How do you handle this?


Well-Known Member
Your best friend-your blood sister has a debate with you and comes out with the statement

"Music is more powerful than Christianity! Not many people wake up and dance to jesus songs"

How do you handle this?

I am so shocked with her outburst and told her she cannot take back what she said.

I'm at a loss here. I feel she is completely beyond anything I can comprehend.

She doesn't believe the musicians we see are freemasons or 5%ers.

How would you handle this?
Does your friend consider herself a Christian? The reason I ask is that I think sometimes it may be hard to have "close" friendships with those who are not Christian b/c we will differ on THE most important thing in our life. (I'm not saying you can't be friends with non-Christians or even possibly close - the relationship just may be different .)

So, what is this worth to you? Do you want to debate with her about it? Do you want to let it go? It may be something you may just have to have a difference of opinion on. Are you worried that it's changed your opinion of her?
Is she forgetting the Creator of Music?

Let not the created think they are greater than the Creator! :nono:

Let her 'learn' the difference......... on her own. The power she speaks so highly of is built upon sinking sand; with no walls to support it. One wrong 'note' is all it takes to be off key and no where to dance.

Yeah.... music does indeed have power, but not over the power who created it...God.

Let her learn the difference. I did. So did you. So did many of us .........who learned the difference.

I'm speaking in love and without any malice or intent of such. Just let her learn. You don't have to say a thing, except, "I love you and I am on the wall praying for you."

Let her learn. It's the only way for her to appreciate the Truth' and nothing but the Truth.

Folks may be getting up and dancing to music, but they can't go to it for prayer, healing, deliverance or salvation.

Let her learn. Just let her learn. Experience is the best teacher in life anyway! Let her learn. Let her see the power of your prayers and the relationship you have with God the Father in all of Heaven and earth. :yep:

Is she forgetting the Creator of Music?

Let not the created think they are greater than the Creator! :nono:

Let her 'learn' the difference......... on her own. The power she speaks so highly of is built upon sinking sand; with no walls to support it. One wrong 'note' is all it takes to be off key and no where to dance.

Yeah.... music does indeed have power, but not over the power who created it...God.

Let her learn the difference. I did. So did you. So did many of us .........who learned the difference.

I'm speaking in love and without any malice or intent of such. Just let her learn. You don't have to say a thing, except, "I love you and I am on the wall praying for you."

Let her learn. It's the only way for her to appreciate the Truth' and nothing but the Truth.

Folks may be getting up and dancing to music, but they can't go to it for prayer, healing, deliverance or salvation.

Let her learn. Just let her learn. Experience is the best teacher in life anyway! Let her learn. Let her see the power of your prayers and the relationship you have with God the Father in all of Heaven and earth. :yep:


Shimmie - I can give you a big HUG!

My Lord, your comment "Let her learn......" You don't have to say a thing, except, "I love you and I am on the wall praying for you."

God is literally showing me in this season not to say certain things to certain individuals...Like you said "let them learn."

God can show them better than we can tell them.

Thank you so much for sharing!
I have a couple of different opinions on your sis's statement but for her to say that "music is more POWERFUL than Christianity" means that she already believes that there is some type of supernatural being/spirit/force/principality etc. behind it. So, there's really no need to convince her of Freemasons or whatever, she already believes that, whether she realizes it or not. She is deceived and has bodly stated her belief; all you can do is pray for her mind, thoughts, & wrong beliefs and continue living a life holy and acceptable to God - be that light and the God in you will draw her.

Now, truth be told I am not offended by her statement, if by "christianity" she is referring to the "religion" that people throw around whenever they feel like it. If she's referring to the Christianity where you continue to live how you want without ever experiencing a true relationship with God, then I agree - this particular form of Christianity has no power. It is a "form of godliness that denies all the power thereof". Perhaps she has never witnessed the true Power of God working in and through His people?
Shimmie - I can give you a big HUG!

My Lord, your comment "Let her learn......" You don't have to say a thing, except, "I love you and I am on the wall praying for you."

God is literally showing me in this season not to say certain things to certain individuals...Like you said "let them learn."

God can show them better than we can tell them.

Thank you so much for sharing!

Saving our words just to say, "I love you..." and for our prayers, inteceding on their behalf, to the heart of God our Father in Heaven. :love2:

I'm learning daily, that God doesn't need any of us to prove who He is... He's God all by himself. He is, The Great "I am" who self proclaims of Himself: "I am, that I am..."
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Thank you for all your replies my replies are in red.

Is she forgetting the Creator of Music? My sister is more than aware I feel she was in the heat of the moment but both of us were always taught to watch what we say because the tongue is a powerful weapon.
Let not the created think they are greater than the Creator!

The power she speaks so highly of is built upon sinking sand; with no walls to support it. One wrong 'note' is all it takes to be off key and no where to dance.

Yeah.... music does indeed have power, but not over the power who created it...God.

