How do you know when you've outgrown a relationship?

Natural Love

New Member
I have been dating this guy for approximately 2 years. In the beginning it was just for companionship and then things became more serious. He is very sweet in someways and extremely aggravating in others. It has now gotten to the point that I don't care whether or not I hear from him. I know that he loves and is in love with me and I do love him. I am not in love with him anymore. There were times I could see us together but now, I appreciate the days where I don't see him.

In the beginning I noticed that he had a very strong personality and was kind of arrogant. He is very well educated and good looking. But as I got to know more about him he is also very condescending, arrogant, untidy (his room is ALWAYS a mess), can find fault in anything that anyone does while he is just so perfect, and, right now, quite financially unstable.

He's been supportive of me in many ways by providing for me when he can, but the above mentioned faults are becoming too much for me to deal with especially if I am thinking long term. I have dealt with this just to see if it was just me or if I could get used to it, but it still bothers me.

Maybe he is just not the man for me, regardless of whether I want him to be or not.

Anyone else experience this.

Advice is more than welcomed.
For me, it was when the desire to be there was gone. I could go days without speaking or seeing him, which is out of my character when I am into someone. It was over when I knew that it was going to come to an end and woke up everyday wondering how I was going to end it.
For me, it was when the desire to be there was gone. I could go days without speaking or seeing him, which is out of my character when I am into someone. It was over when I knew that it was going to come to an end and woke up everyday wondering how I was going to end it.

How did you eventually end it? I know that there is going to be a void in my life that will eventually fill. I just want to be with someone I want to be with not someone I feel obligated to be with.
How did you eventually end it? I know that there is going to be a void in my life that will eventually fill. I just want to be with someone I want to be with not someone I feel obligated to be with.

It was hard on my end to it so he eventually said that he wanted to let me go which I was very relieved that he did that. I was too chicken to end it, I know it took alot for him to do that bc he wanted it to work. But we still cool though. But although I did not end it, I was very vocal on how I felt the relationship was going. I guess I just needed two months to prep myself for it to end.
I was like you Natural. My ex was fine to DATE but not to MARRY. Once I realized that I wanted to get married. I just mentally prepared myself for the breakup....technically, when I lost interest I was already there.

Then my ex did something big and I very calmly told him it was over. It was the happiest day EVER!!
I was like you Natural. My ex was fine to DATE but not to MARRY. Once I realized that I wanted to get married. I just mentally prepared myself for the breakup....technically, when I lost interest I was already there.

Then my ex did something big and I very calmly told him it was over. It was the happiest day EVER!!

Sounds so much like me....
I knew that I outgrew the relationship when days would go by and I no longer felt the need to be in his presence and/or speak to him like I had consisently in the past.
I knew it was time when everytime i was out of the house i was happy when i got home to him it was like why.
i went all day without calling him or emailing.