Afros are Dangerous, Many of us are playing with fire by thinking it is our default.

Re: Afros are Dangerous, Many of us are playing with fire by thinking it is our defau

I also agree that blown out afros and picking it or combing it too much is detrimental to our hair but I refuse to believe that wearing my hair in its natural state ( without manipulating its form is some way with styles like twist and braids) is bad for it. I also believe there is truth in what cynthiar( from youtube) says, she believes that although our hair looks different it still needs the some of the things that other races do to their hair like wetting daily. Also the blogger who posted this article kinda gets the permanent side eye from me from posting bogus scientific evidence that "proves" people of African decent have a slower growth rate than other races. I am pretty sure that study did not take length retention and breakage into account.