How does it feel?


New Member
For those of you who have done the BC, how does it feel? Do you feel a sense of loss? Years ago, when I had hair a bit past shoulder length, I did the big chop and didn't miss my hair at all. I loved having short hair and found it very versatile. But I think if I did it today, I would really miss my hair. So if you've done the bc, how does it feel to you? Any regrets?
I felt relieved. I feel better about myself. I have more confidence now that I have natural hair for some reason.
I just think that it comes from knowing that your hair is healthy & there's a few less steps to worry about.
I'm relaxed but TJMO! :look:
I felt great when I chopped. My hair is the shortest I ever remeber it being but I don't care. It feels freeing not to have to worry about relaxing every 3 months anymore. It was fun when I was younger but now I just like having my unaltered hair on my head.
For those of you who have done the BC, how does it feel? I feel great, relieved, and free! :yay:

Do you feel a sense of loss? Not at all. The only thing I loss was thin, breaking, matted relaxed hair...and also length but I know that will come in the future. :yep:

Any regrets? None at all! :woot:
I didn't feel a sense of loss at all. I did it on an impulse one day and I was afraid that I would be like...OMG what have I done! But I didn't feel like that at all. I felt relieve and free! I loved being able to wash my hair everyday, just run some curl activator through it and go. I realllly loved having a TWA. I didn't run into problems until my hair started to get longer...but that's another thread.
It felt WONDERFUL!!!!! The best think I ever did for my hair. No regrets whatsoever. Plus, without chemicals and heat I am retaining so much more length more quickly. I feel free, more relaxed, happier, more me and prettier. Natural hair rocks, whether its 2b, 3c, 4a or 4b, if it's healthy and strong, it's beautiful!
after i BC'ed, i felt so free and so happy. I never missed the hair. And nope, I have no regrets at all, well, except for wishing i had done it sooner!
For those of you who have done the BC, how does it feel?

My big chop was one of the most liberating, exhilerating, and beautiful experiences of my life. It wasn't so much about the hair as it was the mental transformation I had to go through to realize that natural hair was not something that needed to be altered and changed but beautiful just the way it was. I felt beautiful for the first time in my life.

Do you feel a sense of loss?

I only lost the old, insecure, self doubting me that always hated her own appearance. There was no sense of loss for my old relaxed hair because I finally found the real me.
It feels great!!...Not my intial feeling...that took a few days.
I had to clean up my BIG CHOP. I wasted money getting it done at Sears because I thought it would be better to have someone who could actually see the back, but she didn't think it was a good idea and did not cut all the relaxed parts like she should have. So, I had to go home and clean it up.
Then for the first several days my hair was just straight and limp. It took a while for it to napp up. After that, all was good.
I love my hair so much more now. I've never had short hair and now wish I would have skipped the transition and went with an actual TWA. My hair is easy to deal with, thick, healthy and even with PJism, it is cheap.
My biggest chop came in two stages. One, I took off about 10 inches, to remove the layers, leaving me with a super-blunt cut that fell about 2 inches past shoulders. That was a good experience, although I missed my hair.

The second stage took me to my halle berry pixie. This was NOT a good experience for me. My hair is too thick to do the cute styles I was aiming for; it's too thick to wash-n-go without lots of gel and while the cut was nice an polished, it did NOT look good on me.

I am definitely not a short-haired girl, but LOVE short cuts on others.
Like the others I felt free and that this is one of the best decisions I've ever made. I keep thinking that I should miss it, but I dont.
I had my BC done last Saturday. I was unsure of this new look so I stopped at the wig shop on my way home. I don't think that my husband likes my hair, but I love it. It is easy, cute, and I am mad that I didn't do it sooner. I could not have done it without this board. :)
I'm happy :)
I might have missed my hair if I had cut it a lot earlier and had a twa--I'm more used to having longer hair--but I waited a good year and a half before I chopped and it's a good length for me to work with. For me the good part about transitioning for a long time is that it gave me a long time to think about what I was doing. When it came time to cut I was ready. I actually cut sooner than I had planned so I was definitely happy to be rid of the ends.

And now I just enjoy washing frequently and playing with the coils. Good times. I'm too busy having fun with my hair now to begin missing my old hair. :yep:
I felt (and still feel) liberated, exhilarated, regal, truly beautiful and so in love with my natural texture and look. I couldn't keep my hands off it! :lol: I felt more like Me than I ever had before. To me, my natural hair looks alive and more vibrant than my relaxed hair ever did. My BC is the BEST thing I have ever done to my hair. I only wish I had done it sooner.
First I was like oh :censored: b/c I had alot of hair that wasn't necessarily damaged before, but then like a week later I was like "I look good!" and I wondered why I wasted the week before trying to hide it. :)