How Do U All Feel about Mary Mary's song, "It's the God in Me"


You have some eye-opening points--things I haven't really considered; things I've just kind of passed over because they're so normal. Thanks :up:
I guess, the reason

I don't see a problem with pronouns with CeCe,

don't know about BeBe:blush: is because she seems she has a genuine relationship w/God

and I don't know but do many of her songs use the name of Jesus? But I think you are you think her song glorifies God?

I remember when Yolanda Adams had that song, "Alone in a room, just me and you." My dad was shaking his head talking about, "People don't even know she is talking about God."

But about the dress I posted, if any one wants to know why I can't get it nor do I want to now is because it is too fitting, too tight and it would cause' men to lust.

1 Corinthians 8:11-13

11 And because of your knowledge shall the weak brother perish, for whom Christ died? 12 But when you thus sin against the brethren, and wound their weak conscience, you sin against Christ. 13 Therefore, if food makes my brother stumble, I will never again eat meat, lest I make my brother stumble.
For me personally, when CeCe sings, I 'know' she's worshipping God. It's all in her music and verse.

Another thing that my daughter and I appreciate about her is that she does not 'always' dress with the blitz and bling as so many of the Christian 'rock stars' dress. I won't say that she hasn't dressed in the glitz and glamour, but for the most part her dressing has been humbled when we've seen her on TBN and other shows.

We have many of her CD's and our family CD favorites are Alabaster Box and Throne Room.

The babies know her music and can sing almost every song of hers word for word. CeCe's music among serveral other artists, 'relaxes' my spirit. On long drives, we play it and the children calm down and become less impatient as we travel.

One of our favorites is 'One and the Same"

How shall I begin
To speak about a God that I will never comprehend
So High and Mighty
And yet closer than a friend
The beginning and the end
The mystery of his Holiness
The wonders of His humanness are


One,one and the same
I can't do Him Justice with anyone name
The Holy God of Heaven
And the humble Man who bore my shame
Are one, one and the same

I scarcely understand
How a simple servant can be called the great I Am
How the Son of God
Is still the Son of man

Both the Shepherd and the Lamb
The healer and the Wounded One
The Father and the only Son are


The way that we can come to know
The truth that sets us free
The Life that died and rose again
Love revealed


(extra lyrics)
Prince of Peace
Wonderful !
First and the Last

Oh, Holy Ghost
And the Humble man who bore my shame
Are one, one and the same
Are one
One and the same


Chica, as for the song by Yolanda Adams, you Dad is so right. I believe with all of my heart that Yolanda is personally worshipping God --- but the song 'sense' tilts more to a different interpretation of it.

There can be 'glory' in all music, but as Christians we still have to flow and follow our convictions. I cannot listen to 'gospel' songs all day as others can. It's okay for parties to 'liven' things up for the occasion.; but, it doesn't settle my spirit. I am a worshipper and one who is in prayer a lot and 'active' music doesn't settle me.

There's a time for gospel and a time for worship. I give gospel 5% and Contemportary and Worship 95%... :lol:

The one radio station that I keep on in my home 24/7/365/366 is this one, ; even when I'm home in Florida, I can listen to it from my computer. I love this station.
It's a very cool song :yep: but I was a little concerned with the jeans (very tight) that one of them wore recently at a live awards show performance. :look:
This bother's me, the tight jeans and the tight shirts, etc. I mean, what's the point and should I say, 'what's the message' they are trying to convey?

On one hand they 'sing' Jesus and on the other they dress seductive. No one is lured into the Kingdom of God; instead, they are moved and loved and 'drawn' by the Holy Spirit of God.

We cannot serve two masters, the world and the Kingdom of God. Christian super stars need to come into the reality that they are not placed up front to show off their booties and boobies, but to extend the love of Jesus and keep the focus on 'Him' and not 'them. '
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And on the secular music tip, no where am I saying that Christians should not listen to it. But I will correct my post and say there are few songs that I can listen to without being a.) entirely disgusted or b.) somewhat convicted even if I think it is okay.

The bible says we should all things for the glory of God and that can mean being a good wife and mother, being a good employee, obeying the law, cleaning our house, etc. So, people say, "Well, how can listening to secular songs or going to a theme park or getting our hair done glorify God." To that I say, if you are listening to a song that is straight talking about fornicating, pimp-slapping someone, or about how much bling, dough they have...this is obviously not glorifying God. However, I believe that the way our music selections can glorify God is if it falls in line with his Word. For instance, Eve was made as a help-meet to Adam and the God told them to be fruitful and multiply. If there is a genuine non-sexual song about a man's love for a woman, then I believe this can be glorifying to God. Please correct me if I am wrong. I think of the song by Chante's husband, "For You I Will." Beautiful song IMO, no sexual or graphic images just pure love.

