How far is too far?

oh i forgot to add to my list: ABSOLUTELY NO FAKE HAIR! I tried that stuff once for a month and they itch really bad when they rubbed against my neck and back. That's one of the reasons i came to LHCF.
breezy said:
On your quest for long/healthy hair, how far is too far? What won't you do to your hair, no matter how much growth it may give you?

Me, I don't do vitamins. Only b/c I am not a pill person. I hate to take pills. I get migranes and I still try to tough them out b/c pills scare me and I always gag them up.

What won't yopu do for rapid growth/retention?

I feel you on the pill thing, I can't swallow them for nothing. I tried to do the chewable vitamin just for my overall health but I stopped because they were too nasty. So I am currently looking for Naked Juices fruit drinks so I can drink my vitamins and protein. But I have not had any success in finding any
As badly as I want classic length hair, there's a whole lot I won't do. :lol:

No growth aids, that includes any weird portions or scalp treatments (MTG, yeast infection cream, athletes foot cream, Vick's, tubs of grease with sulfur and other "secret" ingrediants... the list goes on...)

No supplements, other than a regular daily vitamin. I'm not going to take 900 times the recommended amount of any vitamin just for some more hair, while doing goodness knows what damage to my system.:perplexed

No fake hair. Sorry, it just seems creepy to me, I don't care if it's synthetic, animal, or human, if it didn't grow out of my own scalp, I'm not wearing it.

In my experience, the simpler the better. All of the women I know with really long hair don't use any of those things. They wash, condition and let it be.

Eating plenty of vegetables fruit, and enough protein, drinking 2 liters of water per day, getting exercise, using a good quality shampoo and conditioner, making sure my hair stays moisturized... Those are all things that I will do, and they seem to be working.
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i am not going broke either. when i read threads that involve me taking vitamins that aree 49.99 for a months supply or that stupid 60 dollar relaxer or i have to do 100 things, i aint doing it. i want my hair to grow long and i am willing to take the extra step to do so but i am not going all out to get my hair long. No more fake hair for me either. i want to get to show my hair off since it is getting back to good condition.
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I don't wear anything fake--no fake nair, nails, contacts, boobs... I'd feel like I was perpetrating a fraud, so I just stick with what comes naturally. The rest--vitamins, some topicals, etc... just depends. I think anything that produces results is worth doing. The goal is to get to the point where the regimine is simple, but I think most of us are here to get long hair first; simplifying the routine can come after we reach our goal lengths, by whatever means are most comfortable for each of us individually.
Wow, I think the anti-fake hair sentiment brought the one star bandit out!

I just bumped up the rating, cuz damn is it really that serious?
JCoily said:
Wow, I think the anti-fake hair sentiment brought the one star bandit out!

I just bumped up the rating, cuz damn is it really that serious?

Of course it's that serious! Somebody thinking not everything is for everybody...whoaa nelly, we better check that ish! :lol:
I won't pop on bandwagons (still waiting out for the final Monistat verdict!:lol: ) and I won't go broke for hair products. I love my Nexxus products but I even have to say no to them sometimes.
I take a cheap mulitvitamin for hair, nail and skin but I have taken vitamin most of my life.
I won't do anything because I'm hair lazy. :lachen:
JCoily said:
Wow, I think the anti-fake hair sentiment brought the one star bandit out!

I just bumped up the rating, cuz damn is it really that serious?

This is one battle that I think we are gonna loose. That rating ain't budging for nothing.:lol:
No MTG, Monistat, Vicks, cayenne. At first I said no to pills, but since I've started to take biotin, I've noticed improvements in more than my hair, so it's okay.
prettypuff1 said:
i am not going broke either. when i read threads that involve me taking vitamins that aree 49.99 for a months supply or that stupid 60 dollar relaxer or i have to do 100 things, i aint doing it. i want my hair to grow long and i am willing to take the extra step to do so but i am not going all out to get my hair long. No more fake hair for me either. i want to get to show my hair off since it is getting back to good condition.

