4 B Naturals How do you do it?


Well-Known Member
You know what I am talking about: detangling and styling. I have been natural since 04. It wasn't on purpose I just grew my hair out in braids by way of wearing them so much and when I went back to my hairdresser she told me I had natural hair to my shoulders and asked to cut out the relaxer and I was fine with that. Since then I just braided or pressed my hair to style it. It was a big money saver. Well, anyway ,since joining the hide your hair challenge I am really trying to wear my hair in natural ways without added hair, but IT'S SOOO HARD. Every time I wash my hair or detangle it no matter if I am doing it with a hair full of conditioner, washing in braids, finger combing, detangling from the ends up, co washing using olive oil or whatever once I begin to twist it up or detangle it I feel like I loose the same amount of hair I loose that is equivalent to the shedding I get in a months worth of braids. It's not a big deal when I just take out braids, but I cannot fathom loosing this much on a weekly/2x weekly basis

Now I know there are so many threads on stuff like this so I am looking those up now. Looking up stuff on controlling breakage, shedding, natural hair and all that, but I am just wondering how do you PRESERVE your natural hair. I am happy with my texture, I just want to have enough hair on my head to keep growing it with all that comes out on a wash day :lachen:(every three days), and when I air dry I don't want my hair to feel dry as an sos pad (before it hit's the water) a day later after putting in leave in's and sealing.

What works for styling and detangling your natural hair. My sole focus is on health of my hair. I actually trying this time, and I don't wanna give in to my flat iron soon because I'm frustrated.
I have 100% natural hair. I never manipulate my hair without conditioner...NEVER!!!
Also, I use a shower comb from time to time. I also leave some conditioner in my hair.
1) Low manipulation - the less I touch it, the less I stress it. I can't imagine doing my hair twice a week. :nono:

2) Protective styles - I don't give it a chance to tangle, by keeping it twisted, one way or another. Usually, when I take my hair down, all I have to 'really' detangle is the ends - my roots are still detangled like they were when I finished washing it.

3) Seamfree combs - I've had SO much less breakage/split ends since I've started using them.

Also, for my hair, it took me a good 6 months of weekly DEEP conditioning before it was anything near properly moisturized. *sigh* Even in this heat, I can tell I'm going to have to steam my hair again soon (Look up Lucky'sMom "Steam Treatment" posts!!!!!!!) in order to return it to it's properly moist state.

I DC with the Caramel Treatment (search here or on my blog), hibiscus, SAA and/or Elasta QP Intense Fortifying Treatment. I seal while still damp with castor oil. My leave in is a combination of butters and the Elasta - leaves my hair happy.

Have you tried the Denman brush? Some people love it, some people hate it.

Is it all shedding, or a mix of shedding and breakage? If it's mostly breakage, that's an entirely different discussion, and we would need to examine your reggie (including products) as well as the overall health of your hair.
You know what I am talking about: detangling and styling. I have been natural since 04. It wasn't on purpose I just grew my hair out in braids by way of wearing them so much and when I went back to my hairdresser she told me I had natural hair to my shoulders and asked to cut out the relaxer and I was fine with that. Since then I just braided or pressed my hair to style it. It was a big money saver. Well, anyway ,since joining the hide your hair challenge I am really trying to wear my hair in natural ways without added hair, but IT'S SOOO HARD. Every time I wash my hair or detangle it no matter if I am doing it with a hair full of conditioner, washing in braids, finger combing, detangling from the ends up, co washing using olive oil or whatever once I begin to twist it up or detangle it I feel like I loose the same amount of hair I loose that is equivalent to the shedding I get in a months worth of braids. It's not a big deal when I just take out braids, but I cannot fathom loosing this much on a weekly/2x weekly basis

Now I know there are so many threads on stuff like this so I am looking those up now. Looking up stuff on controlling breakage, shedding, natural hair and all that, but I am just wondering how do you PRESERVE your natural hair. I am happy with my texture, I just want to have enough hair on my head to keep growing it with all that comes out on a wash day :lachen:(every three days), and when I air dry I don't want my hair to feel dry as an sos pad (before it hit's the water) a day later after putting in leave in's and sealing.