On the other hand, if you have a Beyonce song talking about this and that, when we know she wasn't married when DC's last cd came out, it is glorifying IMHO. I'm thinking the song, "T-shirt." We know that Beyonce might not know what she was doing or is doing is wrong and for single women, it is diffucult to listen to these type of songs without our flesh rising up against us so if it is diffucult for devout women to listen to it, what is it doing to Beyonce...the one who's singing it? Now, some may say that she is making it for married couples and perhaps that is so, but I couldn't see myself as a single woman making songs about having sex if I'm not allowed too. It would only make me frustrated! :look: :blush:

So, we have now a question that since Beyonce is married is it okay for her to make songs about sex? Well, I don't know about you all but I wouldn't want to nor would I want my husband to be listening to Beyonce "oohing and ahhing" while having intercourse. I don't want any voice interference from anyone...Barry White, Marvin Gaye, no one. I want complete and total focus on the two of us.:yep:

And finally about Beyonce and her songs, in all things even if she is married we have to look at the fruit that her songs bare. As you know, her image is almost a 180 of what Christian women should dress or behave. So, because of that you have many wordly people listening to her music which only sows bad seeds in their heart because of the lyrics. If she has a wordly image then she is going to attract mostly wordly listeners. In part, wordly people do wordly things which means 7/10 (guess) the people having intercourse to the song are probably fornicating.

All in all, I know I am getting over to listening to some of her and other secular songs that I know don't glorify God but I have to watch myself and stay prayed up cause' this has been a problem in the past for me. Even as much as I try to tell myself, "Hey, I just like the song," a few weeks later the manifestation of me listening rises up in my flesh and then I'm back to square 4 instead of square 7.:nono:

I think I will start a thread on this.:grin:
It's funny, but MOST (99%) :lol: of the secular songs I am unfamiliar with. Beyonce, 50 cent, JZ, Mary J Blige, and 'nem'..... I've heard of them in name mostly, but I'm not up with much of their music unless it's playing in a Mall or something. :drunk:

UNTIL, I heard and listened to and made note of Beyonce's song, "If I were a Boy". I don't agree with much of the song, but these were the words that caught my attention:

If I were a boy ....
I think I could understand
How it feels to love a girl
I swear I'd be a better man
I'd listen to her....
Cause I know how it hurts
When you lose the one you wanted
Cause he's taking you for granted
And everything you had got destroyed

These words hit home, because for the most part, a woman wants a man who will 'listen' to her heart...

The 2nd song of hers which caught my attention was 'Single Ladies', all because of Justin Timberlake when they both appeared on Saturday Night Live (which I didn't watch until the elections --- now I don't since Tina Fey is no longer there as Sarah Palin). Justin was a total clown with that song and each time I hear the song, I think of him and laugh.

Other than that I don't know too much of what Beyonce and 'nem' sings. I'm too busy trying to grow my hair.... :lachen:
This bother's me, the tight jeans and the tight shirts, etc. I mean, what's the point and should I say, 'what's the message' they are trying to convey?

On one hand they 'sing' Jesus and on the other they dress seductive. No one is lured into the Kingdom of God; instead, they are moved and loved and 'drawn' by the Holy Spirit of God.

We cannot serve two masters, the world and the Kingdom of God. Christian super stars need to come into the reality that they are not placed up front to show off their booties and boobies, but to extend the love of Jesus and keep the focus on 'Him' and not 'them. '

Yeah, it was just weird. They were singing about Him, but I was so busy trying to figure out how the wardrobe went with the song. :crazy: A nonbeliever might find him or herself distracted for other reasons.
I just read through this thread and agree and disagree with a lot of what was said.

I like this song and I love the album. I understand the message that Mary Mary are singing about.

For me gospel music whether it is urban, contemporary, traditional, country or whatever label you want to give it is still gospel music. Gospel music is a way to testify your faith. Gospel music is a way to minister to some people. Gospel music is a way to witness.

After reading this thread, the expression
Preaching To The Choir ( trying to make believers out of people who already believe ... ) came to mind. Christianity is just not about preaching to the choir but witnessing our faith to those who are not saved. Matt. 28:19 states "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit." Gospel music that is attracts Non-Christians is getting their attention and bringing them closer to God. No one is born a Christian. We become Christians during our journey of life. We all take different paths to Christianity. Helping others get to salvation should be our goal as Christians.

