SuperDuper Member
Please tell me, what do you use to keep your new growth soft. I have new growth, and I wanted to keep it soft. Last night, I washed with CON-green label, applied Sweet Cashew's leave in conditioner, and used Elasta QP mango butter to moisturize my scalp. It was very moist last night, I woke up this morning and my roots feel just okay... I wonder if they could be softer, so I'm willing to try any-reasonably priced-thing
So do tell, what do you use to keep your new growth or for natural ladies- your hair soft?
BTW: I blowdried my hair and flatironed it, so it's laying nicely. But my roots are not as soft at the rest of my hair. TIA

BTW: I blowdried my hair and flatironed it, so it's laying nicely. But my roots are not as soft at the rest of my hair. TIA