What works for styling and detangling your natural hair. My sole focus is on health of my hair. I actually trying this time, and I don't wanna give in to my flat iron soon because I'm frustrated.

1) Low manipulation - the less I touch it, the less I stress it. I can't imagine doing my hair twice a week. :nono:

2) Protective styles - I don't give it a chance to tangle, by keeping it twisted, one way or another. Usually, when I take my hair down, all I have to 'really' detangle is the ends - my roots are still detangled like they were when I finished washing it.

3) Seamfree combs - I've had SO much less breakage/split ends since I've started using them.

Also, for my hair, it took me a good 6 months of weekly DEEP conditioning before it was anything near properly moisturized. *sigh* Even in this heat, I can tell I'm going to have to steam my hair again soon (Look up Lucky'sMom "Steam Treatment" posts!!!!!!!) in order to return it to it's properly moist state.

I DC with the Caramel Treatment (search here or on my blog), hibiscus, SAA and/or Elasta QP Intense Fortifying Treatment. I seal while still damp with castor oil. My leave in is a combination of butters and the Elasta - leaves my hair happy.

Have you tried the Denman brush? Some people love it, some people hate it.

Is it all shedding, or a mix of shedding and breakage? If it's mostly breakage, that's an entirely different discussion, and we would need to examine your reggie (including products) as well as the overall health of your hair.

HI there!

It takes time to learn your own hair!

I agree with Kiya.

for me.........................

  1. I have found Conditioners that DETANGLES WELL, and keeps my hair CALM.. These items are staples for me... and If I don't have these things - I cannot touch my hair! Try to find one with BTMS....Behetrimonium methosulfate.. Products with Aloe vera seem to keep my hair calmed down
  2. I keep my hair Twisted or braided unless I flat iron it.. During shampoos etc. too
  3. I have moisture embedded into my regimen. At ALL times
  4. I don't wear those 'out styles'. I would be bald.
  5. Try the Teri method. www.tightlycurly.com
  6. I don't use maqny commerical products. This has saved my hair.
HTH! Good luck!
For some reason I dont' have trouble with tangles. I don't even comb my hair. I wash it, dump conditioner on it, shake it and that is it. It forms a spiky afro and I am off. If I am doing a twist out, I will spray with water, put some type of oil or cream hair dress on it, finger comb it and then twist. When my hair was long, I would section it and twist it. Didn't have problem with tangles. Might just be something unique about my fine 4B hair.

I think the less you manipulate it, the better. I think trying to make our hair do what it doesn't want to, is what causes the damage.
HI there!

It takes time to learn your own hair!

I agree with Kiya.

for me.........................

  1. I have found Conditioners that DETANGLES WELL, and keeps my hair CALM.. These items are staples for me... and If I don't have these things - I cannot touch my hair! Try to find one with BTMS....Behetrimonium methosulfate.. Products with Aloe vera seem to keep my hair calmed down
  2. I keep my hair Twisted or braided unless I flat iron it.. During shampoos etc. too
  3. I have moisture embedded into my regimen. At ALL times
  4. I don't wear those 'out styles'. I would be bald.
  5. Try the Teri method. www.tightlycurly.com
  6. I don't use maqny commerical products. This has saved my hair.
HTH! Good luck!

#2. My hair is twisted 95% of the time. I try not to do much to it at all.
#5. Great suggestion!!!! I've used this method. Actually, this site is where I got the idea. Since then, it's been much easier to take care of my hair.
Also, I think we have to discover what products will and will not work for us.
One of my problems in the past was that I needed to learn that one size truly does not fit all. We have to look at our hair types and learn (it takes time and patience) to do our hair where we can be in harmony with it.
I wish you the best.
Welcome! You have a whole lotta hair on that head I would love to see more pictures!

I wish I could help more with how to handle that much 4B hair, but I can direct you to some notable 4B fotkis and you can take bits and pieces from thier regimens and start there.