Can anyone here say with 100% certainty that David Banner is not a Christian or is on his way to salavation? I doubt it. I for one will not be the one to judge his faith.

Food for thought, if a Non-Christian can sing word for word a secular song and understand the meaning of the words, wouldn't those same people understand the words of a Gospel song with a catchy beat? The introduction of Gospel music with a catchy beat to those who would not gravitate to it is better than preaching to the choir. As Christians, we have to witness.

Some Christians love Gospel music, some love
Gregorian chant, some love hymns, some love, some don't even listen to music.

One of the ways Mary Mary chosed to witness is through their music. If their music brings more people to Christianity that is all that matters. Not every Gospel song by every Gospel artist will statisfy all Christians.

I'm not a frequent poster, but I wanted to throw my two cents in on the matter. Like everything else, please take it as my own view on the matter...

I'm sill trying to figure out what a "worldly beat", "worldly sound", and "worldly technique" is? So just because something sounds like "hip-hop" or whatever, that automatically makes it "worldly"? That automatically means that if a Gospel artist uses that kind of beat that they are trying to be in the world? Should I be sitting and waiting for the Holy Spirit to convict me about my wrongdoing because I'm listening to this song and I like it? What about Christian rock bands? Are Christian rock bands that use the same chord progressions, melodies, beats, etc as "worldly" rock bands they trying to be like the world?

Personally, I love the fact that Mary Mary and others are taking something that is so-called "worldly" and turning it around and making it Godly. And yes, I'm sorry, the song IS Godly:

"But what they don't know is when you go home
and get behind closed doors, man you hit the floor
and what they can't see is you're on your knees
so the next time you get it just tell 'em
It's the GOD in me..."

"Kiki: What is it you think you see
when you see me, you see me
You don't know how much I pray
don't know how much I gave
don't know how much I changed
I'm just tryna explain..."

The song is not saying "look at me, look at me, look at how wonderful I am". The song is explaining that, when you look at me, what you see is a nice car, the fact that I'm well dressed, and all of the other material things that I have. What you may not know is that I'm blessed with these things because of God - because I spent time in prayer, because I obeyed God with my tithe and offering, because I have yeilded to his will in my life. The song is saying that, when you do all of these things - when you follow what the Word outlines as a Godly life - this is what you get. You sow prayer, tithes, offering, time, etc., and you reap blessings, "pressed down, shaken together, and running over". It's simple Luke 6:38, 2 Corinthians 9:6, and Isiah 1:19 stuff.

My dad is the media director in the teen ministry at the church we attend. Alot of the teens there are musically inclined, and many of them write and produce their own rap songs. Yes, some of the songs they write talk about the material wealth they have gained as a result of following GODLY principles outlined in the BIBLE (such as seed time and harvest). I love to hear them rap about these things because:
1.) they understand that everything they have comes from God,
2.) they are telling and showing the world that God keeps the promises he made in the bible about sowing and reaping, and
3.) they are using their talents to glorify God.

I'm sorry, but there is nothing wrong with saying "look at what I have", and then turning around and saying "I have this because of God - because I put in the time and work it takes to live a Godly life, and this is not of my own doing, but God's doing". To me, it glorifies God because it lets the world know that YES - GOD KEEPS HIS PROMISES TO HIS PEOPLE! It gives the world living proof that living a Godly life means prospering in every area of your life - including in your finances. You want a life where "you look at her life and you think she's got it made"? Live for Jesus and you can have it.

That doesn't mean that we can reduce Christianity to "prosperity gospel", as many people call it. I by no means think that that's okay. However, that isn't what Mary Mary is trying to do. Being blessed in your finances is only one part of living the Christian life, just as this is only one song on Mary Mary's album. Just to let people know, they DO talk about other things on the album.

I just don't think we give people - including worldy people - enough credit for their intelligence. Most people who listen to music do so because of a combination of the beat and the words - not just the beat. When most people listen to a song, they can figure out what's going on and what the artist is talking about. For most people, that's how they come to like or dislike a song. You have to give people at least that much. If you listen to the song, you will understand what they're trying to say.

If you can't get past the beat long enough to listen to the words, then I can't really help you on that one. Should Mary Mary change their musical style because some people can't get past the beat long enough to hear the message? Nope. If my pastor got up and gave the Word in a shiny space suit, I'd still be able to listen to and understand what he was saying. The shiny space suit might make me laugh a little, and it might distract me for a minute, but it wouldn't stop me from getting what I need to get.
The beat is nice. But, like I said before this song offers up no kind of praise to God, in my opinion.

