How do you feel about Nappy edges and lots of new growth with relaxed hair.


Well-Known Member
Why are some ladies offended by lots of new growth when someone has relaxed hair? It doesn't bother me one bit but women around me make comments or remind me that I have two different textures. My edges fell out six months after the birth of baby. I am nursing the edges back to health so I don't dare put gel on them. I live in Florida so I sweat out flat ironed hair within days. I always stretch my texturizer as long as possible. Any suggestions? What do you think?
This thread is ironic considering my recent realization.

I look(ed) like I am wearing a straight phony pony on top of natural (and reverted) hair. This was not a good look for ME.

I am transitioning and roughly sixty percent of my hair length is natural with the remaining length relaxed. After I wash, blowdry and flatiron my hair reverts well....immediately these days. I caught a glimpse of myself in a store window and was like "oh, no". I am going to work on styles that blend my textures.

But to answer the question, I have never been offended by a woman's couple of inches of new growth.
What you're describing doesn't bother me at all! I'm more bothered when I see zero edges or very fine edges that seem to be pulled back too tightly--and that's because I'm overly concerned about my own edges. :lol:
It just makes it look less 'sharp' as a style if you can look at it & tell. Im sure you could tie the edges down to smooth using a silk scarf & something that isnt drying like gel to make it more polished (if u wanted to bother).
It just makes it look less 'sharp' as a style if you can look at it & tell. Im sure you could tie the edges down to smooth using a silk scarf & something that isnt drying like gel to make it more polished (if u wanted to bother).

I wrap and tie my hair down with a satin scarf every evening. I have 4b hair that has a mind of its own. I see 4 b ladies that have perfectly smooth hair but the trade off is often at the sacrifice of the health of their hair.
Why are some ladies offended by lots of new growth when someone has relaxed hair? It doesn't bother me one bit but women around me make comments or remind me that I have two different textures. My edges fell out six months after the birth of baby. I am nursing the edges back to health so I don't dare put gel on them. I live in Florida so I sweat out flat ironed hair within days. I always stretch my texturizer as long as possible. Any suggestions? What do you think?

Tell dem hoes to mind their freakin' business.
I don't mind it. I am transitioning and have almost a year's worth of NG. All I need is water and/or conditioner to slick them down or I just tie a satin scarf on them overnight. It;s not really a big deal, I rarely use gel or a brush.

I don't understand women who always try to "lay them naps down". These woman usually have a receding hairline and broken off edges. Keep up with the non-stop gelling and brushing and sooner or later you wont have to worry about nappy edges, because you won't have any.:sad:
I dont mind it at all, especially since I had a perm less than 2mos ago and folks asking me if I'm natchal, lol. I'll take nappy edges anyday over thin/bald edges! And you're right, it's dem *****s with jacked up hurr that want to offer input. Back off--I got this.
I have a life to live, books to read, places to go...too busy to be worried about some next chick's edges. I'm not sleeping with her, why the hell would I care?
I'm 10 weeks post and having this issue as well. I don't like the way it looks on me, but I would never say it to someone else. To me it's like having natural hair with straight's looks kind of odd. I just wear styles like braidouts so there's not so much difference between the textures.
Well, i am not personally concerned with others' edges but that look would not be something i would be wearing.
I love when my ng comes. When I relaxed last time I made sure not to relax any of my edges because I bleached and dyed my bangs. So they look pretty natural, but since I air dry and bun all the time it doesn't really look like too different textures. I love my wavies in the front.
I'm dealing with this on a major scale atm at 6 months post. Do i like the way it looks? No. But ive been working 12 hour night shifts and my hair isnt a big concern. I wear my lace wig when I need to look pretty. A few waves look cute but I have about 2 inches of new growth (I must be a slow grower) plus some of my hair is texlaxed and I m trying to grow out my bangs (which defy gravity with new growth) basically HAM. But its just hair.
I have learned to embrace my new growth. I actually love my coils especially around 10 - 12 weeks post. Around that time I use the scarf method to help lay them down and the effect is wavy hair which I love.
but it never does. Two completely different textures are not going to look compatible without some help, therapy and coercion. That just is what it is.

there are plenty of women who are transitioning that hair is always on point. so i will stand by my statement and kindly disagree with you.
doesnt bother me at all. I think it goes with the mentality that we all Need perms & black hair that isnt permed is "nappy" so run as fast as you can & erase any signs of nappiness b4 someone sees it (sarcasm).
I love the new growth! At least I know my hair is growing. If I'm ten weeks post and no new growth, there is a serious problem! And untamed edges can be tamed with my control paste so I don't sweat it anymore
I have no problem with it. I've been completely natural, had blown outs that started to revert. So what?

And who said ng can't look polished and neat. Nice textured styles offer some assistance during those 10wks + post relaxer days or a neat bun.
I feel (w/out reading), that they should be (edges-that is), well moisturized (balanced- w/protein), and cared for like the rest of the hair.

ETA: Found time to back and read the op. I had that happen to me years before I found the forum. I had read shamboosies book, and things is what I took from the book made my hair flourish for some time. Little did I know that I was stretching relaxers while tending,pretty well, to my roots and ends. But some ladies around these parts thought the abundance of new growth was :lachen:. Whatev..
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Doesn't bother me at all. When my new growth comes in I'm not in a battle to control my edges so it looks "laid" I could care less. I don't put a lot of stress on my edges trying to make them be something else and my edges are strong and all there.
Im relaxed 4a/b and I don't bother to smooth my edges down, there is no point in doing so because they will puff right back up. Besides, all the heavy pomades and gels will clog the pores/follicle holes and impedes proper growth. I usually cover mine up with a silk headband and sometimes I don't give a rats a$$ and show ALL my natural edges. We tend to care too much about what people think and say about us. Those types of people will be negative no matter if you're rich/poor, skinny/fat, educated/uneducated, SL/WL. I actually feel sorry for them for they are just plain ignorant. Look at gymnist Gabby Douglas', this fine young lady just made "WORLD" history and all these ignant mofos could see was that her hair wasn't perfect and straight. SMH.
How does 'on point' translate to nappy edges with relaxed hair?

how do you define nappy? most women on this board stretch their relaxers and manage to have a well groomed, polished look. nappy new growth and all. do you feel nappy edges and relaxed hair don't look good together? folks who stretch, or transition are walking around looking a hot mess?
To answer your title question
"how do you feel about Nappy edges and lots of new growth with relaxed hair"
For MY hair, I prefer to have slicked edges if I'm wearing my hair in a bun of ponytail, it adds to the neatness of the style. If I'm wearing my hair down I simply do not care. I take care of my edges but that is what I prefer if I wear my hair up. Maybe it brings memories of my mother with a soft bristle brush, water and grease smoothing the edges while she did my hair when I was a kid. In fact, recently she pointed out that sometimes I don't do it to my back edges and my nape and she whipped out that brush.

To answer the question in the actual body of your post
"Why are some ladies offended by lots of new growth when someone has relaxed hair?"
I don't know. I don't get offended at someone else's hair, I have enough worrying about my own. I guess other women are maybe used to layed down look with an updo.