I am glad you found something that works. I love aubrey products.

You should start a separate thread. It may help someone--I was getting so sad and frustrated about not being able to fix my dry hair.
I think I had product build up and my Kenra and Suave clarifying hadn't been able to TCB. AND, I don't think the build up was from cones necessarily. That may have been part of it, but I'm starting to believe that shea butter builds up on the hair so I'll have to use it sparingly. I still believe it's a good ingredient for hair.
Shea butter does build up. When using it on my skin I noticed it leaves a film like a protective barrier. It's good stuff but does have to be removed thoroughly every once in a while.
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This is right on time! I was noticing that my hair felt a little drier than usual - I might have to step up on the clarifying a little...... :yep:
if a clarifying poo does not work could you use a chelator? i'm just wondering.

AO products have been getting really good reviews...i might have to bite that bullet.
I'm really happy that you've gotten your moisture back. But when you say you've gotten your moisture back, do you mean that your hair now feels soft, smooth and healthy?
Great tip. I love Aubrey organics especially the HSR condish. I have never tried it as a leave in though and I never used the GPB condish. I need to pick some up.

I've been struggling with dry hair even though I condition every morning with Kenra Moisture.

This is interesting becasue I think Kenra MC made my hair feel a little stiff last week.

AO HSR helped me big time too:grin:!!
...I started to search the board about porosity, even found a great thread started by ajoyfuljoy about how her hair was healthy, but just didn't feel smooth. That described me too. There were excellent tips in that thread. I did all the porosity things. It helped a little. I did the aloe/water mix and glycerin/aloe mix. :nono:

Thanks for this shout out Supergirl. Yes my hair used to be rough as I don't know what. Now my hair isn't as rough at all.

I've also found that i have to clarify/chelate to keep my hair from acting crazy. And with your products you've found that you love, I also use a homeade product with a healthy dose of glycerin (but not too much) that is the ONE thing that will make my hair soft everytime.

I'm sorry the glycerin/aloe mix didn't work for ya. I tweaked mine after hearing a lot of ladies complaints so I use 3 parts aloe vera juice, one part glycerin and one part water (with a little dash of SAA, optional). The glycerin is only 1/5 of the mix so it's not too little but it's not too much.

I'll keep the products you mentioned in mind. I know that when I run out of my giovanni shampoo and ORS Replenishing Condish I was thinking about trying something else (for fun) so I'll definitely check yours out!

PS I love your hair. I can't wait til my hair is that long won't nobody be able to tell me nothin :yep:
Thanks for this shout out Supergirl. Yes my hair used to be rough as I don't know what. Now my hair isn't as rough at all.

I've also found that i have to clarify/chelate to keep my hair from acting crazy. And with your products you've found that you love, I also use a homeade product with a healthy dose of glycerin (but not too much) that is the ONE thing that will make my hair soft everytime.

I'm sorry the glycerin/aloe mix didn't work for ya. I tweaked mine after hearing a lot of ladies complaints so I use 3 parts aloe vera juice, one part glycerin and one part water (with a little dash of SAA, optional). The glycerin is only 1/5 of the mix so it's not too little but it's not too much.

I'll keep the products you mentioned in mind. I know that when I run out of my giovanni shampoo and ORS Replenishing Condish I was thinking about trying something else (for fun) so I'll definitely check yours out!

PS I love your hair. I can't wait til my hair is that long won't nobody be able to tell me nothin :yep:

I must try this ratio. :yep: I bet it would be better. :)
Great thread Supergirl. Glad you got your moisture groove back.
Ajoyful is the aloe vera juice you use in your mix the kind that you drink?
I’ve tried glycerin mixes but should I use food grade glycerin for better results?
Great tip. I love Aubrey organics especially the HSR condish. I have never tried it as a leave in though and I never used the GPB condish. I need to pick some up.

I've been struggling with dry hair even though I condition every morning with Kenra Moisture.

wow, really!?!? I was going to purchase this b/c I need a really good moisture based conditioner and my hair is super dry.