Hair Care While wearing a weave?


What is the best way to insure that your hair is conditioned and moisturized while wearing a weave (the type with a cap) How do you keep your scalp oiled?
I wonder the same thing. I want to wear a weave but I'm wondering how will I be able to wash my hair and d/c once a week. I usually get my hair conrowed vertically and the weave sewn on top; it makes it hard to reach the scalp, especially if the conrows are smaller. Does anyone know how to accomplish washing and deep conditioning while in a weave?

suggestion: To oil your scalp while wearing a weave, try putting your oils in a spray bottle and spray them directly on your scalp in between the tracks. You might need to dilute them if they're too thick.
I'll tell you the truth, when I had a weave NOTHING made my hair or scalp feel clean. Even with a sew in, I just couldn't get in there enough to remove all the residue and dandruff. I ended up taking it out in two weeks ($100+ down the drain) because my scalp had turned red and started peeling like something crazy.

I'd definitely recommend LIGHT oils, like coconut or sweet almond. Dilute them if necessary with a corn oil, it abbsorbs quickly and washes out easily. Jojoba, Avocado, and Shea were too heavy for me to easily remove while in a weave. .

Keep your scalp as clean as possible. When the itch got bad (by day 3) I'd swab the parts with a bit of tea tree oil (using a q-tip), eventually it would spread to all of my scalp and keep me "cool" and comfortable. Even with a cap, the oil would still slip through and offer relief.
I'd definitely stay away from greases and waxes that can attract build up; as these may be harder to remove from weaved hair.

Keep your body moist by drinking plenty of water and consuming a flax or fish oil vitamin (or plain fish in general). Keeping your scalp moist from the inside will improve your hair's performance while it's in the protective style and being moisturized externally.

I just took out my client's kinkyweave. She kept it in longer than I recommended for a total of four weeks. Her hair is bsl and relaxed. I gave her an oil blend in a finetipped applicator bottle and supplied her with all the homemade moisture mix that she could stand.

Well, when we took the weave out CAREFULLY today, her hair was still full of sheen and moisturized. I'll admit, I would call to check up that she was oiling and moisturizing. I saw her twice to tighten and change the cornrows in the front. Each time I would oil and moisturize it myself.

She had badddd dandruff when she first started coming to me, so I expected that there would be some flakes. But there were only a few. After we took the weave out and unbraided her own hair and BEFORE I touched her hair with a comb, I oiled her scalp with an Indian oil called Navratna Plus. Over that I put on a warmed deep conditioner mix. I put it in with my hands and put her under the dryer for a bit.

I rinsed and then washed with New Era Moisturizing Shampoo.

Long/short. Her hair looked fab after. The amount of hair lost was normal for someone who hadn't manipulated in four weeks.

Hope to help,
I wash my hair in the shower as needed and air dry. I use a spray oil on occasion. I don't really oil my scalp when my hair is loose anyway, so it's not like my scalp misses it when my hair is weaved. I cowashed every few days when I was wearing a curly weave with no problems. I dced once a week with an ORS pak.
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