The woman in the song created a list of the all of the things that she owns. And then claimed that "it's the God in her." Which God is she talking about? Is it the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob? Or is it the god of this world?

Let's turn to Matthew 4:1:11: Is about when Christ was being tempted by satan. And Christ denied satan 3 times and all three times, Jesus resisted. This is the way that I am striving to be, always.

Verse 8-9 says:
8 Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them;

9And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.

The Lamb of God says in verse 10: Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.

Ladies please understand that satan has the authority to give you riches also. Why? because he even offered Jesus the whole world and it's riches, and the Lamb of God rebuked the devil. Glory To God!!!

I can understand why some might believe that this is a testimony, but just because the woman in the song can go home and get on her knees, pray and say "It's the God in me," does not qualify this as a gospel song. Sorry but it isnt. She doesn't personally give God the praise and glory through Jesus Christ for the things that blessings that she has. She does acknowledge that someone gave it to her. But she didnt say who gave it to her.

The woman in this song shows no humility at all. Not saying that she should be ashamed of the things she has, but the Bible makes it clear about boasting.

James 4:14-17 (King James Version)

14Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.

15For that ye ought to say, If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that.

16But now ye rejoice in your boastings: all such rejoicing is evil.

17Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin

Even in the the book of Job, Job personally acknowledges that it is God who has given him everything he owns. Then he turns around and blesses the name of the Lord.
Job 1:21 (KJV)

"And said, Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD."

I originally just wanted to put my two cents in, but I want to respond to the last post. I've been a Christian nearly all my life, but I've only been serious about my faith in the last few years. I think talking about Christian issues (especially ones like these) really helps me see where I stand as far as my faith goes. Again, please take it as my own personal view...

It's a song, and they have all of 3 or 4 minutes to get one simple message across. You really do have to give people credit for their intelligence. I don't think it can get any more clear than "it's the God in me". When they sing it, they're singing it about the one and only God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob. They are Gospel artists, and people know that. People know what Mary Mary is about. And if by chance they don't, the responsibility falls on that person to go and find out what they're about before they continue listening to their music. I'm sorry, but I think people know what God they are singing about.

The song is not about boasting. The song is about saying "the world sees me with these things, the world says these things about me, and they think its about me when it's really God who gave me these things." I don't see how that doesn't glorify God. It's saying to people "It's not ME - it's HIM who did all of this". I just can't see how this song doesn't glorify God when it's clearly speaking about the Godly principles of sowing and reaping.

One of my favorite Gospel songs ever is "No Weapon" by Fred Hammond. In the lyrics to that song, he says "God will do what he said he will do". I never mistook the song for talking about any other than the one and only God above. He also says "I will stand my ground with the Lord on my side". I could say "Is he talking about the Lord of Lords, or the Lord of the Rings?". But I think I know which Lord he's referring to. Why? Because I know what Fred Hammond is about. I know he's a gospel artist. And I listen to the words and I get what he's saying - I know that the only one who could give me protection to the degree that NO weapon formed against me shall prosper is that one and only God above.
The song is not about boasting. The song is about saying "the world sees me with these things, the world says these things about me, and they think its about me when it's really God who gave me these things." I don't see how that doesn't glorify God. It's saying to people "It's not ME - it's HIM who did all of this". I just can't see how this song doesn't glorify God when it's clearly speaking about the Godly principles of sowing and reaping.


That's the exact thing I get from the song as well.
Ooooooooooookay! I haven't heard the song, only found out about it by this thread. So today, I finally pulled up the lyrics and I found a home video that someone created with 'still shots' (not performance).

The song's meaning is understood. They are giving God credit for what they have been blessed with. Here are the lyrics.

NOW.... I do have an issue here which I will note at the end of my post here.

The Lyrics:

Mary Mary - God In Me Lyrics

I just wanna tell the truth mayne (5x)
Verse 1: Your so fly your so high
Everybody around you trying to figure out why
Your so cool you win all the time

Everywhere you go man you get a lot of shine
You’re draw like a magnet better yet I have it
Everything you wear people say they got have it
From the sweat suit to the white tee to the Gucci
You can probably say people wanna get like me

Hook: But what they don’t know is when you go home
And get behind closed doors man you hit the floor
And what they can’t see is your on your knees
So the next time you get a chance tell em

Chorus: It’s the God in me (5x)
You think I’m so fresh you think I’m so clean
You think I’m so sweet It’s the God in me