Here's what I do (similar to previous posts)

1) Find a good quality detangling conditioner and only condition when hair is sokaing weat with wide tooth comb (detangle in sections)

2) Deep condition 1x a week for at LEAST 30 mins w/heat (I do an hour)

3) Final rinse with cold water (hair still in sections)

Daily: Moisturize and seal my hair. My hair is fine so I find products that work for me, but I use a cream/lotion moisture and seal with an oil. I pay SPECIAL attention to my ends and will use hairveda almond glaze (grease like consistency) solely on my ends.

I take my time when I detangle 1x a week and do it in sections

I clarify my hair 1x a month to remove product and eliminate brillo feel

I use a good leave in

I definitely agree that one size does not fit all. OP I hope this helps or give you some ideas
I am a 4b who is transitioning. Though I'm only 4 months post, I have lot of new growth and my relaxed hair is trying it's best to revert, lol.

1. CASSIA and HENNA saved me. I get almost no hair loss during detangling which I only do once a week. If I cowash or rinse midweek, I don't detangle. I mix 75% cassia with 25% henna (with wheatgerm oil for moisture) about once a month. When I first started, I did the 2nd treatment two weeks after the first. Trust me, cassia is a lifesaver - it kind of works as a protein treatment, - it really strengthens strands and prevents breakage.

Here's an excerpt from Curly Nikki's blog about cassia and henna and their benefits-she's a real henna girl:

[Hey Nikki!
I know you are a Henna girl, but I saw your comment for one of your pictures, and you mentioned using Cassia. I'm curious about henna but there are a few things that have me nervous about taking the plunge to try it, one of them is the coloring affects. I know Cassia is supposed to be similar without altering hair color...if you don't mind, can you share your experience with Cassia?

Thanks a bunch!

I tried cassia about 4 times before moving on to henna. Initially, like you, I was afraid of the red color, especially since I had a considerable amount of brown highlights throughout- I didn't want to look like a fire truck!

Again, henna red is translucent. I liken it to coloring on a black (or brown) sheet of construction paper with a reddish-orange crayon. In most lighting, the paper sill looks black, just shinier. However, if you hold it just right under the light, or step outside, you can see the hint of color. It's the same with my hair. Indoors, the hair is a shiny, rich, black, but outside it looks as if I did an auburn rinse. For my brown haired curlies, your hair will appear auburn, no matter the lighting! So, if you're still reluctant about that red tint, Cassia may be the answer.

Cassia is similar to henna...although it's a different plant altogether, it has some of the same conditioning effects, sans color. Like henna, cassia strengthens the hair shaft, improves overall health, and adds lots of shine. It doesn't, however, reduce shrinkage or drastically thicken the hair up. It's effects are far more fleeting- lasting at the most 1-2 weeks. The mixing, application, and rinsing process is a bit less taxing as well. For starters, you don't have to wear gloves! Also, you only have to leave it in for 30 minutes to get the conditioning effects. Since you're not worried about dye release, you can mix in everything but the kitchen sink- I used to mix in oils, conditioner, and honey. Some blonds and gray haired ladies use Cassia for the slight yellow tint that it gives off. If you have dark hair, you don't have to worry about this effect.

I left cassia for henna for one reason- I wanted bigger hair. I didn't, and still don't mind the red. You're going to get improved hair health with both cassia and henna, but henna's effects will last upwards of 3-4 weeks, depending on how often you wash.

Good luck!

[Hey Nikki, How long did it take for your hair to notice the conditioning results of henna?

I believe I noticed the 'baby doll hair' effect after about 3 treatments. Prior to that, I could only see a color difference (on the previously highlighted strands), and a bit of the strengthening. When I say 'baby doll hair', I mean, strong, shiny, smooth strands. After your third or fourth treatment, you'll see your hair change before your eyes...for the better. My hair became heavier and much thicker. It also barely splits anymore...unless I pull out the 'ole Denman ;-) Not even henna can save me from it's wrath.

I would like to henna my hair, but not sleep in it.. I have a twa, is it possible? how long should I keep it in?

