How HEALTHY is your hair?

What hair health problems do you currently have?

  • None! My hair is perfectly healthy (or very close)!

    Votes: 61 36.1%
  • Heat Damage

    Votes: 16 9.5%
  • General Breakage

    Votes: 53 31.4%
  • Split Ends or Bubble Hair

    Votes: 41 24.3%
  • See-through ends

    Votes: 31 18.3%
  • Relaxer or Dye Damage

    Votes: 14 8.3%
  • Thin Edges/Hair Loss/Mucho Shedding

    Votes: 31 18.3%
  • Porosity problems/constantly dry hair

    Votes: 30 17.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New Member
I know there's a lot of focus on everyone hair length, but I haven't seen nearly as many posts on the health of people's hair. I've finally gotten to the point where I can say my hair is 90% healthy, and NOW it's finally growing!

How 'bout all you ladies? Is your hair perfectly healthy, or not at all?

Describe the problems you have and how you're trying to resolve them. Maybe we can all give each other tips!
All of my post LHCF growth is healthy. My pre-LHCF hair that's still hanging on? Hmmm...probably not. :lachen: I'll have to trim and trim but I don't want to do that just yet, so I'll wait. :lol:
My hair is doing great! I don't have any of those problems in the poll.

I'm thinking of starting henna soon to make my hair a little stronger. And I need to keep my hands out of my hair. But, I'm on easy street now.
I'm happy to say mine is pretty healthy! I've found a great shampoo and conditioner that my hair loves, and I spot trim my own hair when needed. All in all, I'm pretty content.
right now, my hair is mostly healthy. i have a little bit of heat damage in the front but, it's not much of an issue for me. i also have a very small amount of general breakage, which is to be expected.. so again, i'm not complaining. im happy with the overall health of my hair.
My hair is currently damaged. Before I cut it, I was blowdrying and flat ironing my at least once a week. If it was humid outside maybe 3x a week. No DC, crust on my flat iron, not enought protectant, heat settings too high, these are the things off top of my head.

I am now letting the flat iron rest for awhile and I'm wearing twists. I'm dcing everyweek and using a light protein condish every other week.
Good job for turning it around Aprils13. Working with damaged hair is SOO frusterating. Before I got my hair in good shape there was no damage it didn't have all at once: over processed relaxer, heat damage, split ends....

I did the same thing you did with the blow dryer and flat iron. I never moisturized too!

What flat iron and temperature did you use on your hair on?
I think my hair is about 99% healthy. It was waist length last year but my split ends got so bad from me not trimming that I had to trim it to almost shoulder length. I didn't know my hair was that damaged because I had wore it natural (wash and go) most of the time and I could not see the full length but when I flat ironed it, it was thin right in the middle of my hair. The sides were still healthy, but my overal hair condition did not look good so I cut it to shoulder length. Now it is at brastap length and I am happy because it is healthy and long. I'm on the waist length journey again, but this time I have changed up my regimen a bit and it seems to be working.
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Split ends? Do you think that they are keeping me from obtaining the last few inches I need in order to achieve my goal? I dust as often as I can. I am natural.

Any thoughts or suggestions? :help3:
I have a square inch of heat damage right at the front of my head.. if it was in a diff location I'd just shave it off... it's too hard to disguise so I'm just babying it.. Other than that my hair is healthy
My hair surprises me all the time :lachen:
Today its healthy, soft, shiny whoo-ray!
But once I straighten split ends need dusting! Not as much as last I suppose its progress? hmmmm...I'll keep DC'ing + moisturizing! :)
Back in 2006 my hair was dry, full of split ends, and I couldn't retain length.