Kiki:What is it you think you see
Verse 2: You see her style you think she nice
You look at her whip you say the whip tight
You look at her crib you thinkin she’s paid
You look at her life you think she’s got it made
But everything she’s got the girl’s been given
She calls it a blessing but you call it living

When it comes to money she can be a hero
She writes them checks with a whole lot of zeros
Hook: But what you don’t know is when she get home
And get behind closed doors man she hits the floor
And what you can’t see is she’s on her knees
If you ask her she’ll tell you

Chorus: It’s the God in me (5x)
You think I’m so fresh you think I’m so clean
You think I’m so sweet It’s the God in me

Kiki: What is it you think you see

Kiki: What is it you think you see
When you see me, you see me
You don’t know how much I pray
Don’t know how much I gave
Don’t know how much I changed
I’m just tryna explain

Chorus: It’s the God in me (5x)
You think I’m so fresh you think I’m so clean
You think I’m so sweet It’s the God in me

Kiki: What is it you think you see

Now Here's My Issue:

What's with the boobs showing and the tube top in some of these pictures. AND their pants are 'fitting' but not befitting if you're out in public stage giving God glory. How can they be taken seriously singing gospel but dressing hostile.

If they want to dress like this privately, so be it. But not on gospel album covers, on stage singing gospel and the like. It's just not right. There's a time and a place for things and this isn't it. :nono::nono::nono:

Even as a Dancer, I still know better. When I'm ministering I'm fully covered, my tops are zipped and my rear is showing, I have it covered with a long shirt. Even when I'm in the gym, I am fully covered, no boobs, no behind. Don't get me wrong, I do have a 'wardrobe' of gowns, costumes, Dance wear and other clothes that 'fit'; However, there is such a word called 'modesty'. I know when and where to wear it and how and why.

What's even sadder is that even the 'world' knows better and it's no wonder the Church is in a mixed up mess because of the way some folks dress and still preach Jesus.

Here are some other links that may be of interest.
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It is nice to see this thread is still alive and well!

The more we grow in our relationship with The Lord I believe our desires should grow as well. The surface things will no longer satisfy - we should grow weary with milk and desire meat as our relationship with The Lord deepens and we know Him better.

This contradicts what I witness hapenning to many "gospel" artists. Many begin singing about the gospel and portraying holiness, but as their popularity increases the holiness seems to decrease. Next thing you know, it is not "gospel" but "inspirational" - instead of being a witness for the world - some become like the world. Next thing you know they share compliations and projects with secular artists.

When we become saved we are called "out" of the world. Also, I am not buying this thing about going "into the world" to witness... many take that trip and get lost :-) If we think the world is drawn to us because we are benign and neutral we are fooling ourselves. If they want to go to a club they can go to a club - when the church tries it it is just a bad imitation...

The gospel of Jesus Christ is not a pretty gospel - but one that causes us to indeed take sides.

Sorry for the ramble... I have gotten carried away...
It is nice to see this thread is still alive and well!

The more we grow in our relationship with The Lord I believe our desires should grow as well. The surface things will no longer satisfy - we should grow weary with milk and desire meat as our relationship with The Lord deepens and we know Him better.

This contradicts what I witness hapenning to many "gospel" artists. Many begin singing about the gospel and portraying holiness, but as their popularity increases the holiness seems to decrease. Next thing you know, it is not "gospel" but "inspirational" - instead of being a witness for the world - some become like the world. Next thing you know they share compliations and projects with secular artists.

When we become saved we are called "out" of the world. Also, I am not buying this thing about going "into the world" to witness... many take that trip and get lost :-) If we think the world is drawn to us because we are benign and neutral we are fooling ourselves. If they want to go to a club they can go to a club - when the church tries it it is just a bad imitation...

The gospel of Jesus Christ is not a pretty gospel - but one that causes us to indeed take sides.

Sorry for the ramble... I have gotten carried away...


I agree with this on so many different levels. AMEN sister!
I understand what they were trying to do but, I don't like it. It equates God with materialism & the worship of things. Also, the song could easily be misinterpreted by someone who doesn't have a firm relationship with the Jesus Christ. If the goal is to witness to the world, you have to consider how the world might hear the song.
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It's funny, but MOST (99%) :lol: of the secular songs I am unfamiliar with. Beyonce, 50 cent, JZ, Mary J Blige, and 'nem'..... I've heard of them in name mostly, but I'm not up with much of their music unless it's playing in a Mall or something. :drunk:

UNTIL, I heard and listened to and made note of Beyonce's song, "If I were a Boy". I don't agree with much of the song, but these were the words that caught my attention:

If I were a boy ....
I think I could understand
How it feels to love a girl
I swear I'd be a better man
I'd listen to her....
Cause I know how it hurts
When you lose the one you wanted
Cause he's taking you for granted
And everything you had got destroyed

These words hit home, because for the most part, a woman wants a man who will 'listen' to her heart...

