How do you feel after a hair cut or big trim?

I actually feel better, my hair has even more body to it, and just looks healthier, my ends were tore up the pics dont really show it but they were a mess. so I don't mind if it's a inch shorter, even though I want my hair back to full apl and bslish I also want it also look healthy and even.
I can't bear to put scissors to my hair. I BC'd 2 1/2 years ago and to this day I can't even think about cutting my hair LOL I search and destroy but that's it.

When I was a teenager I would cry for hours after somebody cut my hair. Heck even in my 20's I'd get a sick feeling in my stomach after a hair cut. The only time I didn't cry was when I bc'd.
I am so happy i saw this post. I just got my hair cut last tuesday and while i know i needed it, i got kind of emotional when she trimmed it....but now i cant keep my hands out of my hair since those rough ends are history!....besides "it ain't nothing but a hair flip!"
I felt nothing but remorse and regret after my last hair cut; I felt like I cut years of progress for no good reason. Looking back at it, she did it to "even" my hair, but it's growing back in the same V shape as before. Anyway, that was like a year and a half ago and that was the last time I let any one cut my hair
I loove to had new haicuts, i'm one of those ppl that get bored easily with the same llok. So everytime i got a color, a perm or a cut , i feel goood.
I cut two inches off the length today and tapered my bangs and sides into the length and I FEEL GOOD!! Except now I'm back in the MBL challenge instead of WL...but my hair is looking GREAT!

I love getting my hair cut! Which is why my hair isn't any longer than it is...I have nobody to blame but ME...haha!!
I don't mind getting my hair trimmed. I'm getting a trim in 2 weeks, and I'm so excited about it. I don't mind getting it cut if that's what I wanted. I DON'T like getting my hair textured, but that's what everyone wants to do. My hair's too thick, they say. Bah humbug to that! The only place I've really found that will do exactly what I want is Hair Cuttery, and that's where I'm going for my next trim :grin:.
i LOVED it when i was relaxed because my ends would be blunt, even, and healthier looking. Now that im natural, it breaks my heart into tiny little pieces. I just got a big trim (give/take one inch all over) for the first time since going natural. Two days later, and im still sad about it. lol....just feels cruel to put a scissors to my curlies :(
I used to feel bad until a Latina girl at work put it into perspective. This is how the convo that changed my view went:

Latina Girl: Oh, you cut your hair, it's so pretty!
Me: I hate it; it was supposed to be a trim, but she took way too much off and now it's too short.
Latina Girl: Oh, it really doesn't look that much shorter to me. (as she looks at me with a smile with her WL hair).
Me: I guess you're right, but it was about 1.5-2 inches :(
Latina Girl: That's not much considering you had medium length hair and still have medium length hair.

What I took from our exchange was that really it wasn't THAT much hair. The other thing that was solid in my mind is that some black folks view of what is long hair is very different than other folks... My hair was APL and she thought it was med-short whereas every black friend I have thought that my APL hair was LONG :look:

So yeah, I finally got over being upset by a 1-2 inch trim. I also really do love the look and feel of nicely trimmed ends. Eventually the length will come and I want it to look healthy when I get there :)
This is a very good question but I think the answer depends on the situation for me.
I once cut my hair from APL to a a graduated fade with about 3" of hair on top and felt great as at the time my goal was to have a short haircut.

I once asked a stylist to give me a SL bob from APL and ended up with layers that were only about 3" long in some areas and even shorter in others and I had trouble tonging some areas as it was so short, let's just say I felt so bad that's when I turned my back on the salon and became a DIYer! I've only let 3 people near my hair with scissors after that, and this incident took place 17 yrs ago so I know I'm still scarred.

I went for a trim in August and only wanted an inch taken off and when I left the salon I went from APL to SL and it hurt as I didn't feel I needed to lose that much and as I am actually chasing longer lengths I saw this as a slight setback.

I did a light dusting on Friday and was happy with the results but on the flipside I'm worried if I continue this method my hair will start to look uneven.
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well im never cutting my hair again. i dont care. ill dust a tiny tiney TINY bit. but trim? no no no no no. every month i look at my ends and there are no splits, so why trim? my hair would have been past WL by now if i never had trimed
I like trims...a little bit too much, which is why I'm limiting myself. I love the look of freshly cut ends, but I don't like losing the length, which happens to an excess when I get overzealous with it.