How do you really feel about layers??

How do you feel about layers?

  • I love layers! They add a little flair

    Votes: 103 31.4%
  • I have a love-hate relationship with layers

    Votes: 80 24.4%
  • Layers are the devil! I hate them!

    Votes: 43 13.1%
  • Layers are nice but only if subtle/long

    Votes: 85 25.9%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 17 5.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New Member
Just curious. I think i have a love-hate relationship with my layers. When my hair is not styles it looks thin, short, and even damaged due to the uneveness. But when its curled/styled, it can look full and sexy. Also it seems like once u get them they are darn near impossible to grow out.

How do you feel?
I have natural layers, and I wish I didn't.

I don't wish them gone enough to blunt cut my hair, though. :lachen:

So it's a hate/tolerate relationship. ;)
Just curious. I think i have a love-hate relationship with my layers. When my hair is not styles it looks thin, short, and even damaged due to the uneveness. But when its curled/styled, it can look full and sexy. Also it seems like once u get them they are darn near impossible to grow out.

How do you feel?

EXACTLY what you said....:yep:
Just curious. I think i have a love-hate relationship with my layers. When my hair is not styles it looks thin, short, and even damaged due to the uneveness. But when its curled/styled, it can look full and sexy. Also it seems like once u get them they are darn near impossible to grow out.

How do you feel?

:yep: i too agree:yep:
I loved them before .. and still love them .. but now that I'm actively growing my hair out, they can get annoying. I still don't want a blunt cut, when I hit my goal, I'll cut my swoop bangs again, and get it cut in a slight v-shape.
Love/hate. I had a pixie style that was layered (razer cut) and growing my hair out has been trying.:nono: I recently had to do a mini chop due to the weirdness of my layers but now I love them! My hair would be a puffy shapeless mess without layers.
I had layers before but decided to cut my hair all one length for it to look healthy. As my hair started growing longer however, my hair looked like it was just laying there (when I wore it straight), the front was all long and it just looked hippyish to me. I recently cut layers back into my hair and now it has a nice shape and movement. It looks like I'm wearing my hair and not the other way around. My only qualm is when I have to trim. When I section off my hair for a trim, I have to make sure the hairs are in the section they are supposed to be in.
Just curious. I think i have a love-hate relationship with my layers. When my hair is not styles it looks thin, short, and even damaged due to the uneveness. But when its curled/styled, it can look full and sexy. Also it seems like once u get them they are darn near impossible to grow out.

How do you feel?

We are <<<<<<<<<HERE>>>>>>>>>>
My thoughts are the exact same as yours. Layers are fun (to me) if you are going to keep your hair curled all the time so as to show the layers off, but if you are just going to wear it straight, it makes your hair look thin in some parts. My avi picture is some self imposed layers I cut on my own:grin: b/c I was just bored with my hair at the time and wanted to do something different to it.

Fast forward to last week and I did a mini-chop to (1) help get rid of the layers, and (2) ease me along in my transition. (there is still about another 1/2 inch of a layer I need to get rid of, but I guess I will catch up with it on the next trim)

As for me and my hair, we will stick with a blunt cut (for right now):grin:

subtle/long lasyers are good. it keeps the excess bulk away while the hair still looks and feels thick but ever since BCing i love the feel of blunt ends. plus when i have blunt ends my hair feels longer:yep:
I would say my hair fine and when it's all one length, it just lays there. But when my hairdresser gives me long layers, it gives my hair a kick and a beautiful layered pony tail. I think when your hair is fine/thin, layers gives it body and life. And contrary to popular belief, I never have trouble growing out my layers or split ends.
I have learned to accept the fact that my hair grows at different rates in my head. I have long layers now and I really love it. As long as my hair/ends are healthy, I'm good.
We are <<<<<<<<<HERE>>>>>>>>>>
My thoughts are the exact same as yours. Layers are fun (to me) if you are going to keep your hair curled all the time so as to show the layers off, but if you are just going to wear it straight, it makes your hair look thin in some parts. My avi picture is some self imposed layers I cut on my own:grin: b/c I was just bored with my hair at the time and wanted to do something different to it.

Fast forward to last week and I did a mini-chop to (1) help get rid of the layers, and (2) ease me along in my transition. (there is still about another 1/2 inch of a layer I need to get rid of, but I guess I will catch up with it on the next trim)

As for me and my hair, we will stick with a blunt cut (for right now):grin:


I love my layers, but this is definitely true. I think my layers in the back are slowly disappearing, I'm not sure if I'm going to cut more layers or let my hair even out more.
I love the way they look on other people, but my hair has never been thick enough to wear them. My ends always look reallllllllllllllly thin with layers.
i love layers but i want to get my hair one length. if and when that happens, i will get layers again!! i love the fullness and sexiness it gives:grin:
I have long layers in back and layers around the perimenter of my face. They are growing out. I love the pretty curls/waves when I've rollerset. And with the right cut, mine have looked nice when my hair's worn straight. Although, I hate them when I pull my hair back because there's always a straggler section. Sometimes when I try to do a single braid or two, it can into a frizzy mess once humidity comes into play. :perplexed
Love/hate. I had a pixie style that was layered (razer cut) and growing my hair out has been trying.:nono: I recently had to do a mini chop due to the weirdness of my layers but now I love them! My hair would be a puffy shapeless mess without layers.
Off subject, but your hair is gorgeously shiny and healthy looking. I like the layers in your hair.
I LOVE layers. I hated when my SL hair was just one length and as soon as i got in my stylist chair and she asked me what i wanted and i said "please update my layers" she says, "I already knew u were gonna ask!"

And i love my layers even more since my cut is growing out.

I always stare at the ladies on this board who have long, healthy hair with layers.
When I wore my hair straight I had great layers and they worked well. I think if your hair is long adn they are subtle they look fabulous.

That said, what I love the most about having BCed is for the first time since I was young my hair will grow in it's natural razor edge/blunt formation.

It's on my top three list of things I love about my natural hair. I can't wait until it begins to grow down in a couple years and I can see my hair at all one length again! :grin:

I don't think curly hair NEEDS layers. For some textures it works...for others...not so much. Depends on the curl, the wearer, and the wearer's face. When I did texlaxed Wash n Go's my layers were cute, but my texture was relaxed from 3c/4a to 2a!
I think layers have slowed my progress. It took me a while to learn that layered hair should be detangled layer by layer. Also since my hair is not very dense, layers make my hair appear thinner then it already is!:nono:
I used to love layers... I remember when I went back to relaxing my hair and used to always have layers cut and then when it started to get longer, the bangs in the front began to get on my nerves, so I now can't stand them, because of the constant having to move them out of my face. I want my hair all one length now. Maybe when I reach my ultimate goal, I will reconsider, but for now it's not an option.
Just curious. I think i have a love-hate relationship with my layers. When my hair is not styles it looks thin, short, and even damaged due to the uneveness. But when its curled/styled, it can look full and sexy. Also it seems like once u get them they are darn near impossible to grow out.

How do you feel?
ITA with your entire statement about layers. I had had layers and my hair was growing great, but then my ends were damaged and I had to get a big trim, which meant that my stylist had to cut my layers back in in order to get rid of ALL the bad ends. I hate having them... but I had to do it to get all the bad ends off:ohwell: It is very pretty when curled. BUT I'm trying to do more protective styles and layered hair in updos can be crazy looking at times. I voted love/hate