How do you know if you are his g/f, or jumpie?


3rd Big Chop on 7/18/2016
Just wondering, if you/or someone you know had a real relationship, and been a jump then it should be easy to seprate the two, right?

Just curious to know what are the signs that ya out there think when you are with a man?

Does this man spend bulk of his time with you?

Have you been to his crib?

Do you have home,cell,work and driver's license?:grin:

Doe he tell you he loves you?
Wait that "I Love You" part is what they all say so they can keep getting what they want, and when they are finish they make up a arguement to breakup.

So you can't say a guy you are seeing sees you as a girlfriend just cuz he said he loves you!:sad:
Wait that "I Love You" part is what they all say so they can keep getting what they want, and when they are finish they make up a arguement to breakup.

So you can't say a guy you are seeing sees you as a girlfriend just cuz he said he loves you!:sad:

They only get what you willingly give them. If a relationship is wht YOU want, work on getting that first.

Does this man spend bulk of his time with you?

Have you been to his crib?

Do you have home,cell,work and driver's license?:grin:

Doe he tell you he loves you?

I know some stalkers that got this information and they most certainly are not the gf. :lachen:

But seriously, if you've met family and friends, been seen with him in daylight, and spend quality time together, if you aren't the gf, you are close to being the gf.
Well this is a tricky one, cuz men can have double lives (some of them), so you would have to see the signs and read my "the red flags" thread!
Sassy makes me very iffy about the men in Brooklyn or NYC as a whole with her many posts. Grimey and more grimier...I heard about them and this is my potential home?? :lachen:. That's why I'm trying to cuff who I have now :lachen:
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I would just ask. It don't hurt. I like to be in the know so I ask. If I'm a jumpie then they are certains things that he ain't getting and and I ain't doing so I need to know early.
Until you have a conversation about being exclusive, assume that he is dating other women and that you should date other men. And if I were you I'd let HIM bring up the exclusive conversation. Once you make it clear that you are dating others he will want to talk about it.
I think that you'll know.Trust your instinct's.There is a lot of talk here about men telling us that we are "the one",but some men lie and they will tell you whatever you need to hear to jump down them panties.
I agree with Him taking you out in public(daylight).
Meeting his friends and Family.

Can you show up at his crib unannounced?
Do his friends talk in whispers around you?
Does he call you babe?...Not a sign for most,but some men have a problem remembering names so they call EVERY woman babe.:look:
Where is he on his days off of work?
Is he with you,or does he become "busy".....

The solution,ladies,is to not have sex with the man too soon.If we forgo that part of the relationship then we will have a better understanding about him and how he really feels.
I have a 6 month rule and Believe me it REALLY helps to get rid of the losers.
I think that you'll know.Trust your instinct's.There is a lot of talk here about men telling us that we are "the one",but some men lie and they will tell you whatever you need to hear to jump down them panties.
I agree with Him taking you out in public(daylight).
Meeting his friends and Family.

Can you show up at his crib unannounced?
Do his friends talk in whispers around you?
Does he call you babe?...Not a sign for most,but some men have a problem remembering names so they call EVERY woman babe.:look:
Where is he on his days off of work?
Is he with you,or does he become "busy".....

The solution,ladies,is to not have sex with the man too soon.If we forgo that part of the relationship then we will have a better understanding about him and how he really feels.
I have a 6 month rule and Believe me it REALLY helps to get rid of the losers.

Sassy makes me very iffy about the men in Brooklyn or NYC as a whole with her many posts. Grimey and more grimier...I heard about them and this is my potential home?? :lachen:. That's why I'm trying to cuff who I have now :lachen:

NY got some of the finest men ever!!! but also the most grimiest men :-/
grimy fine *** ****'s..sigh.
For those not from here (BK, NY) or from New York in general I'm not saying all men here are bad, just the ones I know. You think you know a man I don't know for how many years and ish, then he be flippin' the script like I don't know what.

So if you think coming here you going to find a better man then you already have, good luck! :rolleyes:
I understand the question...

Sometimes in a new relationship there is a lingering doubt...

Some people dont have as much experience dealing with men or the depth of deception some can bring...

Personally when it comes to men, I go by actions not words...Some ngigas will say anything :yep:...

Depending on the situation/circumstances, there can be a fine line (between a g/friend and or jump off) that the man has intentionally blurred...