In order to reap the color and conditioning benefits of henna, you only need to leave it in for 4 hours. I sleep in it because I'm lazy. Something important to note is that the longer you leave it in, the darker/richer the red. Therefore, if you have gray roots, a 2 hour session may yield copper results- 4-6 hours may be more appropriate to achieve a burgundy tone. When I do a short session, I let the henna sit for longer, and I use my micro heat cap for half of the time to move things along.

Later Gators!

2. I haven't tried this yet, but I know some people wash in twists, take one twist down at a time, detangle, and retwist immediately. Seems to me this would be very helpful as well.

HTH! We 4Bs have to stick together! :grin:
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1) Low manipulation - the less I touch it, the less I stress it. I can't imagine doing my hair twice a week. :nono:

2) Protective styles - I don't give it a chance to tangle, by keeping it twisted, one way or another. Usually, when I take my hair down, all I have to 'really' detangle is the ends - my roots are still detangled like they were when I finished washing it.

3) Seamfree combs - I've had SO much less breakage/split ends since I've started using them.

Also, for my hair, it took me a good 6 months of weekly DEEP conditioning before it was anything near properly moisturized. *sigh* Even in this heat, I can tell I'm going to have to steam my hair again soon (Look up Lucky'sMom "Steam Treatment" posts!!!!!!!) in order to return it to it's properly moist state.

I DC with the Caramel Treatment (search here or on my blog), hibiscus, SAA and/or Elasta QP Intense Fortifying Treatment. I seal while still damp with castor oil. My leave in is a combination of butters and the Elasta - leaves my hair happy.

Have you tried the Denman brush? Some people love it, some people hate it.

Is it all shedding, or a mix of shedding and breakage? If it's mostly breakage, that's an entirely different discussion, and we would need to examine your reggie (including products) as well as the overall health of your hair.

I am going to try waiting a week between styles. My main reason for wanting to increase the washes was because of the whole sealing your hair with oils to keep in moisture but not locking the moisture out for long.

I have been doing protective styles. It always pinned up with quality hair pins or in a bun. I notice the hairs most on wash days. My roots and ends get all tangled . when I am going through saturating each section with conditioner i always end up with strands of coils when stretched out are long adn seem strong in my hands. They just coil up on themselves so thats when it seems shorter or fuller. I also find that the ends of my twists(i twist down as far as possible then put then all into an updo at the end with some short of head band) form a tight coil at the end I can't tell if that breaks off or sheds because it so tangled and coiled around itself too tightly to detangle(and it looks nothing like that when I first twist it up). I never hear my hair cracking or breaking off when I am detangling I just see all the hair come out easily as I do it. That makes me want to believe it's shedding but the amount of hair after 3 days coming out when I think about how much hair I loose when I take out months worth of braid is too similiar for comfort.

I am going to look into some of those treatments.

I haven't tried the Denman brush. It is worth looking into if it will work better than my shower comb.

Right now my regimen is washing my hair every 3 days. I wash my scalp with shampoo and put conditioner on the length. I do shampoo the length though once or twice a month. After I wash it in braids( I am using up my tigi self absorbed and ovation products) I detangle with my fingers(then a shower comb, more hair comes out in my hands than does in the comb) as I am putting in my leave in (right now its a shea butter mango butter tui leave in mixed up...or the tui spray the butter on the ends)and twist up that section of braided hair into damp twists. After I finish I put some olive oil on my hair pin it up and let it air dry. I must the twisting my natural hair portion of this regimen is new I usually wear my natural hair pressed(not since november) or braided with hair in. Following the same wash routine. I just want to correct what I am doing wrong early if there is something I am over looking.