You talkin' bout my phyto?:lol:
oohh oohh......I know.

The absolute greatest conditioner for my hair is avocado. Avocado has a texturizing effect on my natural hair that loosens up the curl pattern and elongates the coils until the next wash.

Problem is I'm allergic to avocado to the point that my entire scalp itches like crazy and there are visible angry red raised welts that appear anywhere on my skin the avocado touches.

I've used avocado as a deep conditioner 3 times, the last time I called myself basing my scalp first, but by the time I rinsed the avocado out, my neck and back looked like someone had been beating on me and my scalp felt like mosquitoes had been biting it.

But my hair looked ******* AMAZING!

This is too far. I itch even thinking about it.
I'm not a pill person. I may get back on the MSM to make my hair more manageable and for overall health, but that's all for me. I don't believe in the growth aids because my hair has been growing just fine without them. Maybe my hair grows at a normal to fast rate (depending on the season) because I LOVE seafood so much and eat it all the time. I don't know.
LocksOfLuV said:
This is one battle that I think we are gonna loose. That rating ain't budging for nothing.:lol:
I've already gone too far with all the $$ I've spent of products. I've decided to quit buying everything I read about and no more jumping on band wagons.

OT: My vote just bumped the thread up to a 4. :) What's the point of this rating thing anyway?
I'm considering MTG, but no vagisil, monkey ball sweat, cough syrup etc...
I'm afraid I might break out in hives or something. :lol:

No weaves or wigs. I just feel uncomfortable in them.
I won't use stinky products, mystical potions or take vitamins that mess up my skin, make me hairier than I already am, make me feel ill etc.
Growinpainz said:
no homemade concoctions (fish grease + hot sauce). Now, even though i'm not a pill person i'll take them every now and then. I even use MTG and WGO but that's about as far as it goes.

lmao. priceless.
no hair vitamins, only multivitamin
no monistat, MTG, dirty hair, etc.

Just plain wash, conditon, and maybe flat iron
NO FAKE HAIR..I put braids in and only kept them in for about 1 1/2 weeks...made my hair shedd way too much..never, ever again
I've done the mn thing and it actually worked....but I'm just too lazy..I realize my hair grows pretty fast, so just working on retention is good enough for me, so I will stick with baggying... I really should be taking vits for health, just too lazy
I won't ever go broke for my hair. Sometimes I read the amounts that some women spend on their hair, and I'm like :eek: - did you really just drop that many zeros?!

From my observation on the majority of women with long healthy hair, the price of growth and retention isn't paid in dollars, it's paid in consistency. Just like with working out and fitness, it doesn't matter how expensive your gym membership is, if you're not constant and dedicated, ish ain't gon happen! Better quality products definitely help, but the important part IMO is finding what works and sticking with it.

I also won't ever use MTG. I have a phobia of smelling weird. I have like 6 different perfumes in my purse just so I can whip out my 'smell goods' at any time. I can't get with any product that has a smell that's strong or weird.

I won't use anything that gives me health issues, makes me have weird dreams or headaches. Nuh-uh. :nono:
prettypuff1 said:
i am not going broke either. when i read threads that involve me taking vitamins that aree 49.99 for a months supply or that stupid 60 dollar relaxer or i have to do 100 things, i aint doing it. i want my hair to grow long and i am willing to take the extra step to do so but i am not going all out to get my hair long. No more fake hair for me either. i want to get to show my hair off since it is getting back to good condition.

hold on now, dem sound like fightin' words to me:eek: :lachen: :lachen:
I do the vitamins consistently now because I've noticed an overall improvement in my health...I have all these people sneezing and coughing all around me but I have been healthy all season...the longer hair & eyelashes, and the fuller eyebrows are welcomed bonuses.

I've done the MTG, never consistently enough to really see the other topical growth aides are ruled out...though they spark my interest, I know I won't keep up with the applications so why waste the money???

I cannot do weaves, wigs, or phony ponies either...if I can't grow it, I won't have it.