How Do You Make a Man Know You're Interested?


Well-Known Member
Last night I read on a blog that a woman can let a man know she's interested/attracted to him and then allow him to approach. The author listed the following way you can let a man know:

1. make eye contact with him
2. smile at him for six seconds
3. Although six seconds seem long, do it for that amt.
4.If you do this and he's interested, he'll approach you b'c you've basically invited him over indirectly

After reading this I thought, no way! lol I never let a man know I'm interested, they always have to make the first move..., but then I thought why not? A little eye contact and a smile isn't so bad is it?

So how do you let a man know?
I used to think it was the men who made the first move. Then I found out the women were doing the tips you listed to get the men to approach.
It's all about the eyes I tell you. Make brief eye contact, coupled with a smile and it works every time.
It's not that hard. If he doesn't approach when I make eye contact, then I'll approach them. It's easy to be aggressive when you're a girl. Most men aren't going to reject you.


words of wisdom from Courtney Love
It's not that hard. If he doesn't approach when I make eye contact, then I'll approach them. It's easy to be aggressive when you're a girl. Most men aren't going to reject you.


words of wisdom from Courtney Love

I think this is true, but I personally don't want to approach men directly, apart of me is very old school BUT I do agree with inviting the approach through eye contact and a smile.
OH MY Gawd! I am 25, almost 26 and I never ever knew this! Anytime a strange guy looks at me, I avert my eyes as quick as I can and I never ever smile even if he's cute and I like him! It's just an automatic self-defense mechanism I picked up from elementary through high school when I used to smile and give eye contact to guys I had crushes on I was always rejected and teased. IT HURT MAN! I carried this on since then to avoid the pain of rejection. I thought if a guy was really interested he would approach despite me doing this, well old men, thugs, and all the men I don't want to approach me still approach. Unfortunately. Maybe that's why I've never had a boyfriend. :look:
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OH MY Gawd! I am 25, almost 26 and I never ever knew this! Anytime a strange guy looks at me, I avert my eyes as quick as I can and I never ever smile even if he's cute and I like him! It's just an automatic self-defense mechanism I picked up from elementary through high school when I used to smile and give eye contact to guys I had crushes on I was always rejected and teased. IT HURT MAN! I carried this on since then to avoid the pain of rejection. I thought if a guy was really interested he would approach despite me doing this, well old men, thugs, and all the men I don't want to approach me still approach. Unfortunately. Maybe that's why I've never had a boyfriend. :look:
Another eye averting checking in. I'll too bashful.:rolleyes:
Is this is only if you're out at a place that encourages social interaction?

I feel like it would be different when people are out and about in the streets or public transportation, or if you are already friends with the guy.
Last night I read on a blog that a woman can let a man know she's interested/attracted to him and then allow him to approach. The author listed the following way you can let a man know:

1. make eye contact with him
2. smile at him for six seconds
3. Although six seconds seem long, do it for that amt.
4.If you do this and he's interested, he'll approach you b'c you've basically invited him over indirectly

After reading this I thought, no way! lol I never let a man know I'm interested, they always have to make the first move..., but then I thought why not? A little eye contact and a smile isn't so bad is it?

So how do you let a man know?
I smile, but I always smile...sooo:look: It's the reason my fiance say I generate so much interest from men. Maybe I've been sending signals without knowing for years:grin:. BUT I will say this I don't look at anyone for six seconds...that would be creepy. I smile and look away and continue whatever I'm doing. I've never had to let a man know I was interested (intentionally) as they usually will approach (probably because I smile a lot). If they don't I assume they're not interested and kim . I am not one to chase a guy for attention.

SO in review I think (smiling) a pure happy smile (not forced) is the ticket to male attention. And just looking like you enjoy life (the key to this is to actually enjoy life lol!).

Then the ball is basically in his corner. If not him then there will be another.

Im speaking of my past thoughts on dating as I am now engaged.
I smile, but I always smile...sooo:look: It's the reason my fiance say I generate so much interest from men. Maybe I've been sending signals without knowing for years:grin:. BUT I will say this I don't look at anyone for six seconds...that would be creepy. I smile and look away and continue whatever I'm doing. I've never had to let a man know I was interested (intentionally) as they usually will approach (probably because I smile a lot). If they don't I assume they're not interested and kim . I am not one to chase a guy for attention.

SO in review I think (smiling) a pure happy smile (not forced) is the ticket to male attention. And just looking like you enjoy life (the key to this is to actually enjoy life lol!).

Then the ball is basically in his corner. If not him then there will be another.

Im speaking of my past thoughts on dating as I am now engaged.

You smile at all men/people in general or just men you find attractive? What kind of smile are you talking about?
You smile at all men/people in general or just men you find attractive? What kind of smile are you talking about?
I just smile because I'm happy, just a full open generous smile (not a sexy come hither smile, or anything like that. Just a regular smile). And it's in general. And it's not an intense smile. If I look at someone I smile (with the exception of walking on the streets in nyc...that does NOT go over well unless you want someone following you home) but I don't stare and keep smiling like that article said..I see no point in looking at someone for six seconds straight (whether I like them or not). And I smile when I feel like it. It's not like I smile at everyone (there's too many people in ny for that. But in general I am free with my smile so to speak. Which is why I said that guys approach me anyways. I think guys just like smiles. Even guys I'm not interested in approach. And I'm like, why? What made them think I was interested? And then my fiance said it's your smile.:grin: He said guys like smiles and said who doesn't want to be around the sun. I think I mentioned that in another thread but I thought it was the best explanation ever. On a sunny day every one wants to go out, but no one likes the rain. Sadly if you walk around mean mugging or just with a blank face it's the same thing. Versus someone who just looks like they enjoy life. Men want to be around that.

