How do you ladies get your afros so soft


New Member
How do you ladies get your afros so soft? I've been watching a lot of hair videos as of late and I see all these sistas with the same 4 hair tybe as me rubbing through their nakked afros and it looks so soft and it's not resisting at all and yet mine feels like straw and has no give at all. I've be condishioning and condishioning. Can any of you ladies tell me what you do to have your hair that soft?
I either co-wash if my hair is feeling extra dry or mist it with water to dampen it a bit. After that I apply some conditioner on it and seal it with shea butter and coconut oil. Basically, I just moisturize my hair when needed and that keeps it soft and healthy.
I haven't had a naked afro yet (I'm still transitioning) but my sister is complete natural and sometimes wears her hair out. She makes sure to put a moisturizer and coconut oil/shea butter on her hair esp. the ends when she wears it out. I don't think she sprays her hair with water but she does co-wash or deep condition often.
HTH :)
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Deep condition with a moisturizing conditioner so that your hair is moisturized from the inside out. Layering products on your hair, especially oils in my case, leads to nothing but brush bristles. Once my hair is well moisturized on the inside, it stays soft even w/o product on it.

Baggying may also play a part towards that end.
I second what Nonie said. Water is your best friend. If you're hair isn't moisturized first it will just feel like straw with oil/product on top and trust me that doesn't feel too good.
DC-ing a lot and having a really good leave-in. Shea butter makes my hair soft. I'm going to be honest, cowashing hasn't really done a darn thing but apparently that varies from person to person
This probably going to sound stupid but when you apply shea butter do you comb it in or just rub it over your entire head?
I'm rocking a TWA at the moment and co-washing has been so helpful. I usually wet my hair, massage the conditioner in, shower, and then rinse at the end.

When I'm done rinsing, I dry my hair briefly with a towel. Then, I spray on some S-Curl, rub on a little shea butter (I take only a little, bit and rub it in my hands to warm it up and make it more liquid), and seal with a little oil (jojoba, grapeseed, and avocado have always been light and good to me).

My hair is sooo moisturized. Today, I was going to cowash it, but spraying on some S-curl and skipping the other steps sufficed.
To keep my hair soft i make sure my moisture/protein balance is right, have a great leave in, h2o is ur hair best friend and make sure you seal after you moisturized.
This probably going to sound stupid but when you apply shea butter do you comb it in or just rub it over your entire head?
Nope, not a stupid question. I don't comb the shea butter into my hair. I just rub it into my palms and then onto my hair. And you do not need a lot at all. A little goes a long way with shea butter much like any other oil or butter.
I have found that shea butter takes away some of the slip making it harder to comb the hair so I wouldn't advice it. I apply it to my hair last after combing my hair in whatever direction I want it to go.
I agree with all the previous posts. Also, I would add that your hair may be damaged. My hair felt rough and dry all the time because it was damaged. I know it was damage because even though I didn't really have curl pattern disruption, now that it's grown out i can feel the difference in softness between the new hair and old. I wouldn't advise you to cut it if you think that's the case, just take extra care.
What are you doing to put moisture in your hair? What are you using, and how often? A lack of moisture could definitely be your culprit.
This could be bc of products. What products do you use and how do you use them. Conditioning over and over on hair that needs to be clarified or with crappy products will leave your hair feeling like crap
my fro feels soft cause i keep it moisturized. If i see its getting dry i add moisture and seal. she butter makes my hair very soft too.

since 2 weeks ive been using sulfur 8 braid spray and my hair for once stays really moisturized!
What are you doing to put moisture in your hair? What are you using, and how often? A lack of moisture could definitely be your culprit.

I Shampoo my hair twice a month; Co-wash,DC and oil everyweek. For my co- wash I use Suave Rosemary and Mint and for my DC I use Oyin Condish with EVOO,EVCO,and honey. Although tonight I'm going to try a mix of Coconut milk, honey, evoo, and yougart after a protien treatment (I'm seriously scared of protien and this will be the first time I give it a try).
Try a blow dryer. This doesn't have to be a permanent part of your regimen, but but if you blow dry every two weeks for 6-8 weeks I'm betting your hair will be a lot more soft and have that give, etc., that you're seeing in the videos.
Try a blow dryer. This doesn't have to be a permanent part of your regimen, but but if you blow dry every two weeks for 6-8 weeks I'm betting your hair will be a lot more soft and have that give, etc., that you're seeing in the videos.
You know I never ever even concidered this. At what point do you use the blow dryer? On hair with a lot of condish or just wet hair to dry it?
Ladies that use shea butter, are you using the natural shea butter or are you using a mix of shea and something else? I'm looking for a non greasy butter/ leave-in for my 4B natural (thirsty) hair. I just bought a steamer and I need something to seal in the moisture. BTW I wear a wig so I don't have access to my hair every day b/c I tape the wig, but I cowash/DC every 4-5 days.
Hmm, you're using all the right products. Maybe try clarifying your hair. Buildup can stop moisture from penetrating your strands
Ladies that use shea butter, are you using the natural shea butter or are you using a mix of shea and something else? I'm looking for a non greasy butter/ leave-in for my 4B natural (thirsty) hair. I just bought a steamer and I need something to seal in the moisture. BTW I wear a wig so I don't have access to my hair every day b/c I tape the wig, but I cowash/DC every 4-5 days.

I used natural shea butter. I don't mix with anything because I end up sealing with a light oil.

What I find is key is melting the shea butter. I just rub it in my hands for a few seconds to get it in more of a liquid consistency. I know some people melt it down. Shea butter is great for providing and sealing in moisture. My hair is sooo soft when I use it.

I think the key is not using too much. I think it can get greasy really easily if you use too much.