The 2nd song of hers which caught my attention was 'Single Ladies', all because of Justin Timberlake when they both appeared on Saturday Night Live (which I didn't watch until the elections --- now I don't since Tina Fey is no longer there as Sarah Palin). Justin was a total clown with that song and each time I hear the song, I think of him and laugh.

Other than that I don't know too much of what Beyonce and 'nem' sings. I'm too busy trying to grow my hair.... :lachen:

For certain reasons, it disturbs me to hear a song about anyone of one sex imagining if they were the opposite sex. I cringed even when I read the lyrics.

Now, I am not ashamed (for the most part) okay, for rather half of the part of where I've been. And yes, that includes listening to some of the most lude songs, but as I've said, I'm growing and listening to Too Short of Ying Yang Twins now disturbs me. I'm a work-in-progress and what I would listen to five years ago, I don't listen to now. What I will listen to five years from now, I probably won't listen to know.

Suffice to say, that this is how I know about a lot of secular songs.:look:
For certain reasons, it disturbs me to hear a song about anyone of one sex imagining if they were the opposite sex. I cringed even when I read the lyrics.

Now, I am not ashamed (for the most part) okay, for rather half of the part of where I've been. And yes, that includes listening to some of the most lude songs, but as I've said, I'm growing and listening to Too Short of Ying Yang Twins now disturbs me. I'm a work-in-progress and what I would listen to five years ago, I don't listen to now. What I will listen to five years from now, I probably won't listen to know.

Suffice to say, that this is how I know about a lot of secular songs.:look:
I understand where you're coming from. :yep:

I don't think 'she' (Beyonce) is saying she wants to be a boy. :nono: She's just sharing that if she were a 'boy', she wouldn't treat a woman the way that many 'boys' (men) do. To me she's making the famous quote,

"If I were 'you', I'd do things different (better).

She doesn't want to be a boy and I don't think that any of the women who 'know' this song wish to be a boy eitther. :nono:

My 'friend' :love2: and I banter each other often with, "If I were you, I would say (or do), such and such..." Yet he doesn't wish to be a woman, nor do I wish to be a man. We're just having a battle of the sexes, so to speak which to me is what Beyonce's song reveals.

I'm starting to 'listen' to what people are saying when they sing. Be it gospel, contemporary, worship, and now I'm paying attention to the words which I hear in secular music. There's a message behind each song, for a song expresses one's heart and soul. Some are good, some are not so good, others are very negative, and many are simply demonic.

Mary, Mary (and the like) are beginning to 'bother' me. I haven't seen them perform in a while (since one of them had a baby). But it' seems that singing the Gospel of Jesus is not enough for them. Why do they have to dress so worldly, so expose' .... why? They can wear this type of clothing privately for their husbands. But when you are in public singing the praises of God, you have to present yourself accordingly. It saddens me to see them not doing so. :nono:

ETA: I need to read this entire thread...I feel like I'm missing something in the translation.
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I understand where you're coming from. :yep:

I don't think 'she' (Beyonce) is saying she wants to be a boy. :nono: She's just sharing that if she were a 'boy', she wouldn't treat a woman the way that many 'boys' (men) do. To me she's making the famous quote,

"If I were 'you', I'd do things different (better).

She doesn't want to be a boy and I don't think that any of the women who 'know' this song wish to be a boy eitther. :nono:

My 'friend' :love2: and I banter each other often with, "If I were you, I would say (or do), such and such..." Yet he doesn't wish to be a woman, nor do I wish to be a man. We're just having a battle of the sexes, so to speak which to me is what Beyonce's song reveals.

I'm starting to 'listen' to what people are saying when they sing. Be it gospel, contemporary, worship, and now I'm paying attention to the words which I hear in secular music. There's a message behind each song, for a song expresses one's heart and soul. Some are good, some are not so good, others are very negative, and many are simply demonic.

Mary, Mary (and the like) are beginning to 'bother' me. I haven't seen them perform in a while (since one of them had a baby). But it' seems that singing the Gospel of Jesus is not enough for them. Why do they have to dress so worldly, so expose' .... why? They can wear this type of clothing privately for their husbands. But when you are in public singing the praises of God, you have to present yourself accordingly. It saddens me to see them not doing so. :nono:

ETA: I need to read this entire thread...I feel like I'm missing something in the translation.