Thank you for your help. Thank everyone for responding, really, even if I don't directly respond to every post.
I would avoid shampoo for a while and see if that makes a difference with dryness unless you use a sulfate free one. Try adding a spoonful of baking soda to your favourite condish and wash with that.
Also co-sign with henna - over time ( I have done about 8-10 treatments) it has stretched out my hair (especially the 4a sections) so it shrinks less and consequently tangles less. If you go down that route try to get BAQ henna - the best quality.
Also co-sign with JustKiya - I wash my hair only once a week but gently rinse with twists in once during the week. Too much manipulation may not work for everyone. If you are getting a lot of shedding with 3x weekly washes, try washing less often. I found that regular weekly co-washing plus deep conditioning etc has over time upped my hairs' moisture levels.
I also learned another amazing (for me!) tip - my hair has always had dryness issues especially the back leading to breakage. I found out that Traycee (KISS blog) moisturizes up to SIX TIMES DAILY!!! And her hair grew to waistlength very quickly. She absolutely DOES NOT allow her hair to get dry EVER. I used to think once or twice daily was enough but not for some of us. I jumped into this method and saw immediate results- increased retention, no more dry hair. Now I carry a tiny jar of my fave moisturizer with me (currently Oyin whipped pudding or coconut oil) and apply 5-6 times a day. I would rate that as an A+ hair tip!
Finally check to see if your products have 'cones in them - 'cones are fine for some but not all. As my hair is quick to become dry if I do not keep on top of it I realised I needed to eliminate shampoos which strip the oils in it (even though I only use to use them occasionally). To eliminate shampoos I had to also cut out the products that build up and require shampoos to take them out, hence I quit using cones (and of course mineral oil/petrolatum). I still use a Pantene mask 'cos it is the only DT that works for me thus far! Baking soda to my condish helps prevent any build-up issues with it.
The reality is that if what some say works for them is not doing it for you, you just have to eliminate stuff gradually and see how your hair responds.
But...after 5 years natural it look as if you made plenty of progress; you hair is fab!
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I find that washing and conditioning my hair in twists (small to med) is key. I then blow dry my hair (untwisting & blowdrying one twist at a time) with coconut oil and heat protectant.

I don't know how the 4bs are washing their hair so often. I would be bald by now. My hair gets tangled, dry and hard as a rock if I let it dry naturally. It almost snaps off as I touch it. This happens no matter how much I deep condition or load tons of conditioner in my hair.

The key to further moisturizing my hair is what I do when its dry. I apply hair butters- particularly mango butter or shea butters. This makes my hair soft, manageable and ready to style.
I find that washing and conditioning my hair in twists (small to med) is key. I then blow dry my hair (untwisting & blowdrying one twist at a time) with coconut oil and heat protectant.

I don't know how the 4bs are washing their hair so often. I would be bald by now. My hair gets tangled, dry and hard as a rock if I let it dry naturally. It almost snaps off as I touch it. This happens no matter how much I deep condition or load tons of conditioner in my hair.

The key to further moisturizing my hair is what I do when its dry. I apply hair butters- particularly mango butter or shea butters. This makes my hair soft, manageable and ready to style.

How often are you washing your hair? What shampoo and heat protectant do you use?

I too have found that blow drying helps a lot. I'm on my vacation right now and I left my blowdryer at home (trying to make space in the suitcase) so this weekend I'm going to have to air dry :(

How often are you washing your hair? What shampoo and heat protectant do you use?

I too have found that blow drying helps a lot. I'm on my vacation right now and I left my blowdryer at home (trying to make space in the suitcase) so this weekend I'm going to have to air dry :(


How often are you washing your hair? What shampoo and heat protectant do you use?

I too have found that blow drying helps a lot. I'm on my vacation right now and I left my blowdryer at home (trying to make space in the suitcase) so this weekend I'm going to have to air dry :(


It varies, but around 2weeks. I like Nexus Therappe Moisturizing Shampoo; or Nioxin Moisturizing shampoo. For heat protectant, IC Fantasia heat protectant- do a search- b/c its highly reccommended on this site. I also the Beyond the Zone heat protectant spray. They're both great. And most of all, they are not water based- perfect for natr'l head.

I came across this site in another thread on lhcf: http://www.tightlycurly.com/Welcome.aspx . If you click on all the links, it has some good tight coily hair advice. After that, I think I will be on the search for a new conditioner- b/c this site seems to pinpoint the problem I'm having with the hard-after-conditioner-hair

Miss Alyssa, if there was a way to dry my hair and it remained SOFT and manageable w/o tangling and matting then I would air dry too. Possibly drying in twists, then slabbing a bunch of leave in conditioner or hair butter and then retwisting as it dries will be the trick! Then do a fabulous twistout later...hmmm...