Let her learn the difference. I did. So did you. So did many of us .........who learned the difference.

I'm speaking in love and without any malice or intent of such. Just let her learn. You don't have to say a thing, except, "I love you and I am on the wall praying for you."

Let her learn. It's the only way for her to appreciate the Truth' and nothing but the Truth.

Folks may be getting up and dancing to music, but they can't go to it for prayer, healing, deliverance or salvation.

Let her learn. Just let her learn. Experience is the best teacher in life anyway! Let her learn. Let her see the power of your prayers and the relationship you have with God the Father in all of Heaven and earth. :yep:


"music is more POWERFUL than Christianity" means that she already believes that there is some type of supernatural being/spirit/force/principality etc. behind it.
Yes she is fully aware of a higher being and the spirits behind music but I feel my sis doesn't want to let go and is being really stubborn. She watches the video analysis on YT and reads material on the corruption of the industry but it's like talking to a brick wall

She is deceived and has bodly stated her belief; all you can do is pray for her mind, thoughts, & wrong beliefs and continue living a life holy and acceptable to God - be that light and the God in you will draw her.

"christianity" she is referring to the "religion" that people throw around whenever they feel like it. If she's referring to the Christianity where you continue to live how you want without ever experiencing a true relationship with God, then I agree - this particular form of Christianity has no power. It is a "form of godliness that denies all the power thereof". Perhaps she has never witnessed the true Power of God working in and through His people?

i agree. music is more powerful than a religion, denomination, a belief system, etc. it is not more powerful than Christ.

Does your friend consider herself a Christian?
We both grew up in a Christian household but life experiences and her friends have shown her other options. She doesn't consider her Christian like the Christian described above ^ My sis believes her own relationship with God is the most important but for some strange reason she always says Christians contradict themselves, and IMHO I feel she has something against the Christians she knows. They think they are "holier than thou"

So, what is this worth to you? It's worth a whole lot. I can't believe how separate a pair of twins can be in their beliefs. I keep thinking where did it go wrong. I could easily blame the period when she went away to university but it's more than that. My sis definitely changed after uni. I feel like we are becoming more separate in our beliefs and it does worry me.

Do you want to debate with her about it? I personally, do not mind a good debate. I can hold my own and have enough behind me to support me but I don't want to go on debating with her.
Do you want to let it go? After thinking it through I have let it go. It's my in my character to forgive and forget.
Are you worried that it's changed your opinion of her?
It definetly has but I do remember she said a lot of things out of anger because her points during the debate had no validation.

My Lord, your comment "Let her learn......" You don't have to say a thing, except, "I love you and I am on the wall praying for you."

God is literally showing me in this season not to say certain things to certain individuals...Like you said "let them learn."

God can show them better than we can tell them.

Saving our words just to say, "I love you..." and for our prayers, inteceding on their behalf, to the heart of God our Father in Heaven. :love2:

I'm learning daily, that God doesn't need any of us to prove who He is... He's God all by himself. He is, The Great "I am" who self proclaims of Himself: "I am, that I am..."

IA with all the bolded. Sorry I didn't mention before but this is my twin sister so it means MUCH more to me than if it was a friend.
"Music is more powerful than Christianity! Not many people wake up and dance to jesus songs"
When I read this statement made by your sister, it sounds like she may be talking about people in the world, not necessarily talking about herself. In other words, I think she is saying that Music has a bigger effect on people in the world than Christianity. People are listening to the music of the world (rap, hip-hop, r&b, pop, country, rock&roll, etc.) and not Gospel songs or Christian songs. Hope that makes sense.
When I read this statement made by your sister, it sounds like she may be talking about people in the world, not necessarily talking about herself. In other words, I think she is saying that Music has a bigger effect on people in the world than Christianity. People are listening to the music of the world (rap, hip-hop, r&b, pop, country, rock&roll, etc.) and not Gospel songs or Christian songs. Hope that makes sense.

I also thought it was this but her comments after that statement made me think otherwise.

My sis apologised but I'm not too bothered about apologies. I'm more bothered about her state of mind and why she would say such a thing.
Your best friend-your blood sister has a debate with you and comes out with the statement

"Music is more powerful than Christianity! Not many people wake up and dance to jesus songs"

How do you handle this?

I am so shocked with her outburst and told her she cannot take back what she said.

I'm at a loss here. I feel she is completely beyond anything I can comprehend.

She doesn't believe the musicians we see are freemasons or 5%ers.

How would you handle this?

She has somewhat of a point. We're only going to absorb as much of G-d as we allow. Many people absorbe other things in greater depth, such as music. I wouldn't allow it to bother me. She made a statement and if she truly believes that or not, that is her opinion. You cannot control what she believes. Love her as before. :shrug: The greatest thing you could do is not to attempt to be her G-d, you demonstrate G-d in your life by actually living it, not being preachy to her. You'll drive her away from you. Don't despair.
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