Now 3 years later I have no split ends, my hair is BSL, I retain all my length, and my hair feels healthy. I "fixed" my problem by transitioning to natural, deep conditioning 1-2x a week, I stopped going to salons so I retain all my length, I dust once in a while and do search and destroys, I rollerset before flatironing, and I limit my heat usage. I came to LHCF with healthy hair and I'm glad you posted this thread because it wouldn't occur to me to talk about healthy hair unless asked.
My hair very healthy at this point. I've been natural for 4 years now and I think I actually took my hair's growth and health for granted in my first 3 years. After a stylist damaged my hair blow drying the life out of it six months ago and having to cut about 6-8 inches off:wallbash:, I really started appreciating my hair more.
I now make sure that I deep condition at least once a week, protect my ends with butter and wear protective styles whenever possible. I am focused on the health of my hair and finding the best tools and products to keep my hair healthy and growing. Since I started paying more attention to my hair's needs, I've been retaining all my length. No split ends, no breakage. My main breakage factor the first years was 'Wash n gos' and not detangling my hair enough. I've improved so much on caring for my wash and go styles. In the past 6 months, my hair's grown at an average of an inch a month and I've gone from APL to BSL:yep:. I want to reach waist length by the end of the year. I know it's a far stretch but since my hair seems to be on a speedy growth course, I sure will not fail for lack of vision.
Sorry for the long post:ohwell:
Right now my hair is very healthy. I just did a trim and I'm glad I did it. I'm just worried that I will use too much heat.
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My hair is in great condition...I have never had a problem with the "health" of my hair,only length retention...but every since I found LHCF,that issue has disappeared :yep:
My hair is super healthy! I ALWAYS put the health of my hair first because it will grow regardless :yep: and when it does grow in I want it to look thick and healthy not thin, scraggley, weak and sick :ohwell:
i had two trouble spots from stress, and i have fixed that problem. i don't have any breakage or split ends. i don't use heat or a relaxer so i my hair is very healthy at this point.
I would say my hair 98% healthy. I still see what I think is breakage when I touch my wet hair (it might be shed hair though). I am fixing by waiting until my hair has dried some to apply my oil. I am also fixing it by detangling more often.

Not detangling regularly is probably the root cause of my lack of length retention. It did not dawn on me until I trimmed my hair last month. For 4 weeks, my hair was perfect. It grew about 3/4 of inch, and I had no tangles. Then, I realized that it was the tangles and knots that were causing my problem. Whenever my hair was trimmed (thus eliminating knots), my hair was fine.

So, I made sure to do it this week, and my hair is soooo happy. It's easier to style too.
My hair is healthy. I have some normal general breakage but nothing serious...I fight it with protein and moisturizing DC'rs
i voted "split ends". after my trim, i still have some but that will be a long term issue, i think, as split ends aren't easy to get rid of. otherwise, my hair is in pretty good condition.
Id say the first 8-12 inches of my hair from the roots are healthy, its the ends im having issues with. I jus realized that it could be residual heat damage from when I was natural. Also, the fact that my hair is jacklaxed after 4 corrective relaxers isnt helping either... Now that im transitioning to lye, I wanna do a 6 inch chop of my ends so bad but im loving the length so much ill continue with my deep conditioning treatments 2-3 times a week. In the meantime ill jus maintain between bsl and mbl until I can get past all this madness:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:
I voted heat damage, although I believe it is very minimal. Years ago before I knew anything about healthy hair care I had a stylist who would press/burn my hair silky straight with NO heat protectant. It looked good though, so I didn't know any better. It's mostly grown out now. I've never had any of the other issues listed.
This is a great idea for a thread. I voted thin edges.
My hair had serious issues 4 months ago when I joined. Dryness/dullness, breakage, shedding, porosity, and thin, weak strands. I had a patch of hair that was 4 inches shorter than the rest of my hair. My edges were slowly receding on the left side. After my first month on here I had to chop off 2 inches.

I have now addressed all of those issues and solved most of them. I've changed my diet and my habits. That broken patch is coming back healthy and I am doing my best to baby my edges. The rest of my hair is soft, shiny, and strong. I even have an actual hair care regimen now. A complete turnaround in 4 months is pretty good, I think. I'd say I am 90% healthy.