How do you SECTION or PART your scalp for twists ?


Active Member
I love twisting my nappturally curly hair, but what takes me the most time to do is to section the pieces of hair I twist together. I like it to look even, because when I'm done you can still see a little bit of my scalp through the twists, and I don't like it to look a mess. What I love is a beautifully parted head, where the lines are almost even all over. I've tried all kinds of techniques by parting my hair one row at a time--but that looked too obvious and took too much time to get straight. I tried just using my fingers to pull out the hair I wanted, but I never feel like the sections that I am pulling out are even with eachother--I dont' like my twists to be big and small all over my head. I tried diagonal parts rather than straight vertical and horizontal--I think that turned out okay, but I think they looked too big on my head. I will constantly fight to achieve a clear view of the back of my head between two mirrors just to get one perfect part, which is why when I do my twists smaller than pencil size, it takes me two days.

Because of this I have not twisted my hair in a looong time, and if I did it was just for a twist out. But I decided to do it tomorrow, but I was getting a head start tonight (just a few) because I do not want it to run into my Saturday afternoon.

Does anyone have a special technique to achieve even parts on your scalp? Is it the comb that you use? Do you have big mirrors? Do you do one twist at a time, or do you section off your whole head first?

Any pictures are welcome!!
When I twist my hair I use a wide tooth comb to part across and then I just part my hair with my fingers and I get it pretty much even. My scalp never shows and it is not a mess. I twist my hair watching tv and it takes about 4 hours with breaks included. Maybe you should enlist someone to part your hair for you.
Hi Sweetyb/fellow Nigerian,

(what state are u in by the way?)

I don't even try to section my hair row-wise when I part them for twists. I just go with the flow. I start at the back (nape of neck)...use my rat-tail comb to section of a piece, twist it. Then I just the comb to section off an adjacent piece of hair. I don't section row-wise because I don't want it to look too intentional and I don't like when my scalp shows.
I just grab some hair and twist. No parting or anything like that. lol I use a comb to comb the section before twisting it.

That's the way I'm used to doing it, and that's actually the way that I started doing it last night, except I'm grabbing with my fingers. So far, so good... I think it's when I get to the very middle of my head that it gets a little complicated (twisting behind you!). But just like you, I'm just gonna go with the flow...

I'm from Southern Cali, and u?

I saw your pics, and your hair looks like it could make some nice & shinny twists!