I respect everyone's opinion in the thread, I guess I really don't like Beyonce anymore or rather I don't want to hear her sing. I don't like the Beyonce Knowles presented to us, granted I love her as my neighbor and have even prayed for her and will continue to but I just don't like 'Beyonce.'

But you know, to each her own. As Christians, issues like this where the bible doesn't specifically say, "Don't listen to channel 106.3" or something to the effect will just have to be simple disagreements. Everyone has their own timing in spiritual growth and I will not try to claim as if I am right or anyone else is wrong, but for me I don't like the message of the song. I am always open to the Holy spirit changing my heart so I will pray to hear a concise answer to this because it is very intriguing that one body can have so many different answers.

Would this be comparable to the meat issue discussed in Corinthians or no?
It is nice to see this thread is still alive and well!

The more we grow in our relationship with The Lord I believe our desires should grow as well. The surface things will no longer satisfy - we should grow weary with milk and desire meat as our relationship with The Lord deepens and we know Him better.

This contradicts what I witness hapenning to many "gospel" artists. Many begin singing about the gospel and portraying holiness, but as their popularity increases the holiness seems to decrease. Next thing you know, it is not "gospel" but "inspirational" - instead of being a witness for the world - some become like the world. Next thing you know they share compliations and projects with secular artists.

When we become saved we are called "out" of the world. Also, I am not buying this thing about going "into the world" to witness... many take that trip and get lost :-) If we think the world is drawn to us because we are benign and neutral we are fooling ourselves. If they want to go to a club they can go to a club - when the church tries it it is just a bad imitation...

The gospel of Jesus Christ is not a pretty gospel - but one that causes us to indeed take sides.

Sorry for the ramble... I have gotten carried away...

Exactly, shouldn't the world conform to the church and not the church conforming to the world?
It's My theme song.

I am well balanced and I like it all. I like the old school sound, The Hawkins, Winans, Commisioned, Andre Crouch as well as the new Mary Mary, Men of Standard, Kirk Franklin.

I purcahsed the Cd the day after it was released and I really like it. I like Super Friend a lot too as well as Get Up!

However, I too with some others question cleavage showing and tight pants. They are hippy girls. Any saved man will tell you that they are still men and like to look at women. A saved male friend once told me that ,I was living in a dream world. He told me not to think just because a man is saved he is not lusting.

There was an article years ago about Trini-tee 5:7. One of te original girls left the group because she refused to wear certain clothes.

I am stopping now....
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Just now hearing this song. I would like offer a verse for contemplation...

1 Peter 2:9 - But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light;

I pray that we as Christians realize who we are, who and what we are called to be.

God bless ladies.
I like it. Not all gospel music needs to be reflective. Sometimes I need something with a beat to clean the house with. All though the lyrics focus on being "fresh and clean" with nice things, the idea that their attitude, worldy goods, and good fortune are a product of having a relationship with God is still a positive message. That would not be my choice for a meditative song, but it is an upbeat song that reminds us that success comes from having a relationship with God.
I didn't know that was a gospel song. I thought it was a club song. I like it though. It has a lot of energy to it.

I love this song/beat by Mary Mary.... the problem is it reminds me of the song by Jamie Foxx-Blame it feat T.Pain
which doesn't exactly have great lyrics :rolleyes:.
Listening to the words of 'It's the God in Me' and then 'Blame It', one praises God and one favours sin. Not only sin, but denial of sin which allows sin to persist :nono:.

Certain people will only listen to music of this genre and who knows, someone may start to actually analyse the words of Mary Mary's song and start thinking about living a life lead by God.

That's another thing. I was wondering if this song would really bring people to Christ or glorify God. I mean, it could be for alread stable Christians. I don't know but I find myself not even having the desire to listen to secular music while exercising anymore... I guess the holy spirit has no desire for it since he is living in me. But before, I would find non-sinful secular songs with a good beat to it but now, I really can't find many songs I like listening to.