So in general I don't flirt. I just am happy and smile, and guys are attracted to that. It also helps in life too because people in general respond better. I've noticed on my happy (vs cranky) days that I usually get better reception from men and women (and not in an attraction way but in a they're more receptive and want to go out of their way for you way, and for men of course more approaches and business cards and asking for my number)....but its also helps with attraction as a bi product so to speak of smiling in general.

Which is why I don't think that it's necessary to let someone know I'm interested because guys approach in general because I'm free with my smile anyways (and the ones I was not interested in, I just turn down and kim).
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Ooh, thanks for explaining. Not to be annoying.. :lol:, but what kind of smile do you usually give people: :grin::o:dork::wave::king:
(basically teeth or no teeth)?
Looking at someone for 6 seconds is stalkerish.... seriously... look at someone in your house for 6 seconds with thoughts in your head that its someone that you're trying to "meet"... LOL

And my brother just said... if a girl looked at me for 6 seconds (I made him do it)... his direct quote was, "I dont even have to try hard... I'm gonna smash... you're looking that hard and I dont even know you".

Sooo...stick to being a lady... small glances.. smile.. and keep it moving.. men like a chase.
Ooh, thanks for explaining. Not to be annoying.. :lol:, but what kind of smile do you usually give people: :grin::o:dork::wave::king:
(basically teeth or no teeth)?
You are making me :lachen::lachen:

Okay so I would say it's a :grin: meets :wave: smile. It's a friendly smile that's all teeth. I've never been a mona lisa smiler. BUT it's not a hard all teeth smile , just an easy happy open mouth smile.
Looking at someone for 6 seconds is stalkerish.... seriously... look at someone in your house for 6 seconds with thoughts in your head that its someone that you're trying to "meet"... LOL

And my brother just said... if a girl looked at me for 6 seconds (I made him do it)... his direct quote was, "I dont even have to try hard... I'm gonna smash... you're looking that hard and I dont even know you".

Sooo...stick to being a lady... small glances.. smile.. and keep it moving.. men like a chase.
Apparently that is what your brother is out to do. If a guy is looking to meet a lady to enjoy, not just "SMASH" then it is possible. There are gentlemen, not faux men (little boys) in the world, despite what you may have heard, not just guys out to "SMASH" everything that looks at them.
Apparently that is what your brother is out to do. If a guy is looking to meet a lady to enjoy, not just "SMASH" then it is possible. There are gentlemen, not faux men (little boys) in the world, despite what you may have heard, not just guys out to "SMASH" everything that looks at them.

Maybe so... but 6 seconds is a LONG time to stare at a stranger.

As for my bro, he's entitled to his opinion as we all are. He's happily married with 3 children to a beautiful woman... who btw would not have stared him down for 6 seconds. LOL :lachen:

Sorry if the SMASH comment offended anyone.
Another eye averting checking in. I'll too bashful.:rolleyes:

Same here! LOL...but I'm getting a little better. :giggle:

Is this is only if you're out at a place that encourages social interaction?

I feel like it would be different when people are out and about in the streets or public transportation, or if you are already friends with the guy.

YES! Can someone PLEASE clarify this statement? Because I was thinking the exact same thing! What about men you already know? How do you attract them?? :confused:

Looking at someone for 6 seconds is stalkerish.... seriously... look at someone in your house for 6 seconds with thoughts in your head that its someone that you're trying to "meet"... LOL

And my brother just said... if a girl looked at me for 6 seconds (I made him do it)... his direct quote was, "I dont even have to try hard... I'm gonna smash... you're looking that hard and I dont even know you".

Sooo...stick to being a lady... small glances.. smile.. and keep it moving.. men like a chase.

ROTLF!!! :lachen: :lachen: I agree! Staring at someone (ANYONE) for 6 seconds is a little umm...weird. :look: I wouldn't even feel comfortable staring at a woman for that long! Eww! That's a little strange. Especially if I didn't even know the person. :nono2: I prefer small glances here and there. Plus, I don't think it's so much the LENGTH of time that a woman stares at a man that gets him the ammunition/confidence to approach her. Really, I think it's the amount of time she continuously glances at him that gives him the "green light". I've known women to glance maybe 2 seconds at a man, but they will glance once, then look down, then look again...then look down again, and maybe a 3rd short glance all with a slight smile on the lips. Trust me, you do this a few times, and I'm SURE a man who's interested will approach you. It never fails! :yep:
I'd def smile and make eye contact, and if dude catches my eye, he'll def know. You can even be coy about it.

I say do what you feel comfy with, tho eye contact generally would work.
I know some chicks that will walk up to a dude, another older friend of mine said she flicks her mbl hair and makes sure they see her arse :lachen:. That's a bit tacky to me tho. Anyway, do what you're comfy with. I went out w/ a gf one night and saw a dude from a distance that caught my eye, he was w/ his friends and not really in my view for him to have noticed me w/ all the crowd, etc. She was like "oh, why didn't you go up to him and talk to him, oh, I forgot, I know how you are" :rolleyes: .. whatever, everyone's personality is different, so that would have been ok w/ her, b/c she's bold and aggressive... naturally. I am not like that. Now if dude was in my plain sight, and he saw him, I'd def play up my natural personality by being coy and flirtatious w/ eye contact and an inviting smile.
I'm an eye averter too. I'm not bold enough to stare. And I agree with the person's brother who said its comes off as an aggressive move... or even weird if you're staring at them and smiling like a mad man for a full 6 sec.

I think cute little peeks work better... especially if you're shy. So if you catch him looking a you and you averted your gaze, check back to make sure. If he's still staring, he's probably interested. If you look back a third time and he's still staring, he's definitely interested. Smile and then go about your merry way, he should come find you.

If he doesn't.... he's a scared punk and was probably never going to approach you anyway.