How do you do it


New Member
I just became a member and I am trying to repair my damaged hair. From what I have read, it is most important to condition your hair when washing. I cannot afford to go to the salon as often as I need to now that I am trying to repair my hair. I am going to have to start washing & conditioning it myself, but unfortunately, I am a bit challenged when it comes to hair products, styling, etc.

What do you do once you have washed and conditioned your hair and its wet? How do you dry it? Do you use a comb blow dryer (eeeek!)? Do you roller set it (alot of work)? Do you air dry it and then straighten with ceramic flat iron? As you can see, I have no idea where to begin, any suggestions?
I only air dry. I no longer own a curling or flat iron so my various styles include flexi rods, wrap, bun, braid outs. That's about it. I always wash at night so it's dry by the morning. I usually wear my hair in a bun every day so it's very simple.
i air dry, some ladies rollerset- both good ways to avoid direct heat. when i just get out of the shower i towel blot my hair then add moisturizer or leave-in conditioner followed by sereum or oil to seal in the moisture, if you are going to flat iron i would recomend using a good heat protectant and using the flat iron at a low heat setting- hope that helped
I rollerset my hair twice a week. It seems like a lot of work, but its not. I can do my whole head in about 15-20 minutes. I love hair care, so the entire process is therapeutic to me :look:

I also enjoy wash n gos when I'm too tired/lazy to rollerset.

I airdry by adding a leave-in conditioner(ntm silk touch leave-in) or moisturizer(scurl) sealing with an oil and putting my hair in a ponytail, then tying down with a silk/satin scarf. I usually bun the next day because it will still be wet even after airdrying overnight.

I never straighten my hair. A lot of girls do rollersets to straighten hair (by using larger rollers and then wrapping afterwards). However I haven't mastered rollersetting yet.

The next day my hair has fully dried. I will style by doing braidouts, bantu knots, updos, or buns. All of these can be done without heat.

When I first began my hair journey I went to Sistaslick fotki and on her first page she has a list of good products to use. I chose my products and got to work!

Right now I use:

Suave Humectant or CON (Creme of Nature) poo & cond
Scurl or NTM silk touch leave-in for moisturizing daily
Hot 6 oil, coconut oil, or olive oil to seal in after moisturizing
ORS replenishing pak for weekly deep condtioning

I hope this helps! HHG :)

After washing & conditioning, I will sometimes do a rollerset (if I have the time & patience, because right now it takes me a while) or if I don't have time, I would simply apply a protein leave-in (Giovanni Direct Leave-IN) conditioner and a moisturizer or two (I mix wave noveau moisturizing finishing mist along with hawaiin silky moisturizer and coconut oil), then place a shower cap on my head and go to bed. In the morning, I will reapply a moisturizing conditioner (wave noveau humectant conditioner) and some more moisturizing sprays and then use a phony pony or phony bun.

This usually works for me throughout the week. if i do rollerset I just apply the Giovanni Direct Leave-in and a moisturizing spray and a little setting lotion mixed with water. I just purchased some straightening balm too to help tame my new growth so it won't look so atrocious...

Hope this helps...
i wash and deep condition my hair. when my hair is still soaking wet i rollerset and sit under the dryer. when thats done i flat iron my roots only. but i wash my hair twice a week so sometimes i only have the time to flat iron. this has not damaged my hair or prevented it from growing however i want to stop wasting time using the blow dryer when i flat iron so i am going to purchase a wet to dry flat iron. when i use this i will let my hair air dry for maybe 30 minutes and then flat iron but for the most part i have rollerset my hair. make sure you use a great leave in conditioner
I can totally relate to the 'lost' feeling that accompanies starting this haircare journey. My first suggestion would be for you to do an advanced search of the forum with lots and lots of key words. You WILL find tons of useful info.

But to answer your question, after conditioning my hair (i seldom use actual shampoo), i just put my afro detangler leave-in (even though im and let it hang dry. I also wear a silk house coat while im doing this so that my ends arent rubbing all over my clothes.

When my hair is completely dry, i re-apply the afro detangler, followed by coconut oil section by section. then I comb through each individual section.
by the time im done, my hair is blingin, moisturized, and detangled, but it is also HUGE like a relaxed so i put it in a pony tail and tie it down with my silk scarf and go to bed :rolleyes:

Sorry this is so long, i was trying to give you as clear a description as possible. Happy Hair Growing :drunk:
I just became a member and I am trying to repair my damaged hair. From what I have read, it is most important to condition your hair when washing. I cannot afford to go to the salon as often as I need to now that I am trying to repair my hair. I am going to have to start washing & conditioning it myself, but unfortunately, I am a bit challenged when it comes to hair products, styling, etc.

What do you do once you have washed and conditioned your hair and its wet? How do you dry it? Do you use a comb blow dryer (eeeek!)? Do you roller set it (alot of work)? Do you air dry it and then straighten with ceramic flat iron? As you can see, I have no idea where to begin, any suggestions?

i am an airdryer, and have been long before LHCF. the only time that i use direct heat on my hair is if I am going to wear it straight - at which time i will use a blow dryer with a comb attachment and a flatiron.