That is the issue for me, I feel no good emotion not happy, not sad but I do feel guilty. I feel like I shouldn't be listening to it. Its my personal feeling. Truthfully, each time it comes on I look to make sure no one changed the station in my car. I always think its on the wrong station. I don't listen to much secular muisic anymore, unless its James Taylor and some soft rock and thats just because I dont' feel guilty when I listen to it. Maybe is a personal thing but for me it never makes me think about God and his mercy or his forgiveness or what he has done for me at all. It makes me think about my old days being in the club. for real it does.
That is the issue for me, I feel no good emotion not happy, not sad but I do feel guilty. I feel like I shouldn't be listening to it. Its my personal feeling. Truthfully, each time it comes on I look to make sure no one changed the station in my car. I always think its on the wrong station. I don't listen to much secular muisic anymore, unless its James Taylor and some soft rock and thats just because I dont' feel guilty when I listen to it. Maybe is a personal thing but for me it never makes me think about God and his mercy or his forgiveness or what he has done for me at all. It makes me think about my old days being in the club. for real it does.

I feel the same way. I listened to the entire CD and I kept looking to be sure that it was Mary Mary and that it was marketed as a Christian CD. :blush: I think about the club when I hear the CD not Jesus. Just being honest...
No matter how Christian music sounds, if God is in the message it's alright by me. I think that Christians do themselves a disservice by believing worship only comes in a few forms. Christianity for me, is a total life experience and the fact that I love the Lord doesn't mean that I'm so prudish that I can't appreciate a catchy spirit filled beat. I'm not gonna sit around and listen to "swing low, sweet chariot" all the time, ya know? :lachen:
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But about the dress I posted, if any one wants to know why I can't get it nor do I want to now is because it is too fitting, too tight and it would cause' men to lust.

1 Corinthians 8:11-13

11 And because of your knowledge shall the weak brother perish, for whom Christ died? 12 But when you thus sin against the brethren, and wound their weak conscience, you sin against Christ. 13 Therefore, if food makes my brother stumble, I will never again eat meat, lest I make my brother stumble.[/quote]
Exactly, I was struggling to find the right words for that dress its a nice dress for at home with hubby but other then that no. These woman today cause so many men to struggle and they dont' care, what do they say thats your problem. I can wear what I want to wear. I can't help it if I look good. its really sad. I use to think this too. I use to make sure I looked good and sexy when I walked out that door. Thank God for his grace because i use to feel so ashame when I think on my past behavior.
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And there we have it!

I don't get it- the song is titled "It's the God in me"....not to seem rude or anything of the like but these aren't one of those implying Christian songs that make you go..."who is he/she in love with?"....but if someone were to listen to the words then they would clearly see that they are talking about God....but I dunno....I think people should listen to what works for them spiritually....I love the hip music and although I was raised on the Pentecostal church shakin firery drums keyboard guitar music I still can appreciate some different styles like contemporary-I'd even listen to country Christian music as long as it's about HIM....but this is just my take on it. I just hope that this song doesn't stop people from loving the Lord or divide us Christians
I understand what they were trying to do but, I don't like it. It equates God with materialism & the worship of things. Also, the song could easily be misinterpreted by someone who doesn't have a firm relationship with the Jesus Christ. If the goal is to witness to the world, you have to consider how the world might hear the song.

That's pretty much what I thought when I heard it the first time. I didn't really feel it,but then I thought- hey we can't get it right all the time everytime- at least when we are trying to please millions of listeners. I think that as long as they believe it's okay with God, then cool- move it along. There is always gonna be some that agree and don't. It's things like these that remind me to stay in my Word, pray, fast, listen to the Father because when it comes to living right I have to know what's expected otherwise I will be doing anything....the wrong thing.
Mary, Mary have always had 'catchy' rhythms with their music. :rocker:

"Shackles" had my babies dancing all over the house and in the van... :lol: It was one of the songs that they would all sing together, heads nodding, shoulders a' goin', feet a' movin' :happydance: Children are so adorable when they sing and dance. :love2: :yep: :lol:

Mary, Mary has a 'Birthday Song' too, that really rocks... I think it was called, Tavis's Birthday... (I need someone to correct me on this). :yep:

I love music, period. I have to admit that I'm particial to quiet "Worship Music' (Ce-Ce Winans, Juanita Bynum, Hossanah Singers, Integrity Worship Songs, Bryan Duncan, Ron Kenoly, Alvin Slaugther, Stephen Curtis Chapman, Michael W. Smith, Dennis Jernigan, and others; Contemporary Christian Music and many of the hymns. It's settles my spirit. :meditate:

But at family gatherings / parties, songs like "Mary, Mary" set a 'gospel' party mood, as opposed to secular words and harsh rap music. :woot:
I'm glad it has crossed over to the regular stations. You don't know how many lives can be saved because of the message in that song getting out to the general masses that obviously need to hear Gospel but usually skip right past the Gospel stations...:yep: