How do you keep your relaxed hair healthy and thick!


Well-Known Member
I have seen so many ladies on this board with beautiful thick and healthy relaxed hair! How do you keep your hair looking that way is it just not using heat, or one special product ????
Please fill me in!
For me, i think stretching my relaxers (16wks), airdrying and weekly deep conditioning mainly has attributed to healthy and somewhat thick relaxed hair.
I dont have looooooong hair, but it is thick IMO. I keep it that way by stretching my relaxers, not relaxing bone straight and, wearing my hair in protective styles.
I have seen so many ladies on this board with beautiful thick and healthy relaxed hair! How do you keep your hair looking that way is it just not using heat, or one special product ????
Please fill me in!

Here are my personal 5 Keys to Healthy Hair Growth and Length Retention (in order of importance):

* Healthy Lifestyle (includes regular exercise, healthy diet, drinking plenty of water, getting enough sleep and avoiding stress) - enhances blood circulation, supplies the body with nutrients, flushes out toxins and allows the body to repair and restore itself. A healthy body produces healthy hair.
* Moisture - strengthens hair, leading to reduced breakage/splits and more length retention
* No Direct Heat - allows hair to retain moisture and avoid damage and breakage
* Low Manipulation - helps to reduce breakage and unnecessary shedding from excessive combing, brushing, rough detangling, excessive styling or styles/accessories that put stress on the hair, etc., leading to more length retention
* Protection - includes wearing a silk/satin scarf and/or bonnet at bedtime, keeping ends off shoulders/clothing to protect hair from breakage, stretching relaxers, and coating previously-relaxed ends with oil or conditioner during the touchup process to avoid overprocessing

If I consistently practice and maintain my 5 keys, it doesn't even matter what hair products I use. In fact, I buy ONLY INEXPENSIVE products.:look:
ITA, stretching 16(wks), no overprocessing, moisturize twice a day, try not to comb until wash day, no blow drying or flat ironing unless for special events, I don't deep condition, but I pre-poo and co-wash......
Here are my personal 5 Keys to Healthy Hair Growth and Length Retention (in order of importance):

* Healthy Lifestyle (includes regular exercise, healthy diet, drinking plenty of water, getting enough sleep and avoiding stress) - enhances blood circulation, supplies the body with nutrients, flushes out toxins and allows the body to repair and restore itself. A healthy body produces healthy hair.
* Moisture - strengthens hair, leading to reduced breakage/splits and more length retention
* No Direct Heat - allows hair to retain moisture and avoid damage and breakage
* Low Manipulation - helps to reduce breakage and unnecessary shedding from excessive combing, brushing, rough detangling, excessive styling or styles/accessories that put stress on the hair, etc., leading to more length retention
* Protection - includes wearing a silk/satin scarf and/or bonnet at bedtime, keeping ends off shoulders/clothing to protect hair from breakage, stretching relaxers, and coating previously-relaxed ends with oil or conditioner during the touchup process to avoid overprocessing

If I consistently practice and maintain my 5 keys, it doesn't even matter what hair products I use. In fact, I buy ONLY INEXPENSIVE products.:look:

I've wondered if cost matters. My hair was breaking so badly before I came here in August. It was so raggedy. The first thing I learned to do was to pre-poo with olive oil and keep that rough brush out of my wet hair. After doing this for about three weeks, there was a big change to my hair and no more breakage. I have moved on to what is a very expensive product line to me - I plan to keep using the OCT (it gives my hair a wonderful texture along with other things). However, it was inexpensive methods that got me started on a healthy hair journey.
I stretch my relaxers this time going for 13wks no heat,deep condition 2 times a week.

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very lil direct heat

no bone straight of anythinggg--i dont like bone straight pencil str8hair so--

in my sig pic i was 4/5 yrs old my hair still has that thickness but i dont manipulate my hair too much--and i also moisturize my hair very consistantly--in my avatar pic thats what i work with now...
Here are my personal 5 Keys to Healthy Hair Growth and Length Retention (in order of importance):

* Healthy Lifestyle (includes regular exercise, healthy diet, drinking plenty of water, getting enough sleep and avoiding stress) - enhances blood circulation, supplies the body with nutrients, flushes out toxins and allows the body to repair and restore itself. A healthy body produces healthy hair.
* Moisture - strengthens hair, leading to reduced breakage/splits and more length retention
* No Direct Heat - allows hair to retain moisture and avoid damage and breakage
* Low Manipulation - helps to reduce breakage and unnecessary shedding from excessive combing, brushing, rough detangling, excessive styling or styles/accessories that put stress on the hair, etc., leading to more length retention
* Protection - includes wearing a silk/satin scarf and/or bonnet at bedtime, keeping ends off shoulders/clothing to protect hair from breakage, stretching relaxers, and coating previously-relaxed ends with oil or conditioner during the touchup process to avoid overprocessing

If I consistently practice and maintain my 5 keys, it doesn't even matter what hair products I use. In fact, I buy ONLY INEXPENSIVE products.:look:

I think this sums it up for me also....
I've wondered if cost matters. My hair was breaking so badly before I came here in August. It was so raggedy. The first thing I learned to do was to pre-poo with olive oil and keep that rough brush out of my wet hair. After doing this for about three weeks, there was a big change to my hair and no more breakage. I have moved on to what is a very expensive product line to me - I plan to keep using the OCT (it gives my hair a wonderful texture along with other things). However, it was inexpensive methods that got me started on a healthy hair journey.

IMO The first things we should all do are stick to a consistent regime, giving our hair what it needs each week. Then when you find that you are still having a persistent problem that isn't being remedied by regular "healthy hair care practices" that is when you address your products, ugrading a few as needed.
I've never used a lot of heat so that has never been an issue for me. For me, low manipulation has really helped to thicken and lengthen my hair. I've been doing low mani since June and I can tell an enormous difference in my hair.
i deep condition weekly going back and forth between a protein/moisture conditioner and a protein conditioner.
i shampoo with aphogee
i pre poo for hours with a moisturizing deep conditioner
i moisturize and seal twice daily.