How do you feel after a hair cut or big trim?

good question. usually i feel like crap for a day or two just becuase i know some hair is gone lol. but than i start to feel good about it becuase its nice and more even. i usually cut about half inch or less. every three or four months.
I've honestly never had any cuts or big trims. I did feel pissed when i trimmed off some hair that i didn't need to.
im desensitized from it due to cutting my hair so much these past 7 years ive been on here. i like freshly cut ends anyay so Im over it in a matter of seconds :look:.
I recently had my hair cut from below bsl to apl. I was sad about it, but then again I'm happy because my hair looks so much better and the hair that was cut was damaged anyway.
Well I just had to cut a bunch of mine off due to split ends. I went from APL to shoulder length:ohwell:. At first I was sad, but it does look healthier and fuller. My goal is BSL, which will take me a little longer, but the end result will be healthy, thick beautiful hair.

At least that's what I tell myself to make me feel better:look:
I felt sad :nono: Especially as I had to have it cut (between APL&BSL back to SL) because of a setback.

I hid my hair the next day (Xmas day 2008) by pinning it up:

It took me a while to accept my new length but once I did, I was back in love with it :grin:
I'll get over it in a few days. But it's just the initial shock that makes me sad, my hair just looks much shorter to me. :(

But it's nice to start over for the new year.
I guess I am in the minority because I feel great like ahhhhh, freshly cut ends or ohhh layers yummy, lol, I get them done every 4 months :)
If i like the cut i stare at myself in awe of my beauty =) oooorrrr if i hate it i plan to weave it up/clip in extensions or wear my hair in a pony all the time.
I go into mourning if it's over 1 inch.

Ideally, I want to trim a 1/4 inch every other relaxer. My hair is naturally fine/thin and I wear it out daily, so trims really help my ends stay fortified. But unfortunately I went most of the year with no trims, trying to growing longer. But I felt the ends were thinnish, so I snipped about 2.5 to 3 inches a couple weeks ago. Because this was the thin bottom of the hair, I didn't expect it to make much of a difference. But to me that took me back to the common length again (avi). Nothing special -- and that made me sad.

Oh well, I vow to trim regularly (every other relaxer/every 3 months) forever so I won't have to do anything drastic.

Edit: Oh and surprising, the hair's whole personality changes with a trim ... it hangs differently, looks different, and has a whole new aura. It takes some getting used to -- especially if you liked the "personality" of the old hair.
hey ladies...before my hair gets trimmed I take a good look at the ends and say to myself "yep yep this gotta go" lol I guess its my way of not getting too upset when it actually does happen. it sucks however I know its better for my hair :D
if its a good cut and a good look I feel awesome. I love getting a new haircut. Change is good.
I am only sad because i know it will grow out quickly.
Sad because I had to cut it but relived because the straggly ends are gone.

I only cut my hair if there was some breakage/damage.
I get sad too, but when I wasn't trying to grow it long I used to love trims. I used to force my stylist to trim my hair @ times.

My "new" hair is harder for me to roller set and doesn't hold a twist or braid. I hate it now lol
To me it all depends on why you get the cut.

If the cut/trim is intentional and you get exactly what you asked for you end up feeling great!

but if you loose more length than you wanted or it is done horribly you end up feeling aweful :(
I like it when I'm in the chair, but when I do a full length check~that's when it hits me. Yet another inch away from my goal.
hmmm i guess it depends because sometimes i will hate it and feel like why did i do this but other times i just love not seeing any split ends and running my fingers through a fresh cut!
After my Recent trim.. I felt great...I usually feel great after trims.. I guess since I know it's for the health of my hair.. I dont worry to much about how much is trimmed off .. all I can do is baby em and keep them from having to get trimmed...