How do you keep scalp moisturized w/o weight?

I use coconut oil on my scalp, but I'm natural. We all know that coconut oil is too light to weigh down hair textures in the 4's. At least that's been my experience.
i use hydratherma naturals follicle invigorator. its a scalp spray that can also be used on the hair as a leave in. it does not weight the hair down at all and it has great extracts in it.
sometimes i use coconut oil.
Ok what about jojoba that moisturizing enough or should I get the coconut oil. You guys sound like you love it so much I'm probably going to just go ahead and get it anyway!
I usually stop putting anything on my scalp. But now I use Hairveda Omega 3,6,9 oil. Only use once a week. It has joboba oil in it as well. Its great, cause I only use it once a week. If you co wash every 2-3 days you should be fine, cause you scalp is getting moisturize from the conditioners.