How do you BC your own hair?


Well-Known Member
I'm seriously thinking about just cutting all my hair off. I've been here before but never actually went through with it. I hate my thin stringy hair. Even the new growth feels thin. I'm tired of these relaxed pieces breaking off. I know I have 15 weeks of new growth with 24 weeks of texlaxed hair and the rest stringy relaxed ends. How do I know where to cut?
Wash or wet your hair and put conditioner in it. The natural part will be thicker and have texture to it, the relaxed part will be straight. Just cut off the straight part. You may want to go to a barber later if you want it evened up. Good luck and happy chopping!!
BUMP BUMP BUMP! I stood in the mirror yesterday, scissors in hand and all and I just stared at my hair. It was like I was in a trance or something. then I got scared that I will mess it up. Since Im home for the summer and I live in a small city, I dont really trust anyone hear to do the BC (Everyone hear is pretty much permed) And I don't want to be any hairstylist's first or 2nd so, I'll have to wait until I get back to Boston.- That is unless I don't have another showdown in the mirror b4 I do!

Has anyone done there own BCs here?????
I first wetted my hair then slathered Lekair Cholesterol Plus in my hair. The cholesterol allows you to see the different in your natural hair and relaxed hair. I stood in front of the mirror, took a section of hair, and cut right in between the curly new growth and straight ends (at the demarcation line). It was such a relieving experience! Best wishes to you whatever you decide to do! :)
I shampooed my hair then slathered on a light protein conditioner. Protein makes my natural hair curl up more, so I knew where the relaxed hair began, and I could see the damaged natural hair that had to go.
Enchantmt said:
Wash or wet your hair and put conditioner in it. The natural part will be thicker and have texture to it, the relaxed part will be straight. Just cut off the straight part. You may want to go to a barber later if you want it evened up. Good luck and happy chopping!!

This is how I cut off the remainder of my relaxed hair before I got it professionally cut.

Good luck!
so1913 said:
This is how I cut off the remainder of my relaxed hair before I got it professionally cut.

Good luck!

Thanks ladies! So1913, I love your hair. You're one of my favs here on the board. :)
Make sure you use a fresh, sharp pair of scissors. I just wet my hair and cut the relaxed ends off. Watch out, though. You could end up with a lot of layers.
When I bc'd the first time, I grew my hair out for 5 months and then had a "stylist" cut it off. She jacked up my hair and I felt that she made those 5 monthos of hellacious transitioning worthless. For this reason, the next time I bc, I'm going to just shave it all off and wear head wraps or wigs until it grows out some. To hell with all of the multi-texture drama!
1. I bought a pair of scissors.

2. I saturated my hair with water and shampoo.

3. I cut off all of relax hair I could see (some of the natural hair went as well).

4. Because my natural hair was very rough and brittle (scab hair I think) and looked choppy, the next day I went to the barber and had him cut my hair down. I was very specific with what I wanted him to do and not do: a low cut, no fade, no "lining" the front (I wanted my natural hairline), and only to "clean" up the nape a bit but with no defined line. I came out with a 0.5" fro that looked fierce:D

I transitioned for 7 months before the BC.
I did mine a week ago, and first washed my hair then slathered it with conditioner so I could see where the natural hair ended. In the end I was just spraying it with water, that was enough.
After I washed mine in the shower, it was still wet, so it was easy to see which was relaxed and which was natural.
i bc'd by wetting my hair to see the demarcation lines and then chopped away. If you're not good with scissors i would recommend having a barber or stylist do your big chop. I regret doing my own bc because i ended up with such uneven hair from being too scissor happy:(

good luck with whatever you route you take:)
Thanks ladies. I ended up doing a heavy dusting instead of bcing. I got a little scared when i realized how much hair I would have to cut off. :lol: It's looking better now though. No more scraggly ends. When I washed there was barely any shedding. I don't feel little pieces breaking off when I touch it now. I'll just continue to stretch until Halloween and see how it's looking by then.