How do you feel about others touching your hair...

To each her own but I don't mind it, I take it as a compliment. I never experienced strangers giving me compliments or wanting to touch my hair when I was relaxed.
I nearly slapped a coworker earlier this week when she molested my hair. I was wearing a twist out and she came up behind me while I was typing something and put her hands in my hair. I recoiled so fast that she stepped back. She started saying how much she liked it and that it was so cute.

I've known her for years and that is the first time she has ever touched my hair. I might not have been so irritated if she had not just come from outside having her 10th smoke break of the day. She is one of those smokers who always smells like cigarettes and she put those smelly hands in my hair.
Not a fan of the hair molestation. To me, it's the same as when people came up to me and rubbed/touched my belly when I was pregnant. I hated it. I have my personal parameters and I don't want any and everyone close to me like that.
Depends on how I'm approached. I don't mind as long as there's no bad intention.

When I was 19 years old my coworker came up behind me and literally yanked my hair. I was like what the fudge. I asked her why she did that and her response was it looked fake. Seriously? Mind you this was 1990 and weaves were not as prevalent. To boot, witch gave ME an attitude! She's lucky we were at work.

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Depends. If they're just touching the tip gently or if they ask me first, then that's fine.

But, I don't like it when people DIG their hands to the roots. I've had that happen and I shrank back so much that she withdrew (while popping a few strands in the process). THEN she asked me if I minded her touching, I politely shook my head saying yes I do mind. I would have been bald while she tangled my loose roller set with my new growth.

On the flip side, I've reached out and grabbed a girl friend's hair before I realized what I was doing. Her hair was so gorgeous that my hand was drawn to it. LOL Thankfully, she was ok with it. lol
I don't like it. I don't like being touched period and I don't like people standing too close to me. I also don't like when people try to touch my baby, but that's another thread.
My boyfriend as a joke told me he would leave me for a white girl so he could run his hands through her hair; coz whenever he comes near mine I bun it and wrap it up! Lol
I only don't like it when it's someone who's constantly dissing my "nappy afro," then 5 minutes later reaching out to stick their hands in it. I don't let anyone touch my hair if they've expressed negative remarks about it recently or right beforehand.

I've had people be like, "when you gnna perm that bush on your head Vicky hahaha" and then, "is it even soft?!" (while reaching out to grab) :look: please don't touch me.
Depends on how I'm approached. I don't mind as long as there's no bad intention.

When I was 19 years old my coworker came up behind me and literally yanked my hair. I was like what the fudge. I asked her why she did that and her response was it looked fake. Seriously? Mind you this was 1990 and weaves were not as prevalent. To boot, witch gave ME an attitude! She's lucky we were at work.

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Wow. The nerve. LEt me get this looked fake so she yanked it. Even if it in the world is that appropriate?:rolleyes:
I don't like it. I had one person ask and I let him because we are friends, but he only pulled one coil. He seemed scared to do more than that :lol:. For the most part, people don't ask me, they just stare at it or take pictures of it when it is out (Asian tourists).
I love the way pleated pants hang on some men, but I'm not reaching out to grab the goods!!! All of this is personal, keep your hands to yourself!!!
People don't understand (or care) about the time and effort we put into our styles. They just see it looks 'cute' and they want to touch.

Yo, you are not an infant. Watch (and wash) the hands.
you're not wrong many people don't regularly wash their hands and your hair is a body part. hair traps energy and its a reason old school black folks talked about not letting folks touch your hair or not bouncing around to different stylists or barbers. yuck....i wish someone would try to molest my fro'!!!
I really don't like people touching my hair. Be polite and ask me. And there's certain people who I wouldn't let touch my hair even if they ask me. I have one co-worker who smells like a used ashtray and I would NOT let her touch my hair at all. That's just the way I feel...
^^^Right there. I used to think I wouldn't mind but everybody aint clean and dont wash their hands enuf to my satisfaction. Not to mention after having had ninjas pull my hair and then grin and say "oh, that is all you". Really? You just wrong skeez.
It depends. But everyone has to ask me. Family, friends, etc. At least that's the general rule. There is actually a substitute teacher I used to have in High School sometimes and we got really close. We hadn't seen each other in ages so when she saw how big my hair got, she grabbed it and shook it around. I did not mind at all. In fact, I was flattered because it meant I was special, darnit. But in my math class this cretin touched my hair and I yelled,"Don't touch my hair!"

Sometimes I don't mind if it's a friend but treat me like a human being and ask to touch my hair! I need to pay more attention to when I let people touch my hair and say no even if I don't mind sometimes.
I don't mind. Sometimes if I see someone w/really beautiful hair, I'll ask to touch it. It's very rare, but I don't mind and I've never been rejected either :)
I only don't like it when it's someone who's constantly dissing my "nappy afro," then 5 minutes later reaching out to stick their hands in it. I don't let anyone touch my hair if they've expressed negative remarks about it recently or right beforehand.

I've had people be like, "when you gnna perm that bush on your head Vicky hahaha" and then, "is it even soft?!" (while reaching out to grab) :look: please don't touch me.

When are you going to perm it? Huh? They are jealous. Your hair is beautiful.
Well this might be one of those wives tales but when I had an actual ponytail I was told not to let ppl play in my hair they grab the oils (more like absorb) and cause splits and breakage. Im not gonna risk it.

Sckri23 from my SCH-I500 using LHCF
DH can sometimes get a pass if it's not styled but otherwise, I don't like hands in my hair. I've mostly had other black women try to touch it, though.